Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Swift Boater drops $100,000 into Republican Seventh District Congressional Committee

Texas home builder Robert Perry, who bankrolled the Swift Veterans for Truth campaign that gunned down John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign, is meddling in Missouri politics again.

A 48-hour report filed today with the Missouri Ethics Commission, shows Perry and his wife Doylene donated $100,000 to the Seventh District Congressional District Committee.

On March 3, 2008, the Perry contributed $100,000 to the Missouri Republican Party which funneled the money through various district committees and eventually into the successful re-election campaign of Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, and the unsuccessful campaign of attorney general candidate Michael Gibbons.

APRIL 19, 2008
Texas homebuilder Robert Perry, who bankrolled the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign that torpedoed John Kerry's 2004

The Perrys contributed even more money, $350,000, to former Gov. Matt Blunt's campaign committee in 2007 before Blunt elected not to run for a second term.

Perry was the largest contributor to the Swift Boat Campaign, according to Federal Elections Commission records, donating $4,450,000.


  1. follow the money, follow the money.

    Will it end up with Blunt?

  2. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Hmmmmmm. Follow the money, follow the money. Will it end up with Blunt? Excellent question.

    Why would someone give money to a lame-duck congressman's political committee? And, who asked for the money? Could it be the 7th District Committee is trying to influence the 2010 Republican Primary Election? If so, who?

    Who is responsible for determining how the money will be spent or distributed?

    Looks like the Director of the District Committee has some meddlin' money to throw behind efforts for an anointed candidate and $$$ is the oil.

    Isn't this the type of politics people are sick of?

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Republicans must be smarter then the Dems.or they would take money also from their supporters.

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Republicans must be smarter then the Dems.,that is if the Dems.refuse money from their suppoters,or Randy is this illegal like you try to make it sound?
