Monday, November 02, 2009

Faculty no-confidence vote on Speck set for today

The Missouri Southern State University faculty will hold a no-confidence vote today on President Bruce Speck.

The Joplin Globe's Derek Spellman and Greg Grisolano have a comprehensive look at the situation in today's edition.

And while I commend the Globe's stories from today and the Sunday edition, a complete look at the Bruce Speck situation needs to include how he arrived at Missouri Southern in the first place. If we are ever to get to the bottom of the current unrest at the university, the following questions need to be asked:

-Why was Julio Leon pushed out and who played what role in removing him from office?

-Why was then Board of Governors Chairman Dwight Douglas placed in charge of the committee searching for a replacement for Leon? Douglas' inclusion in that committee virtually guaranteed bias in the choice of candidates presented to the board.

-In what world is only one candidate actually interviewed for such an important position?

-Could the decision to interview only Bruce Speck have anything to do with the fact that he was the candidate Dwight Douglas wanted all the time

-Could Speck's choice have anything to do with the efforts Speck made to dismantle the international program at Austin Peay University?

The faculty problem with Speck is undeniably the big story of the moment, both for the Joplin Globe and for the university, but the decisions that brought Speck to Joplin are at the crux of the university's problems.

The problem has never been that Bruce Speck has not outlined his vision for Missouri Southern State University. He was not brought in to have a vision. He is obviously the Pinocchio in this situation.

It is time to directly ask the man pulling the strings, Dwight Douglas, exactly what his vision is for the university.


(Randy Turner's new book, Newspaper Days, is available at


  1. Anonymous5:28 AM

    The MSSU faculty should remember how Bruce and Douglas have portrayed us to the public:
    We are liberal whiners who are unprofessional, unqualified, and incapable of doing proper research. We have been for years taking advantage of the taxpayers to take free junkets all over the world. We are resistant to the change the "white knight" brought from Tennesee.
    They should remember Bruce and Douglas are getting ready to build a 7 million in door football practice facility. 2 million will come from the "storm shelter" money Nodler, their partner in crime, got from the state legislature.
    The paper article today shows Bruce continuing to relieve himself of responsibilities. He continues to pass the blame to his council. Yet the paper says his 3 vp's have resigned to "go back to the classroom" Teri Agee will go back to the classroom at salary of 148,000, even though she has never taught before.

  2. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Kudos to you and to Greg and Derek at the Globe for the coverage of the conflict! Without their efforts, and those of Jordan Aubey at KOAM, and the kids at the Chart, the public would still believe this is all about Bruce's thoughtless, tasteless parody. Instead they now see it's about a sea of thoughtless tasteless things he's done.
    Here's to a free and inquisitive press!

  3. Sparky5:57 AM

    If I had to name the most egregious mistake Bruce Speck has made at MSSU, it would be this: Not taking responsibility for his bad decisions. It's never his fault; it's always someone else's. He blames former President Leon, the Board of Governors, his President's Council, inaccurate information that he's received, and faculty who are just not ready for changes. Just once I'd like to hear him say that he made a mistake and takes full responsibility for his actions.

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Right. In todays paper, Bruce throws Gibson and the accountants under the bus... "I just report what they give me".... It ain't my fault...

    Gibson, why in the world has the dentist kept asking questions about cash basis and you continued to deny it. Linda Eis even refused to give him the unaudited statements (until she got the OK from Douglas)

  5. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I hope all these "professors" are paying for the political ads they're posting on TURNER today.

    don't forget to vote...

  6. Anonymous9:10 AM

    What in the world are you talking about? You don't even make sense...

    Yes, by all means vote today and show Bruce and Dwight what we really think of them...

  7. Anonymous6:20 PM

    According to the vote announced Monday, 140 of the MSSU professors (and administrators with faculty rank) have no confidence in Dr. Speck.

    His leadership is non-existent; his business acumen is a figment of his own imagination; and his character is now in question!

    Ladies and gentlemen of the Board, DO something for God's sake! Send him away with a polite word, and a not-too-extravagant severance, and hire the BRIT!

    Jesus! Do we have to tell you EVERYthing?

  8. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Leon was pushed out by Douglas for 2 reasons. First, Leon was spending down the reserves too much, and second, Douglas REALLY wants better athletic teams at MSSU, and Julio wouldn't spend the money to get them.

  9. Anonymous9:04 PM

    All MSSU faculty are not enamored by the international mission. Let's get real here -- MSSU is a regional school and our students are much more well served by learning how to compete in the regional marketplace than in the global marketplace. Case in point -- what is the value of having a student do split student teaching between our area and London when the student will be pursuing a teaching position in here? Better to do the full semester here. Also, to the poster who said "hire the Brit," he's NOT a candidate for President, but for VP of Academic Affairs. I do agree with one thought though, the Brit will be the one hired for VPAA as he said the 2 magic words in his application letter -- "International Mission."

  10. Anonymous3:01 AM

    I am a fan of the international mission, but still I think too much emphasis has been put by many on this being the core of the beef with Speck, which I think is not true. The beef with Speck regards his (lack of) leadership skills.

    That said, the comment above is curious. I would agree that being trained for a regional workplace certainly would harm a person who needs to be prepared for a global one. But I'm not clear how being prepared for a global one harms a person who will work in a regional workplace.
