Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Go, Bonney Bowman!

Today's Hometown Today is reminding me of what I have missed the last several months on our local morning news programs.

Bonney Bowman needs to be anchoring one of these programs. She has a more relaxed, but thoroughly professional, approach to the news, which differs from what I have been watching with Stefan Chase on KSN, Shannon Bruffett on KODE or Tawnya Bach on KOAM. She also brings out the best in Jeremiah Cook, who worked so well with Toni Valliere when she was the program's host.

The effect Ms. Bowman has on KSNF's program is similar to what Gretchen Bolander provides when Ms. Bolander substitutes on KODE.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I totally agree but spell her name correctly. It's BONNEY.

  2. I don't suppose you would believe me if I said I was making a commentary on the mistakes made in television graphics...I didn't think so. Thanks for letting me know. I will make the correction.

  3. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Your video embeds slow down your page a LOT. Consider a link instead.

  4. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I thought Tanya Bach was on KOAM?

  5. She is. I just typed KODE in twice. I will fix that.
