Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Long: Election results show Americans rejected Obama

Seventh District Congressional candidate Billy Long says today's election results show American are rejecting Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi:

“Today Americans overwhelmingly rejected President Obama and Speaker Pelosi’s radical agenda—an agenda that obstructs economic freedom and increases the financial burden on future generations. These elections should send a shiver down the spines of more than a few career politicians in Washington who still think Americans are willing to put up with politics as usual. I congratulate Governor’s Elect McDonnell and Christie.”


  1. And not a word about NY23....

  2. Anonymous2:17 AM

    No suprise there, now if the outlandish press would report fairly and do its job we may still have time get back on track.

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    If I were a Democrat I might ask how hard President Obama personally campaigned for the NY-23 race as compared to the two Governors' races. I think the answer speaks to the President’s current level of influence with voters.

  4. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Dear DaveR:

    You might note that in my post above I gave President Obama the respect of calling him “President Obama” rather then just “Obama” as you did. Also, you might ask yourself why you felt compelled to quantify him as “an intelligent black man” as if being intelligent was an uncommon characteristic for a black man. I find the people who cry “racist” the loudest are usually the ones with the real problem.

  5. Anonymous8:44 PM

    I wonder why at least one very unpopular governor's loss is somehow about Obama...are voters so programmed they vote ONLY party lines--maybe there are lessons for both parties here. Wonder if they will catch on?

  6. Anonymous3:41 AM

    HEY DaveR I'm not a Republican/Baptist just an average NATIVE CELTIC KANSAN and I didn't vote for Obama, so what is your gripe if I exercise my FREE SPEECH?
    Celtic Kansan

  7. Anonymous7:49 AM

    You can call me:
    Native Celtic Kansan
    Celtic American
    Irish American
    American or Kansan,
    please don't call me a Republican/Baptist.
