Sunday, July 13, 2008

Carthage Press rebounds with coverage of Klinginsmith ceremony

In the July 2 Turner Report, I criticized The Carthage Press for its mediocre coverage of the death of prominent Carthage attorney Tom Klinginsmith.

As you might recall, The Press made the correct decision to run the story on Mr. Klinginsmith's death on page one, but instead of having someone on the staff call a few people and dig into the files (which are most likely non-existent), whoever made the call simply ran the obituary provided by the family on page one...and ran the same obituary, word for word, on page two.

Mr. Klinginsmith received a better sendoff from The Press 11 days later. Today's edition featured a page one story and photo by John Hacker on Saturday's memorial service for Mr. Klinginsmith.

That worked this time, but how many times will memorial services be held later to allow the local newspaper to catch up?

It would be nice if I could provide a link, but the Press, as usual, is a day or two behind.


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Speaking of being a day or two behind have been eerily silent on the Sheriff and Bartosh endorsing Putnam. Maybe you're not as edgy as most of your readers would like to think. You are so quick to stand up for what's right, at least that's what I get from reading your blog everyday.

    On an unrelated issue, were you teaching in Diamond in the early 90's?

  2. I hadn't really thought much about the Dunn/Bartosh endorsements. I have written in the past about the dangers of underestimating Archie Dunn, and argued with the Globe's contention that Chuck Surface's DWI arrest cost Surface his election against Bartosh. Bartosh would have won anyway. Archie Dunn is a powerful man.

    I taught in Diamond from 1999 through 2003 and did my student teaching there in 1981.

  3. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Why can't the Carthage Press update its website on a regular basis? Is it laziness or just plain incompetence?

  4. Anonymous4:18 AM

    To 119 anonymous - if you want the current news, go buy a paper. You want newspapers to do wonderful things, but what do you do to make that posssible?

    it cost money to produce a newspaper so why don't you subscribe and help out a bit to get what you want instead of complain about not getting it up to date and free on the web?

    it cost you nothing to read it online so quit complaining.

  5. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Thanks for answering both of my questions Randy. Do you think people are wise enough to see what is attempting to be done with these endorsements? I talked to a very wise old politician last week and he said that this is one more step in attempting to move the county seat to Joplin. He said people have been underhandedly trying to accomplish this for years. Jim Honey has done a fine, respectable job. Again, I appreciate you giving me your opinion.
