Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Roy Blunt has wanted Hulshof as governor for a decade

While officially endorsing Kenny Hulshof for governor, Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt said he has been encouraging Hulshof to run for the position for the past decade.

Of course, Blunt's son Matt got in the way and Hulshof stepped aside:

"I believe Kenny Hulshof understands the people of Missouri as well as anybody who has ever run for state office," Blunt told a crowd of Hulshof supporters gathered this afternoon at the Candlewood Suites hotel on N. Glenstone Ave.

“He understands our state, he shares our values, he’s going to be a great governor,” Blunt said.

Blunt, R-Springfield, also said he started encouraging Hulshof to consider running for governor "eight or nine years ago."

Much speculation has centered around when Gov. Matt Blunt will endorse Hulshof. For Hulshof's sake, sometime in December would be nice. Hulshof already has the endorsement of the Blunt that still has the ability to get him some votes.

A link to KSN/KODE video of the Blunt/Hulshof announcement can be found here.


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I hope Boy Guv hits the campaign trail for Hulshof, and see what kind of reception he gets.

    What a joke, a kindergartner could fill those shoes.

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Ha!Just knowing ole Roy wants him to be governor is enough to make me NOT vote for him! I'm sure others must feel the same. I've had enough of Roy over the years and am glad that his little boy is going bye bye.
