Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Hartzler: Skelton must oppose abortion language in healthcare bill

In a news release issued Tuesday, Fourth District Republican Congressional candidate Vicky Hartzler said her Democratic opponent, Ike Skelton, should join opponents of "abortion language" in the new Democratic health care bill:

Hartzler made this demand of Skelton as a bipartisan coalition of pro-life Representatives presses for the right to propose a pro-life amendment to Nancy Pelosi’s 2,000-page bill for government-run health care.
After studying Pelosi’s new bill, pro-life groups and legislators are calling attention to language that would tear down longtime barriers to the use of taxpayer dollars for abortions.*
Hartzler said: “Congressman Bart Stupak and Congressman Joe Pitts are pressing the Speaker for a vote on their amendment to protect taxpayers from having our dollars used for abortions.
“I call on Congressman Skelton to join them without reservation, to insist that the House have the opportunity to debate and vote on this radical attempt to change federal policy, and to oppose any bill unless it is amended to respect the sanctity of life. We want you to help Congressmen Stupak and Pitts turn back this intolerable attempt to fund abortions in the Pelosi bill.
“This is an issue of our bedrock values. If I am elected to serve this district, I will vote for the sanctity of life every single time. Although he and I will continue to disagree on many issues, I expect the same of Congressman Skelton, that he will stand up for unborn children.”
Stupak is a Democrat of Michigan. Pitts is a Republican of Pennsylvania.

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