Thursday, November 05, 2009

Cynthia Davis, a pistol-packing mama

In her latest column, Rep. Cynthia Davis, R-O-Fallon, addresses gun laws and lets the world know she now has a permit to pack heat.

Here I am at my St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department to pick up my permit. I paid $100 for the privilege of participating in my second amendment rights. I still would rather have a strong hero come to my rescue if in trouble. At least that’s the way it happens in the movies! Then again, I only like to watch movies with happy endings.

Going through the process was valuable and helpful in understanding our gun laws. One concern I have with the current law is that guns are prohibited in churches. This means there is no defense for the members if a criminal act is attempted or perpetrated. There is a provision in another section of Missouri statues allowing an override of this prohibition, but why should this section of the law exist it at all? This subjects churches to state laws in an area where the state should be silent. It’s as though the state does not consider churches capable of defining acceptable standards within their own jurisdiction.

Churches do not belong to the state. Therefore the state is overstepping its bounds by taking gun-possession decisions away from the churches. The state would do well to delete this issue for the same reason that we do not dictate what people can do in the privacy of their own homes. Most of us were taught as children that the church is God’s house. Just think how differently things may have turned out if it were not for a heroic woman with a gun at the New Life Church in Colorado.

When well motivated and properly trained people demonstrate personal responsibility to protect themselves against law-breakers, it saves costs of law enforcement and human suffering. The State of Vermont does not require a permit to carry a concealed gun. Former Vermont Representative, Fred Maslack, went a step further in 2000 by introducing House Bill 760 which encouraged residents to protect themselves against crime. Under his bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their names, addresses, Social Security Numbers, and driver's license numbers with the state. "There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says. This bill did not pass.

I am not intending to introduce anything like this, nor do I know of any other states entertaining this idea, but it shows how other people in our country feel about the benefits of gun ownership and the importance of being able to protect the innocent.

When I was on the O’Fallon board of Aldermen I went through the Citizens Police Academy. During the classes the police officers emphasized the importance of the good guys staying in control at all times. I don’t like violence, yet I recognize that a strong defense is the best deterrent to violent behavior.

(Photo: Cynthia Davis is shown with her gun permit)

(Randy Turner's new book, Newspaper Days, is available at


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Randy, why do you feel the need to constantly dish out childish name calling? Are you that lonely that the only way you can fill your evenings is to serf the net looking for new opportunities to try to put down your “enemies”?

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    It's called surf the Web, first you misspelled and no one has used the term net regularly since about 2002.

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Hey, you’re right I made a typo and I'm out of date, thus my point has been totally invalidated. Kudos! (that's another old-timer term for you)

  4. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Maybe if Rep. Davis had been packing some heat at Fort Hood today, there would have been fewer killings.

    Hey Anonymous 9:06 - I surf the web now and then myself...don't you love being out of date....I do

    Sorry Anonymous 12:34, you're just gonna have to live with us ... we're not going anywhere...maybe you can get some hand sanitizer to guard you from the unclean masses

  5. I like Cynthia Davis9:58 PM


    And Turner don't. When liberals say that right-wingers equate gun registration with castration it is because they have already willingly undergone the process, and like the eunuch priests of Cybelene, never really miss much what they didn't have no use for neither. What steams their little crock is the well-grounded, for once, suspicion that us reactionary neo-nazis here in flyover country are having fun with our guns and know how to use them -- preferably on liberals.

    Pore Turner. Obsessed with Cynthia Davis who probably doesn't even know a pathetic critter like Randy Turner exists, and if she did, would probably emit a girlish, "Ohhhhh, yuck!!!" if she seen one, even though she knows liberals, pathetic feebs demanding power, exist because she always runs agin them.

    Turner is like a rabid chihuahua chasing an eighteen-wheeler, foaming at the mouth and out of breath trying to cock a leg to spray on the steer tire. Pore Turner, always seeing the southern end of a northbound lead female dog in estrus and being already cut, can't do anything but impotently snarl and snap and yap about the unfairness of life. Woe is Turner.

    Perhaps you should give it a rest, Turner. Cyndi is living well and that is the best revenge.
