Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kinder campaign committee more than $600,000 in debt

If anyone should identify with the mounting debt facing many U. S. business, it would be Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder.
Documents filed today with the Missouri Ethics Commission indicate Kinder's campaign committee, Friends of Peter Kinder, owes $606,771.

Kinder received $164,375 during the last reporting period and spent $65,307.90.

The lieutenant governor's contributors include all of the usual suspects, including $10,000 from the Missouri Health Care Association, $5,000 from voucher supporter Charles Norval Sharpe's CNS, and $5,000 from Ameren.

From the Joplin area, Kinder picked up $1,000 from Neosho banker Rudy Farber, and $3,000, in two $1,500 contributions, from Con-Way Truckload, Joplin.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    This is unbelievable! Republicans don't stand a chance of winning back the governor's office is there number one guy Kinder can't do better than this!

    Who in the world is advising him these days?
