Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hadsall: Campaign contribution transparency in his myth

In the Joplin Globe's weekly column on money in politics, reporter Joe Hadsall lays it on the line- The self-serving statements by politicians who backed this bill saying it was to add transparency to the system are a bunch of nonsense.
Not only can well-heeled special interests drops hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, into campaigns, but if they want to, they can still launder them through the same committee system that this bill was initially supposed to eliminate:

But here’s the catch: The bill doesn’t change or limit the laws for donating money through political committees.

That whole bit about adding transparency is a myth. The bill Blunt signed, invoking Koster’s name, won’t do anything to prevent another situation like Koster’s.

Blunt spokesman Rich Chrismer addressed the committees in a news release. Chrismer said the law would limit money through committees “by making it easier for members of the press and the public to find abuses.”

When Missouri approved the limits in 1994, it was with a 74 percent majority. It’s disturbing how Blunt — twice — has subverted such a clear will of the people, and how the General Assembly — also twice — has backed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely a breaking news segment!!! What I can't figure out is how the same people who actually voted for this bill claiming transparency were the same votes that declined an amendment to disable PACs... go figure. Nodler groupies any help here?