Monday, December 22, 2008

Republicans criticize Nixon e-mail plans

The Missouri Republican Party just issued a news release criticizing Governor-elect Jay Nixon's statement that he does not plan to use the e-mail system put into place by Matt Blunt:

After spending nearly a million dollars of Missouri taxpayer money on a bogus investigation, Nixon explains that he is not using the OA system to permanently save e-mails because allowing each employee to decide whether an e-mail should be saved as a public record “… made more sense…”

“As a Missouri taxpayer, I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Oren Shur’s comments are breathtaking in their brazenness and arrogance,” said Tina Hervey, communications director Missouri Republican Party. “When politicians like Jay Nixon, exploit the power of elected office for personal or political gain, they demonstrate a disregard for standards of integrity and ethical conduct. From broken political promises to empty political rhetoric, Missourians have been betrayed; Nixon orchestrated a political witch-hunt, wasted taxpayer dollars, all in an attempt to secure higher office.”

“It is clear by his actions; Governor-elect Nixon has no intention of upholding his pledge of expanded transparency. The Missouri Republican Party hopes that the media will hold Nixon’s feet to the fire with the same due diligence they did the Blunt administration,” said Hervey.

In the first place, while Scott Eckersley is not exactly a poster child for public servants, the investigation into the use of e-mail by Gov. Blunt and his aides has most assuredly not been "bogus." Much taxpayer money has been spent by Gov. Blunt to prevent embarrassing e-mails from seeing the light of day. Just like with the license fee office scandal, the governor is trying to rewrite history by making it seem that he is the one who has brought reform to the office.

And maybe he deciding not to run for a second term.

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