Monday, June 29, 2009

Show-Me Opinions questions the state of Ozarks blogosphere

With the recent departure of Life of Jason from the blogosphere and other blogs cutting down markedly on the number of post, Show-Me Opinions renders a bleak portrait of southwest Missouri blogging.

I would like to go in a slightly different direction and comment on the problems we have had with the Springfield News-Leader and Joplin Globe forming their own blogs. At first, I thought this was an excellent idea and would add more voices, and occasional citizen reporting, to the blogosphere. Unfortunately, it has done nothing of the kind. Instead of recruiting bloggers who can write authoritatively about local and state matters, our two biggest regional newspapers have added a number of people who comment on national matters, often mimicking the talking points of the conservative radio stations and Fox News Channel or the leftwing views of the national blogs and MSNBC's talking heads. When I want those views, that is who I will go to. I don't go to the Springfield News-Leader or Joplin Globe for national issues.

As far as the reporter/bloggers, I have always been impressed with the work of the News-Leader's political reporter Chad Livengood, who understands two key concepts of blogging- you have to update frequently and you have to give your readers something worth reading.

The Joplin Globe has one reporter/blogger, Scott Meeker, who understands that concept. Other staff-written blogs are seldom updated, and many times the only comments the blogs are receiving appear to be from other Globe bloggers.

1 comment:

  1. pppporkypigneska5:06 AM

    I personally like Wally from the Globe's blog. Pretty good information on business happenings in Joplin
