Thursday, May 28, 2009

Natural Disaster opening for DeWayne Bowman at EN Foundation Barbecue

(The following is my column for this week's Newton County News.)

One of my favorite stores to visit in Joplin during the 1970s and early 1980s was the Discount Record Shop, which if memory serves me correctly was around 15th and Main.

As you walked into the store, you found yourself surrounded by albums from every musical genre. In one corner, you would see Merle Haggard, George Jones, and Marty Robbins, while another side would have the Beatles, the Dave Clark Five and those young upstarts, the BeeGees. Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles were in another section, while another was devoted to performers like Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman.

I always walked past the albums, took a left and went to the bin of bargain 45’s. For a quarter apiece (and less than that on sale days) I loaded up on all of my favorite songs, adding onto a collection that now numbers more than 1,200.

On one Saturday morning, I came across some records I had not expected to find, all by Joplin-area performers. I found Max Brown’s version of “Beautiful Sunday,” “Another Day,” by Charlotte and Woody Edmonds, and a record with which I was already familiar, “Rolling Stone,” by DeWayne Bowman.

When I was attending Triway Elementary and Junior High, I heard that record many times, since one of my classmates was DeWayne’s younger brother Denny.

I plunked down cash and bought those records, as well as a few others.

The Discount Record Shop is long gone, a victim of changing technology (and dwindling revenue), but happily, DeWayne Bowman is still with us entertaining, and those who would like to see him will have the opportunity this Saturday night at the kickoff barbecue for the East Newton Charitable Foundation, which starts at 5 p.m. on the west parking lot at the high school.

Entertainment is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. with our band, Natural Disaster, which consists of Richard Taylor, Stark City, vocals and rhythm guitar; Charlie Brown, Granby, lead guitar; Tracy Minear, Granby, bass; Tony Marsh, Joplin, and me doing vocals.

After our performance, which should last about an hour, DeWayne will perform until about 8:30 p.m.

There is no charge for the barbecue or entertainment for patrons of the East Newton School District, and East Newton alumni.

Those who cannot be there and want to make a contribution to help the foundation, which is designed to provide funding for projects throughout the school district can make out a check or money order to East Newton Charitable Foundation, c/o Mark Knight, 13701 Shetland Road, Stark City, MO. 64866.

For more information, contact Alan Cook, 417-472-7747 or Delmar Hunke, 417-638-5398.

I hope to see some of you there.

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