Sunday, May 10, 2009

Turner Report lacks influence

No doubt. The old Turner Report just isn't what it used to be.

Blog Net News released its Weekly Influence Index this morning and for the third straight week, The Turner Report failed to make the top 20.

I don't mind it that much, except that I'm getting pounded by a website which prints nothing but 100-year-old news. If that website has more influence, The Turner Report must be in pretty bad shape.

Don't get your hopes up, though. I am not planning on closing shop.

This is the top 20 as determined by the Blog Net News influence index:

Life Of Jason (1)
Political Fix (2) Prime Buzz (2)
Fired Up! Missouri (4)
Show-Me Daily (5)
Show Me Progress (6)
Inside Missouri Politics (7)
KY3 Political Notebook (8)
Missouri Political News Service (9)
Urban Review STL (10)
JackeHammer (11)
100 Year Old Weblog (11)
Funk's Front Porch (13)
BlogKC (14)
Desdinova (15)
Fat Jack's Erratic Rants (16)
Simple Thoughts of a Complex Mind (18)
RDM Random Remarks (19)
Tony's Kansas City (20)


  1. It's worth noting that BNN's influence ratings have no relation to the real world. And in my eyes, anyway, you're definitely one of my most read blogs, even if I don't always agree with you.

  2. I dropped off too.

    IF I had a laptop and lots of free time, I would take my laptop with me and go to all the free wi-fi spots in the area and vote for your blog.

    I could vote as many times as I wanted for you because each vote would come from a different IP address.

    I may have to do that someday.

  3. I'm taking it as a badge of honor each time I don't make the list.

  4. Randy--

    We have had one of the highest weeks of traffic in a long time over at Show-Me Opinions and we failed to make the list, too. I wonder what the formula really is. I find the hundred year old blog exerts about as much influence as a one hundred year old newspaper.

  5. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Sounds brave, Randy and a wee bit hollow.

    If you make the list, you'll brag about it.

  6. Shows hou much you know. The Turner Report has made the list all but about five weeks (including the last three) since it started nearly two years ago. You will find I have not mentioned it more than two or three times.

  7. Randy, you're still the top dog for your area and no one even comes close to the coverage you're putting out.

  8. Thanks for the kind comment.

  9. Wow, Bog Net News's Missouri editor is the ranked the most influential blogger by Blog Net News?

    What are the odds of that?!

  10. I'm thinking of having some t-shirts made that say "I get my news from the Turner Report". What'da ya think?

  11. You have my support and I'm sure Sen. Nodler's.
