Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hulshof supports Blunt Medicaid cuts

In a speech before the Springfield Chamber of Commerce Monday, Rep. Kenny Hulshof, said he supported the 2005 Medicaid cuts made by the man he hopes to succeed as governor, Matt Blunt:

"We don't take ownership of our own health care decisions," Hulshof told members of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce on Monday. "Ownership means then that you ... are investing yourself in your health care decision."

Hulshof defended the controversial 2005 decision by Gov. Matt Blunt's administration to eliminate tens of thousands of Missourians from being eligible for Medicaid, the government health care system for the poor.

If elected, Hulshof said he would pursue a program similar to Blunt's Insure Missouri -- which never gained legislative approval -- which called for the state to help subsidize the cost of private insurance plans for uninsured workers.

But Hulshof said a solution to Missouri's health care crisis could only be solved through the private sector, not increasing the number of Medicaid recipients.

Of course, it should be mentioned that wondering how to pay for health care is not a problem for Hulshof, who not only can afford it, but has had the best plan in the country as a member of Congress.

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