Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Talent's out; is it Blunt vs. Steelman for GOP

Count former Sen. Jim Talent out of the race to succeed Kit Bond in the U. S. Senate.

Talent, thought by some to be eyeing a rematch with Claire McCaskill in three years, asked that his name be withdrawn from consideration today, leaving Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt and former State Treasurer Sarah Steelman as the top candidates on the GOP side of the ledger. The Democratic frontrunner is Secretary of State Robin Carnahan.

The following statement was issued by Talent:

I have decided to withdraw my name from consideration for the Senate in 2010, for several reasons. First, there are other qualified Republicans who are seriously investigating the race, and it is vital to prevent the kind of dissension that hurt my Party's ticket so greatly in 2008. In addition, I have family and public obligations which this unexpected race would disrupt. Chief among the latter is my work as Vice Chairman of the Commission on WMD Proliferation and Terrorism, which is working to prevent a nuclear or biological attack on the United States.”

"I am still very interested in serving the people of Missouri in elective office, but the considerations I have recited in this statement are more important than my personal goals.”

"My political priority in 2010 will be electing a strong and qualified Republican to replace my friend Kit Bond in the United States Senate”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    The best thing about this campaign is that Roy Temple will be helping Roy Blunt beat Robin Carnahan.

    If you would have told me this would be the case 4 or 5 years ago I would have said you were crazy!
