Sunday, September 21, 2008

FBI raids religious compound of Joplin native Tony Alamo

FBI agents raided the church compound of Joplin native Tony Alamo, 73, Saturday, as part of a child pornography investigation. An arrest warrant for Alamo is expected to be issued later this week:

Social workers interviewed children who live at the complex, which critics call a cult. A two-year investigation involves a law that prohibits the transportation of children across state lines for criminal activity, said Tom Browne, who runs the FBI office in Little Rock.

In a phone call to The Associated Press from a friend's house in the Los Angeles area, Alamo _ who was also once accused of child abuse _ denied involvement in pornography.

"We don't go into pornography; nobody in the church is into that," said Alamo, 73. "Where do these allegations stem from? The anti-Christ government. The Catholics don't like me because I have cut their congregation in half. They hate true Christianity."

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be nothing more than WACO and san Angeleo all over again.
