Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Missouri GOP: McCain cares more about Missouri than Obama does

The Missouri Republican Party ratcheted the nonsense level sky high today with a news release claiming that John McCain and the GOP love Missouri more than the Democratic Party:

Four years ago in the critical weeks before the general election, John Kerry withdrew all Democratic paid staffers from Missouri and moved them to Colorado. This year Barack Obama promised things would be different but as is so often the case – his rhetoric rings hollow.

“Based on the Missouri Democrat Delegation being seated in the nose-bleed section at the Democrat National Convention it does not appear as if anything has changed – Missouri is not a priority for Democrats,” said Tina Hervey, communications director Missouri Republican Party. “Obama’s elitist attitude toward Middle America and his disregard for Missouri was reinforced when he decided to use a Missouri family as a prop during his wife’s convention speech only to forget where he was. First he was in Kansas City, then St. Louis, then back to Kansas City. Obama continues to prove that he is nothing more than glitz and glamour, basking in the light of his own celebrity and hoping that no one looks at the facts of his record.”

Other indicia of the lack of commitment to Missouri included network televisions’ coverage of Claire McCaskill’s remarks. Many networks didn’t cover her entire address but rather had commentators speaking and asking who she was. If the Democrats cared about Missouri, they would have briefed the media on the importance of her remarks.

John McCain is a common sense conservative who believes in winning the war on terror, growing our economy and protecting the traditional values Missourians hold dear. He understands the importance of Missouri as evidenced by the rally he is holding here the day before the Republican National Convention.


First off the national Democratic party does not have much control over what the media does and the media believes, incorrectly, that viewers are more interested in hearing them pontificate than in hearing convention speeches. The same thing will happen next week to speakers at the Republican Convention.

As for Barack Obama forgetting what Missouri city he was in, it takes a lot of nerve to brag about McCain coming to Missouri before his convention when Obama is here during the Democratic convention and plans a visit here right after it ends.

I am in total agreement with the state Republicans about the act of treachery John Kerry committed on Missouri Democrats when he pulled out of Missouri in 2004. It not only damaged his presidential hopes, but that with combined with a late influx of money from educational voucher supporters All Children Matter probably sounded the death knell for Claire McCaskill's campaign against Matt Blunt for governor.

I have no problem with the Republicans presenting a strong case during the Democratic convention, but it would be nice if it were done with some meaningful arguments instead of this type of nonsense.

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