Saturday, September 19, 2009

Democrats criticize Nodler/Icet Career Ladder letter

In this video by Jason Rosenbaum, Democratic leaders criticize the letter sent by Rep. Allen Icet, R-Wildwood, and Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, saying that career ladder funding for teachers for the 2009-2010 school year may not be available:


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    they criticized it because they are Democrats...

  2. And what reason do you have to offer to explain the Republicans who also criticized it?

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    It seems to me that a lot of people on BOTH sides of the aisle are criticizing the Nodler/Icet letter...and I think they are right to do so.

  4. Anonymous4:20 PM

    the reason why Republicans are so anti education. in order to create future voters who are willing and even excited to vote against their own best interest, you have to keep people uninformed and ignorant. Every time Republicans cut education funding, their just helping their own cause by creating future Republican voters.

  5. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Any body here have inside knowledge of the state FY 2010 budget performance?

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    So people here are commenting on this situation without knowing the facts reguarding the budget position of the program. Bashing Icet is easier than looking at fiscal reality.

  7. Blaming Icet and Nodler for shooting off their mouths without bothering to contact any of their fellow legislators in advance makes a lot of sense. This was a political miscalculation, plain and simple.

  8. Anonymous7:25 AM

    So a letter, written to DESE, as respective Chairmen of the Senate Approps Committee and the House Budget Committee is now seen as inappropriate? Members of the respective committees are customarily cc. Do you have knowledge this wasn't followed?

  9. Rep. Maynard Wallace, a member of Icet and Nodler's party, says he and other legislators did not receive the letter.

  10. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Rep Manyard Wallace is not a member of the House Budget Committee.

  11. Oh, so it is o. k. to leave all representatives and senators who do not serve on the Budget Committee ouf of the loop. You are reaching and you are falling miserably short.

  12. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Chairmmen of House committies by accepted practice inform members of their committee on developments affecting the oversight functions and duties of that committee. This is not a reach, it is fact.

  13. In other words, you simply won't admit that Gary Nodler made a mistake. You can make all of the excuses you want, but when something this big is being considered, Nodler and Icet erred by blindsiding the rest of their colleagues, and make no doubt about it, Republicans are just as upset about this nonsense as Democrats are.

  14. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Anonymous 9:46 and 2:53 is not reaching Turner. You simply have no other recourse when confronted on something that is your opinion and you try to present it as fact. Deal with it. I will say it again, I love it every time the career ladder BS comes up. IT IS THE BIGGEST WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY IN THE STATE OF MO. The majority of the teachers receiving it do not put in the actual hours and do not deserve to receive the money. I don't really care who criticized this move. The fact of the matter is this program needs to simply go away. If you need this extra money handed to you, get into another profession.

  15. That is the biggest bunch of nonsense I have ever heard. In fact, most of the teachers work far more hours on their Career Ladder projects than they are actually paid for.

  16. Anonymous9:24 PM

    It would be a mistake to NOT inform Dese of the impending crisis since 66% of school districts in this state subscribe to this program. It is 45% state funded.
    It is a popular program. Students and teachers benefit. Of the $5.423 billion allocated from the state operating budget in FY 2010 for Elementary and Secondary Education, the state portion of Career Ladder is $ 37 million.
    Have you heard from Maynard Wallace, the Education Approps Chair in the House, his concern for the $8.1 million cut from Teacher Professional Development?or the $3.4 million cut from Parents As Teachers? Those are major core changes between FY 2009 and Fy2010. Facts are facts. The economy both nationally and in this state is declining. To inform departments of possible changes is both prudent and responsible.

  17. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Correction.Randy: Maynard Wallace is Chair of the Elementary and Secondary Education Committee.

  18. You are right, but I don't remember ever saying that he wasn't.

  19. Anonymous6:40 AM

    You didn't. I made the mistake and corrected my own post. The one just previous to your last one.Career Ladder will be funded forthose in it this school. It will look different next year, however it will not be eliminated in total. If the state economy and that of the nation pick up that will secure the program at least for annother year. Bear in mind if things slide further, the state of Missouri has to secure those programs it is required to fund, and look closley at all other programs.

  20. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Randy re your 6:55 am comment:
    After reading all these comments I re-read this early post.It seems to me that a heads up to DESE was a responsible action and would have been made by the chairs of those Senate and House Committiees whom ever they were. Apparently you distain Nodler and perhaps rightly so, however this action was not a political miscalculation . State revenues are 8.49% below projections as of today 9-25-09. Prospects for a turn a round before the first of the year are slim.In this case Icet and Nodler letter was appropriate and accurate.

  21. Anonymous6:13 PM

    So Randy, how is it you have not responded to the last two posts?Tired of knocking Icet's letter?
