Tuesday, September 22, 2009

McDonald County white supremacist enters not guilty plea

McDonald County white supremacist Robert Joos pleaded not guilty to federal weapons charges during a hearing today in Springfield.

Earlier this month, Joos was indicted with additional charges- two counts of unlawful transport of firearms and one count transporting explosive materials interstate.

Joos is being held without bond on those charges and a charge of being a felon illegally possessing a firearm.

Joos was arrested in connection with a federal investigation of a racially-motivated 2004 bombing in Scottsdale, Ariz. National white supremacist leader Dennis Mahon and his brother Daniel were charged with that crime.


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I'm not trying to stand up here for White Supremacists. But Joos is a victim of overzealous prosecution. All he did was have a gun on his premises. As for the other information, Joos was not involved with any bombings. He has never, to my knowledge, killed anyone. And he is a peaceful, hippie-like nutcase who really wouldn't hurt a fly.
    His biggest crime is being involved with a lot of crazy people who are dangerous.

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Wasn't Charles Manson also a peaceful, hippie-type nutcase who really wouldn't hurt a fly, or even a spider? Yet, a bunch of kids willingly did his bidding and murdered at least seven people (some say the total was much higher) in 1969.

    Hitler was just a fun-loving painter, too.

