Monday, November 02, 2009

Blunt: H1NI vaccine should not be distributed to Guantanamo detainers during shortage

Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt ripped into the Obama administration today for decisions that allowed Guantanamo detainees to receive H!N1 vaccinations when a shortage of the shots are available:

"President Obama called this pandemic a 'national emergency,' but the federal government continues to fail at one of its most basic responsibilities. And now the administration tells us 'no longer women and children first;' instead accused terrorists will be first in line for H1N1 vaccines," said Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said in a press release Monday.

Blunt noted that Missouri's Department of Health and Senior Services has only 28 percent of the H1N1 vaccine that it needs.

"It's outrageous that in Missouri, expectant mothers, children and others vulnerable to the H1N1 virus do not have access to the vaccine, and our tax dollars are funding vaccines for accused terrorists detained at Gitmo," Blunt said.


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I can't get mine yet and I'm a 65yo. Veteran.

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    And if we allowed those detainees to all get H1N1 and die, Obama would be accused of brutality by Roy Blunt.

    Roy Blunt brings new meaning to the word "hypocrite."

  3. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Let me get this straight. The Islamic thugs at Gitmo, sworn enemies of this country, are to receive H1N1 vacinations before American citizens. Our elderly people, children, adult men and women, legal citizens of the US are pushed to the back of the line so that we can protect our enemies, is that right? OUTRAGEOUS!

    And I voted for this guy. Seems to be more concerned with the welfare of our enemies than that of our citizens. We have three more years of this to look forward to, terrific.
