Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jan. 19 creditors' meeting set in McDonald County prosecutor's bankruptcy

A creditors' meeting has been scheduled for 3 p.m. Jan. 19 in the Chapter 13 bankruptcy of McDonald County Prosecuting Attorney Janice Durbin.
According to court records, the meeting will be held in the conference room at the Jasper County Annex, 105 N. Lincoln Street, Carthage.

Ms. Durbin filed for bankruptcy Dec. 2, as noted in a post that day on The Turner Report.


  1. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Sorry, Randy, but I fail to see why someone's personal bankruptcy is an issue we should concern ourselves with. She obviously, from her filings, got in over her head; but her personal finances are not an issue we should concern ourselves with unless she somehow mismanaged public funds. As McDonald County has a treasurer who oversees the Prosecutor's budget, this is really not an issue.
    We could all be in the same situation, you know, especially given the state of the economy.

  2. Any public official who has money problems is also a target for ways to alleviate some of those problems. While there is absolutely no indication that anything untoward has happened, a prosecuting attorney with money problems would make a great target for those who want charges brought against someone or someone who wants charges dropped. While you are right about the state of the economy, and I am sympathetic to anyone who is struggling, public officials' bankruptcies should always be reported.

  3. Anonymous7:21 PM

    So should teachers since they are paid with public funds. They also are responsible for teaching students fiscal why not?

  4. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Janet Durbin has bad judgement and is being sued by banks etc. How can she possibly prosicute anyone or represent the state? She should resign.
