Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nodler outlines expectations for 2009 to News-Leader

Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, outlined his expectations for the 2009 legislative session to Springfield News-Leader reporter Chad Livengood in an article posted today on the newspaper's website:

As chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Nodler holds one of the most powerful tools in the Missouri General Assembly -- the budget pen.

The only thing that's different from 2003, Nodler said, is "I now have the burden of the chairmanship."

Incoming Gov.-elect Jay Nixon faces a projected $342 midyear budget shortfall to shore up before the fiscal year ends June 30. And it's possible there could be a deficit in the neighborhood of $900 million in 2010, according to the Missouri Budget Project, a state fiscal policy think tank in St. Louis.

"I think the budget will keep me occupied for most of the year," Nodler said.


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Where will MSSU get the $300,000 to pay for the Joplin Regional Center building?

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Nodler will get a lot done if those pesky cripples stay out of his way.

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Anonymous 2 should be ashamed. "cripple" is a derogatory term not used by socially conscious people. Your attempt to insult Nodler just shows your own ignorance and backwardness. If you want to make references to the handicapped or developmentally disabled you should refer to them in that way, as for Nodler he has been one of the best friends the developmentally disabled community has ever had in the legislature. It was Nodler that led the successful fight for mental health parity his very first year in the Senate. It was Nodler that wrote the bill setting standards for care for the physically and developmentally disabled and it was Nodler that got the autism school in Joplin funded. So what have you done for these groups #2 except insult them with your bigoted labeling?

  4. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I guess calling Nodler a fat slob would be over the top then.

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Nodler's worst move as state senator was reappointing Dwight Douglas to the MSSU Board of Governors. Douglas, through his henchman Bruce Speck, is causing irreparable harm to the university. Douglas's huge ego dictates that he run the show, and his petty personal politics are bringing this once-great university to its knees.

  6. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Nodler doesn't appoint any members of the board Blunt reappointed Douglas who was first appointed by Holden.

  7. Anonymous6:17 PM

    To anonymous 4 you can call Nodler what ever you want because it is a reflection on you not him! Readers recognize that kind of name-calling as the mental weakness that it is. So call him fat slob or skinny or tall or short, thick or thin, high or low. What you call him has nothing whatsoever to do with what he is but it defines what you are. Randy why do so many folks that post on here not understand that name calling does nothing to diminish the person being attacked it only makes the name callers look like idiots?

  8. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Is "pleasantly plump personal space hygiene impaired person" PC?
