Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Harris issues statement on AP Koster report

It did not take long for one of Chris Koster's opponents in the Democratic primary for attorney general, Jeff Harris, D-Columbia, to issue a statement concerning the Associated Press article that indicates Koster staff members were involved in a money laundering operation to provide funds for Koster's campaign. The following statement was just issued by Harris:

"Candidates for public office, especially candidates for Attorney General, must hold themselves to the highest ethical standards. This article raises serious questions about Senator Koster's conduct."


  1. Randy, I'm curious how you got Harris' statement so early. I didn't get the release until after 5pm, and I'm presumably on the same media list. Margaret Donnelly's campaign issued a statement shortly before 2:30.

    Full disclosure: I work for Margaret.

  2. I would like to say it's because of hard work, but I received the release and immediately put it on the blog.

  3. Right, but I'm saying that as a blogger, I'm on Jeff's media list as well, and I didn't get anything all afternoon. The timestamp on the e-mail that I received from Jeff is after 5pm.

    Shortly after we released our statement, the KC Star had Jeff saying that he needed to read the article before issuing a statement.

  4. My time stamp is always two hours off. I received the e-mail at 5:06 p.m. and posted it at 5:08 p.m.
