Thursday, November 05, 2009

Obama condemns Fort Hood shooting rampage

President Barack Obama has issued a statement condemning the shooting spree at Fort Hood today, which left 12 dead and 31 injured:

"These are men and women who have made the selfless and courageous decision to risk, and at times, give their lives to protect the rest of us on a daily basis," the president said.

"It's difficult enough when we lose these brave Americans in battles overseas," he said. "It is horrifying that they should come under fire at an Army base on American soil."


  1. Anonymous2:29 AM

    I wish Obama would just go back home to Kenya, er I mean Chicago.

  2. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Four more years!!

  3. Anonymous5:02 AM

    this country don't have Four more years.

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Exactly why: Obama 2012!

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Remember how Democrats condemned President Bush for not immediately cutting off his appearance with school kids upon hearing of the terrorist strike on 9/11? It looks like it took President Obama two minutes of happy banter before he could get around to taking about Ft. Hood ( see: I’m sure Michael Moore will use the same split screen timer device with this incident as he did with 9/11.

  6. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Actually, that is pure bull. President Obama spoke for just over 2 minutes and acknowleded a CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR winner before saying this:

    "I have say I planned to make some broader remarks about the challenges that lay ahead for Native Americans as well as collaboration for our administration but as some of you might have heard, there has been a tragic shooting at the Ft. Hood Army Base in Texas.

    "We don't yet know all the details at this moment. We will share them as we go. What we do know is that a number of American soldiers have been killed and even more have been wounded in a horrific outburst of violence. My immediate thoughts and prayers are with the wounded and with the families of the fallen. And with those who lived and served at Ft. Hood. " (And he went on from there, speaking about the tragedy.)

    I think it is sad, VERY sad that the President is being criticized by right-wing wing nuts. He was anything but insensitive:

    His comments were eloquent, compassionate and extremely sincere.

    Right wingers, the FOXNews crowd are geting scared. They will use any distortion, any lie, any statement to deprive people of the truth -- even if THEY have to walk on the bodies of people lying dead at Ft. Hood to do it.

    They should be ashamed.

  7. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Sorry, 12:31, it was guys like you that started this deal of trying to make political hay out of a tragedy by counting the minutes after being informed of an event before a President interrupts his normal plans. For Bush it was 7 minutes, for President Obama it was 2 minutes. That he chose to give a “shout out” to a member of the audience and discuss other issues before getting to the Ft. Hood situation says about as much about President Obama as Bush waiting 7 minutes before leaving a classroom.

    In my opinion, neither events mean anything but the different reaction of left-wing nuts, such as yourself, does say something about your total lack of character.

    You can pretend to care about he dead at Ft. Hood but what really offends you is not the murder of innocents but the existence of people who disagree with your political views. In that you share more in common with the murderer then the murdered.
