Monday, November 09, 2009

Goodman: Another candidate spreading rumors about my dropping out of the race.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Fuse Joplin, Sen. Jack Goodman, R-Mount Vernon, says rumors about him dropping out of the race are being spread by another candidate, though he does not name the candidate.

As far as fundraising is concerned, Goodman said, his main opponent is the front runner in that category, Springfield auctioneer Billy Long, though Goodman noted that the difference is not as much as it would seem at first glance.

Follow this link to the podcast of the Goodman interview.


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Valley Girl questions evokes Valley Girl answers.

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Neither Nodler or Goodman seem overly bright or "of the people"...

  3. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Right and the millionaire who has always been rich is "of the people"?

  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Anybody but Nodler, of the people or not!

  5. Oronogo2:26 PM

    Goodman seems like the best candidate. Not to seem judgemental but, do we really want an auctioneer in a cowboy hat representing us? Nodler is competent, but has a cloud of negatives that will undermine his effectiveness.

    I have come to expect my congressman to be well-versed, educated, poised, and statesmanlike. Nodler or Long are neither of those things.

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    2:26-You mean kinda' like John Kerry?

    How about dedicated? Just how many political committees for election is this youngster trying to juggle? One for state-wide office and a federal office at the same time.

    How about effective? His record as a 5-year assistant prosecutor in our county was weak; he had to close his local office go to the Springfield to get a job; his service in Jefferson City has been lightweight; but, other than that, he is a really nice guy.

    Some of us in Monett know the job of Congressman is a lot more serious than most people will ever understand or care about. I've employeed people, lots of them, and I need a congressman I can go to and get problems solved with government agencies. I know Nodler and Moore can do that and I'm going to learn more about the others.

  7. Did anyone else think of Jeff Roe while reading this post?

  8. Anonymous5:11 PM

    "Roe, Roe, Roe your boat." It's kind of a pond scum approach to running a campaign. Nice call Busplunge.

    But it could be the guy Goodman let go because of money problems. And, he's got some guy who worked for Blunt running around who may be concerned about his future and inquired about working in other campaigns.

    Or it could be the Grinch.

  9. 7th District1:17 AM

    I think each of the candidates have a positive quality that is unique to each of them.
    Sen. Nodler has a wealth of knowledge from years in the district working for Congressmen Taylor and Hancock.
    Sen. Goodman has a clean image, and has been fairly non controversial in his time in Senate.
    Billy Long is a non-establishment candidate. He is a business owner, and is familiar with the hardships that can fall on them.

    I have confidence any of the 3 would serve our district well.

    Out of the 3, I really like that Mr. Long is setting a term limit for himself. That shows he has no itnention of being a CAREER politician.

    With that said, does he have the knowledge Nodler has to get right in there and begin work?

    Does Goodman have the ability to win over people who will finance his campaign so he can compete with Mr. Long.

    Can either of them win the needed Joplin vote from Sen. Nodler.......

    btw the guy on Goodmans Campaign is a former staffer for the Friends of Roy Blunt, and decided to remain in the 7th district, honestly a great asset because of his knowledge of the area.

    What would really be an impressive change is if people instead of just offering "anybody but ______" would give reasons others should vote for the candidate of their choice.... It leads me to think people may have opinions simply on what they hear, not what they know....

    take time and look at each one of their sites... you can decide who is the best candidate!
