Sunday, November 22, 2009

Skelton breaks with Obama on trying terrorist suspects in U. S.

Fourth District Congressman Ike Skelton is highly skeptical of the Obama Administration's plan to try terrorist suspects in the United States:

Mr. Skelton, Missouri Democrat, said the decision "raises many serious questions" and said Congress set up military commissions specifically to handle the judicial cases of detainees from the war on terror.

"As a former prosecutor, I am not yet convinced that the right decision was made in these cases, nor that the presumption in favor of federal criminal trials over military tribunals for these detainees should continue," Mr. Skelton said in a letter to Mr. Holder and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates. He asked for a full briefing on the decision.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I wonder what Ike's problem is. Khalid Sheik Mohammed has confessed to masterminding 9/11 at least a dozen times!

    He's confessed to all sorts of things including the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing (as a financer of the operation).

    I'm a bit reluctant to turn these accused terrorists over to secret military tribunals: The U.S. has nothing to hide.

    These guys should be brought to justice in open court.
