Saturday, November 21, 2009

Branson Tri-Lakes News runs second story on Pete Newman

It took a while, but the Branson Tri-Lakes News, after running only one story about the arrest of former Kanakuk Kamp director Pete Newman on felony sex charges involving underage body, has another story posted today.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Does anyone know about Pete's wife? Is she standing by him? Has she left him? Just curious.

  2. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Yes, somebody please tell us. She is so loved and so prayed for. We'd like to know that she's okay.

  3. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Everyone is curious about where she stands on the matter. As all probably know, she was with him for his October court date and her signature is on the bond. I have not heard about the November court date. Hopefully, she is not currently living with him and is taking some time to herself to sort through her emotions and gain some perspective. It must be very, very difficult and all prayers are with her as she and her family weather this storm.

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Common sense says she should run like the wind.

    I wonder how is she going to support herself and her child?

    Whatever she does, it's going to be tough, and it's something she doesn't deserve.

  5. Anonymous2:49 PM

    from the article: "...and even furthered his ‘friendship’ by having one-on-one Bible sessions in his hot tub at his residence.”

    ....Sounds like it wasn't the bible that ol' Pete was thumpin' in the hot tub

  6. Anonymous7:53 AM

    "Yes, this crap about things happening to us as teenagers causing us to do THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR!!! C'mon people! That's like saying that the girls who made fun of my buck teeth when I was 12 is going to make me go find every child with buck teeth and unmercifully crucify them today. PUH-LEASE! You grow up. You learn from the past. You deal with that, whatever that means (get therapy, counseling, confront your offender, whatever). You set out to live a life where you would never do the same things to another person.

    If you're excusing little peter for his peter-obsession b/c someone did something to him when he was young, THEN EXPLAIN TO US HIS DECEPTION! EXPLAIN THE LIES. You don't decieve and lie IF YOU DON'T THINK WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS HORRIBLY WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! That's common sense, people!

    It's despicable enough to have oral and anal sex.....then to have it with the same sex.....BUT WITH A CHILD?!?!?!?! NUMEROUS CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sodom and Gomorrah going on right there at camp!! The reason that place is still standing is because it WASN'T KANAKUK; but PETER who was wicked!!!!!

    His day is coming. The ANCIENT OF DAYS still sits on his throne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  7. Anonymous5:55 AM

    His wife is still with him. It is wrong to make judgments about what she should or should not do. We can talk and talk saying what we would do, but until in the situation, you really have no idea!

  8. Anonymous6:09 AM

    5:55- Why should people not be standing up for her and her child, when clearly, she's so close to the situation that she probably can't think straight? People want her to protect herself and protect her child. The actual Child Services may intervene to protect that child, so why is it so wrong to want her to do what's best for her???

  9. Anonymous10:31 PM

    knowing the Newman family as WELL as I do, I agree with 5:55
    We can't judge her. I know she's with him for now, but who knows about after he's sentenced. Their daughter, at the age of 4, doesn't need to know all the details right now. The day will come when she will find out, but for now it's hard enough on her to realize that her dad is in trouble. I can't imagine being 4 and going through this. We can't judge his wife at all! She's not stupid! I'm tired of hearing people talk about her like she's blind and stupid to all of this. She isn't manipulated. She understands, and it's extremely hard for her right now. No one has the right to judge her. My heart breaks for her and their daughter. Let's just pray for those two instead of judging them.

  10. Anonymous11:12 PM

    That is right. They need our prayers. Katie is a sweet sweet young girl and she really needs everyone's support as she comes to realize that the person she thought she was married to never really existed. Like a death, but worse and mind-boggling-so confusing. Does anyone out there know if she is being told the whole truth of what he's done?

  11. Anonymous4:28 PM

    if you all really care about her you will stop posting about it on a blog and legitimately pray for her as if you really trust that God is in control, or do you just like to say you are 'praying' as an excuse for a gossip chain?
