Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A dangerous way of thinking

A thought or two as we wait to see if Gov. Jay Nixon will sign the bill repealing the requirement that those over 21 wear helmets while operating motorcycles:

What in the world were our legislators thinking? With all of the different areas in ehich government invades our lives, and the one they pick to take on is the requirement that motorcyclists wear helmets? What's next? If requiring helmets is such a horrible thing, then can it be just a matter of time before seatbelts are targeted.

Are we never going to see effective laws against the use of cellphones and texting while driving because we are invading a driver's right to put himself and other drivers at risk by engaging in foolhardy behavior.

I have been a critic of the mindset that "if it saves just one life it's worth it," that legislators drag out every time there is a law infringing on what they consider to be someone's liberty. These restrictions, however, are not just a matter of saving one life. They save hundreds, perhaps thousands.

1 comment:

  1. When an adult recently fell on the Bunny Slope at a ski resort on the East Coast and died. Imagine snow plowing down a gentle slope being as careful as you can, resulting in death from head injury and then imagine going 70 mph on a motorcycle with no helmet. The family,friends and taxpayers that are impacted with death or perhaps worse a vegetative coma. The cost is simply too much, veto of the bill is only common sense.
