Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hearing set in Pete Newman case

A 9 a.m. Thursday, April 1, hearing has been scheduled in Taney County Circuit Court for former Kanakuk Kamp director Pete Newman, who pleaded guilty to sex charges involving underage boys.

The hearing is in advance of Newman's sentencing hearing, which is scheduled for April 30.

Previous posts on Pete Newman can be found at this link.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Does anyone know what the purpose of this hearing is?

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I have no idea but I am so thankful to Randy for posting something new so we can all MOVE ON. Geesh.

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    The State filed a Motion to Endorse Witnesses and a hearing regarding the motion is scheduled for April 1.

  4. Anonymous7:05 PM

    What does that mean 11:50? - Motion To Endorse Witnesses?

  5. Anonymous4:40 AM

    I got this off another site:

    "A motion to endorse witnesses asks the court permission to present witnesses to testify. No one can "make" a witness testify. If yours is a case of domestic violence against your wife, or physical or sexual abuse against your child, you enjoy no spousal or other privilege which would prevent their testimony."

  6. Anonymous12:12 PM

    If the state wishes to endorse a witness after the filing of the information the state will file a motion to endorse additional witnesses and get an order from the judge allowing the endorsement. It appears this judge will hold a hearing to allow both sides to weigh in on this motion before he makes his decision.

  7. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I'm sorry that I don't understand all this legal jargon but what is the benefit of the motion? Is this for the boys to testify against Pete so they can be heard in order to support the case - ie - longer sentence? Thanks for explaining......please put it in "lay" person terms.

  8. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Here's an off the subject comment. Please scroll through all the posts of this blog and notice which ones have comment. If you see what I do, almost no one comments on the Political Candidate stories but when a story like this one pops up, you see a lot. When did this become a Candidate blog or Political Blog? Based on my observations, the public isn't interested. When there is a local subject, people weigh in.
    Is the cut and paste political stuff easier to fill blog content? Is their nothing local of interest? Has this site become lazy? Someone tell me!

  9. Anonymous1:50 PM

    This has nothing to do with the boys...just a formality for the prosecution dealing with the sentencing hearing.

  10. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Often, if not usually, a judge will hear from witnesses...both for the prosecution as well as the defense...allowing them to voice their thoughts and opinions in regards to sentencing. The judge will then take the information in to consideration when handing down his sentence.

  11. Anonymous10:14 PM

    off subject and random, but does anyone know anything about katie?

  12. Anonymous10:15 PM

    like where she is or if shes divorcing him or how is their daughter etc

  13. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Probably outside of Atlanta staying with her parents at their place. I'm not sure how she's doing.

    My guess is she's trying to do her best to be a good wife and stick by him which imo is a huge mistake.

    My sense is she still doesn't get it in terms of what has happened or the layers of deceit that define her husband.

    I've said this in earlier posts but her entire reality has been shattered and to be honest about that would be extraordinarily painful.

    From what it sounds like she still doesn't have people in her life that are willing to speak the truth which is very sad.

    I do think she is doing the best she can. I pray that God brings Godly counsel into her life that is willing to be gracious but also truthful about the stark reality of this entire situation. Anyway my heart really breaks for their daughter.

    Hopefully this whole situation will be resolved soon and she can move on with her life.

    It's plain as day that she should divorce him and move on with her life and I hope that's what she does.

  14. Anonymous1:50 PM

    to 8:47

    you are unbelievable and probably not a Christian even though you said you are praying for her.

    You start off fine and should have stopped at this point:

    "Probably outside of Atlanta staying with her parents at their place. I'm not sure how she's doing."

    But no, you have to hear yourself talk and then start giving your professional opinion (yea right) about "IMO" "My guess" or "My sense" or" I've said" or "I do think" and then end up with "she should"

    You must be the smartest person in the world. not!

    If you want to pray for anything why don't you pray for your own discernment because that is definitely not one of your spiritual gifts. "My sense" tells me you do not know what it means so here is a little help.

    Main Entry: dis·cern·ment
    Pronunciation: \di-ˈsərn-mənt, -ˈzərn-\
    Function: noun
    Date: 1586
    1 : the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure : skill in discerning
    2 : an act of discerning
    synonyms discernment, discrimination, perception, penetration,

    insight, acumen mean a power to see what is not evident to the average mind. discernment stresses accuracy (as in reading character or motives or appreciating art)

    ,the discernment to know true friends;. discrimination stresses the power to distinguish and select what is true or appropriate or excellent

    perception implies quick and often sympathetic discernment (as of shades of feeling)
    a novelist of keen perception into human motives. penetration implies a searching mind that goes beyond what is obvious or superficial

    I don't know how she is doing, but I am not going to run my mouth, spew my opinions, thoughts, pretend to know what is right, or start rumors because THAT is not Christ like.

    I am praying for both of you.

  15. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I went back and read my message and just about all the things I wrote were based upon knowledge that I have of some close friends that have been very close to this situation and my information are not random conjectures and opinions. I apologize if it came off as me just taking wild stabs into the dark as to her condition. That was not my intent.

    I should have said the last time I heard where Katie was (which was a few months ago) she was in Atlanta.

    I do know for a fact that much of what has happened has not been dealt with appropriately. I didn't think it was appropriate to get into all the details of this case but I was attempting to be conciliatory in my language (ie she is doing the best she can)

    Can I ask what I wrote that rubbed you the wrong way? I was simply responding to a question previous on this board that asked how she was doing and I responded with what I knew. I probably should have not said "imo" or "my sense" but all of those comments are informed by the facts I have from people that are close to the situation.

    I'm not asking you to believe me b/c that is up to you. Ironically I make my living through my discernment since I'm a licensed counselor.

    Again if anything I said seemed to be me grandstanding or coming off as holier than thou it wasn't my intent. I was simply responding to someone who asked how Katie is doing. I knew Katie well at Auburn since we attended school together and have truly been broken by this whole situation and trust that Pete will receive justice and Katie will graciously move through and past this painful chapter in her life toward healing in Christ.

    God bless

  16. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Regarding Katie, she is in Georgia with her parents. She is receiving God counsel and the people around her are speaking the truth to her. However, you also have to understand that she has had her life turned upside-down and even though people are speaking truth to her and counseling her, she has to respond to the counsel and accept the truth of the situation. That is not something that is going to happen overnight. She is going to need some time and everyone's prayers, for her and her daughter to come to terms with the situation. To anyone and everyone how reads this, please pray for Katie and give her some time to greive over the situation and come to terms with it.

  17. Anonymous10:22 PM

    to 2:59

    Your post is even more unbelievable if your are as you say a licensed counselor!! I wonder what your patients would say if they knew you were talking like this on a public forum. Do you tell your patients to listen to hear say from other people to help them make their decisions? A wife hears from a friend of a friend and then she accuses her husband of something. Then do you go and share those private conversations with other people and then blog them for the whole world to know?

    this is what was asked:

    off subject and random, but does anyone know anything about katie?

    10:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    like where she is or if shes divorcing him or how is their daughter etc

    10:15 PM

    Why do you have to answer? Why? Is there a gun to your head?

    Why do you feel like you have to be the official spokesman for Katie, as her licensed counselor, and then tell people what she is doing wrong, how she can fix it, and that people in her life are lying to her.

    You being a licensed counselor should know better or you must of missed the class on keeping your mouth shut about broadcasting other peoples problems.

    If you really knew Katie and lets say: she knew you were going through something like this, I can
    guarantee you that she would not be running her mouth publicly or privately about you to other people and telling them what she thought you were doing wrong and how to fix the problem.

    She would tell you privately she is praying for you and that is all!!

    If you do not know this then you do not know Katie.

    Maybe you should ask yourself:
    What Would Katie Do before you talk or type.

    I just love this statement from you:

    "I'm not asking you to believe me b/c that is up to you. Ironically I make my living through my discernment since I'm a licensed counselor."

    It sounds like maybe you have discernment from talking to people that have talked to people that know Katie. Maybe....... but to me it just sounds like you want to be a "know it all" and gossip and pass along hearsay.

    You should know that a conversation form one to another to another changes and each puts their own slant, connotations and adds their own opinions and the story changes.

    so in summary:

    why answer
    why discuss other peoples problems
    why tell people what (you think) she is doing wrong
    why tell people how (you think) its fixable
    All your knowledge is 2nd and 3rd hand.

    One questions to you:

    If you had talked to Katie personally, and she told you all this, would you have posted?

    Christians are suppose to lift up each other, not gossip about each other.

    I would suggest if you decide that you have done nothing wrong you keep posting anonymously
    or you might lose all you patients.

  18. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Wow...so are you gonna call out the person right above you that gave the exact same information I gave about where Katie is living....since they pretty much wrote the same thing I wrote.

    As well Katie is not one of my clients so we have not entered into a confidential relationship. Therefore I'm not bound by laws of confidentiality. I stand behind everyone of my comments as I believe not only are they factually true but I believe spot on clinically as well.

    A message board is a place where people can reason together and share thoughts, informed opinions (which I believe they are).

    I'm not sure who appointed you message board gestapo. but as it appears you are unreasonable and if anyone expresses an opinion different than you then you have a license to disparge their position.

    I never once claimed to be Katie's spokesman only sharing based on the facts what I believe are some of the things that should happen and need to happen as well.

    As well I don't think at all I've said anything that probably hasn't been said on other message boards and in no way have my comments at all been aimed at saying anything to defame Katie or her family.

    Trust me there are things I could obviously go into extreme depth about that I HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT. I ONLY SOUGHT TO MAKE SOME VERY BASIC COMMENTS AND SOMEHOW YOU BELIEVE I'M ATTEMPTING TO GOSSIP and PASS ALONG HERESAY. That has not been my heart at all. I simply responded to a question on message board. From now on I'll try and ask your permission before I respond to any more questions on this board. Would that satisfy you?

    Again above all else I pray for healing for this entire situation and want whats best for Katie to work through this and gain the healing she needs.

  19. Anonymous1:53 AM

    to 11:38

    First off your statements and the one above were not even close.

    your statement:

    "Wow...so are you gonna call out the person right above you that gave the exact same information I gave about where Katie is living....since they pretty much wrote the same thing I wrote."

    Are you serious? You must be making a joke. Lets look at the statements:

    Regarding Katie, she is in Georgia with her parents. She is receiving God counsel and the people around her are speaking the truth to her.

    Your second hand gossip:
    "From what it sounds like she still doesn't have people in her life that are willing to speak the truth which is very sad."

    Even a 2nd grader can tell the difference!!

    Wow,Wow Wow,Wow this is just priceless

    "I'm not sure who appointed you message board gestapo. but as it appears you are unreasonable and if anyone expresses an opinion different than you then you have a license to disparge their position."

    Once again I question your walk with the Lord. Sure you can have a opinion but why do you feel that it is your responsibility to tell the world about your clinical gossip about Katie. I love your little gestapo comment. You must be Jewish.

    If God was sitting with you as you blog, would you still pass on hearsay and talk about Katie?

    First, all your info is second or third hand. That should be repeated again. All your info is Second hand. You are not in the inner circle but it sounds like you want to be. Sorry, you aren't, so just get over it. It seems like you are trying to go undercover and pump close friends of Katie's for info that I bet they think they are giving to you in confidence. You in return, in your great wisdom, feel the moral responsibility to share this info with the world. Do you really not see a problem with this? Do you really think what you are doing is Biblical?

    If you can't understand what you are doing is wrong then you are probably in the wrong business.

    Also love your clinical observation on this statement:

    "From what it sounds like she still doesn't have people in her life that are willing to speak the truth which is very sad."

    Once again you have no idea. By saying this you are obviously not getting good info. Don't know how much you are paying for the info. but it is way to much. If you really believe this then you are way over your head in what you do. You say she is with her parents and then a few sentences later you basically say her parents are lying to her. You have no idea what you are talking about. but even if you did know, why talk about it. Why share it?

    And finally you said:
    Do all your clinical diagnose you want to, but keep it to yourself. I pray that a book deal is not on the way out.

    Love the hollering, hope you don't do that in your sessions. But trust you after blogging gossip ,I don't think so. But you are gossiping and passing on here-say. Lets say that again, you are gossiping and passing on here-say. Now lets say it together I am gossiping and passing on here-say. have you talked to Katie, no, so it has to be here-say and gossip. Do you really believe you are not doing that? Step back and take a look.

    If you are such good friends with Katie, why does It seems like you have betrayed her by your gossip.

    Do all your clinical diagnose you want to, but why not keep it to yourself.

    I am glad katie is not one of your clients.

    I pray that a book deal is not on the way.

  20. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I know for a fact that in these areas the ones I've talked about that my information is not heresay or gossip. But apparently there's no convincing you for you possess and control all knowledge that is true.

    Apparently the only way possible at understanding and arriving at truth is that I have talked to Katie. God has given us brains and if you have remotely followed the this situation and seen how it's unfolded you don't need to talk to her first hand. To prevent "further gossip" according to you I won't lay out the facts but I will continue to pray for them during this situation.

    Apparently only first hand information is admissible into your blog. So glad our courts don't operate this way or we'd have criminals running rampant on our street.

    What I noticed as well is that as long as people comment "second hand" as that person did above where they wrote SOMETHING YOU AGREE WITH.....

    "Regarding Katie, she is in Georgia with her parents. She is receiving God counsel and the people around her are speaking the truth to her."

    ....then it is ok to do so. Do you think the person that wrote that is hearing that second hand....probably but apparently as long as you agree with second hand information it's acceptable.

    By the way I believe that her family and parents are giving great counsel. Obviously they are not the only ones that are giving counsel.

    Again all of this will be over with soon and Pete will receive his sentence and Katie can move on with her life. That day can't come soon enough.

    By the way....

    No I'm not Jewish.
    No I don't have book deal.

  21. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I feel like I should be calling you something so for now your name is Bob.

    Well Bob, once again you really don’t know what you are talking about. In court you can not testify on what you have heard from a third party that the accused has done or said. That my naive friend is hear-say and is not allowed. Maybe in some kind of Kangaroo court that you oversea in your clinical sessions but not in the real legal world.

    The other poster to me sounds like they really know what is going on. They did not use IMO, I think, she should, my sense, what it sounds like, my guess, I have said this in earlier post ( still doesn’t make it true), I do think. All you are doing is making assumptions based on hear say from your inside sources. Huge difference. They are stating facts you are guessing with gossip with you vast inexperience.

    Bob I am going to make a clinical diagnose on you from our conversations.

    Bob you felt you were called in college to become a youth minister. You worked part time as a youth minister as you were in seminary. Maybe you graduated, it is a little cloudy there but you started working full time as a youth minister. After a few years you found out the kids would not blindly follow your teaching and their parents would not blindly follow your advise. You needed your ideas to be followed instead of just listen to. You took a couple of local courses maybe on-line and dropped out of teaching to dictate your opinions on people so you are now a licensed counselor. Now kids and married couples come to you for advice and you can dictate what they should do and if they don’t follow your advise they will fail. From teacher to dictator. You feel you have all the answers through your discernment of people and want to be the official spokesperson for Katie. Even though your info is third party you are smart enough and bold enough to tell the world that:

    “From what it sounds like she still doesn't have people in her life that are willing to speak the truth which is very sad.”
    Bob this statement of yours is totally false but you feel like blasting Katie, Katie’s family, Katie's friends, that they are all lying to her. Bob that is wrong. But you don’t care because you want to sound important like you know what is going on, and you are probably frustrated that you are not in the inner circle.

    Making a statement like that with a paper bag on your head to cover your identity is cowardly. I dare you to give your real name and company you work for.

  22. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Bob, Let me till a little story and then you tell me how you could clean up your name.

    Bob Newhart is sitting in church with about 1,000 other member and all of a sudden somebody with a paper bag on their head walks into the back of the church and hollers.

    Bob Newhart is a child molester!
    Bob Newhart is a child molester!

    walks out and is never seen again. What should you do? Stand up and try and defend yourself. Try and tell people it is not true. Hope you can make people really believe that you did not do that. Will there always be a little doubt in some peoples mind. Yes, there will be always be some doubt in our minds. Then Mr bag head post on a blog what you have done. He had heard all this from his wife’s friends cousin that you had done this. How can you clean up your name where people will believe in you again? Once those words leave bag heads mouth they are in the minds of people forever. Do you blog and try and convince people you are not guilty of these crimes. There is no way to erase from your friend minds what was said. There is no platform you can go to clear your name.

    Bob, this is what you or doing to Katie's family and friends. You in your ultimate knowledge using gossip and rumors said that they are lying to her. What can her family and friends do at this point. How can they ever clear their name. Maybe you are baiting them into coming unto this blog and then have to defend themselves.I believe that is want happened in the other post. Because of your false statements they had to try and defend themselves from your gossip. If that is what you wanted all along, job well done, job well done.

    Bob your story seems to be changing. Now you are saying that:

    “By the way I believe that her family and parents are giving great counsel. Obviously they are not the only ones that are giving counsel.”

    or you believe

    “From what it sounds like she still doesn't have people in her life that are willing to speak the truth which is very sad.”

    You seem confused or trying to cover your butt. Hope you never have to deal with Mr. Paper Bag man like Katie and family is.

  23. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Maybe the best thing you 2 can do is stop talking about Katie. I know her and I know she would never want to be the center of such a blog transfer. So it would be nice if you moved on and left KATIE out of it.

  24. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Bob Newhart is a child molester???

  25. Anonymous6:27 PM

    once again...all of the "crazies" have taken over another thread!!!!

    Oh Well...either find it entertaining...worth ignoring...or choose to respond.

    I choose to believe none of them have anybody's best interest at heart.

    Neither of these posters should be acknowledged by anyone...let them duke it out amongst themselves.

  26. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Just thinking the same thing: 2 threads with 2 nuts.

    Back to the topic: Katie and Rylie. Hope and pray they are adjusting to life without Pete. Hope they are able to heal and move on with a new life. How tragic to have this past association with such a pathetic evil monster when they both are such precious and sweet girls. The Galloways will give them everything they need. No need to worry about that. But, it will take a lot of time for sure.

  27. Anonymous5:25 AM

    @ 6:16. It really makes perfect sense when you look at how screwed up Larry, Darryl, and Darryl were.

  28. Anonymous7:15 AM

    SENTENCE: What will his sentence likely be?

    Is Judge Orr a softy on these creeps? Or will he excercise responsibility and protect society from this deceiving, manipulative predator?

    Concurrent or consecutive?

  29. Anonymous10:26 AM

    To all victims and their families:
    Please follow through and send in your victim impact statements to Judge Orr. Now is the time to follow through and finish strong!! He needs to hear from the boys about how this has impacted their lives and from you---his mom and dad. My son wrote his and it was amazing to see him put his heart on paper. This is how we can do our part to keep Pete Newman in prison for a VERY LONG TIME so he can't do this to other boys!!!! After we do this we can rest peacefully knowing we did all we could to STOP Pete from manipulating and deceiving any more children. It won't be gone from our lives, but at least we can move forward to privately letting God teach us how to forgive and heal. Thank you.

  30. Anonymous10:33 AM

    For those of you who have been working with the Prosecutor's office you can address your letters to the Honorable Judge Orr and mail them privately to the Victim Witness Advocate at The Prosecutor's office:
    P.O. Box 849
    Forsyth, MO 65653

    Please write them out by hand (not on computer)

    Finish Strong!!!

  31. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The victim impact statements will go a long way towards influencing the judge and the sentence he will impose.

    It would also help for those willing to write letters to the editor of your local newspapers asking for the maximum sentence. This does not have to be done just by victims and their families..but, can also be from concerned citizens desiring to be protected from pedophiles such as Mr. Newman.

    Most newspapers will not publish letters anonymously...so the letters will have to be signed.

  32. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I am guessing this April 1 hearing regarding the state's motion to endorse additional witnesses will allow more people to contribute to the sentencing hearing. Anyone have any knowledge of this process?

  33. Anonymous12:15 PM

    someone said earlier, "Friends (those of us who "knew" him): We were friends with the devil incarnate and it makes my skin crawl. When you look into his eyes in those 4 mugshots, you can see the dark evil so clearly now.

    If you have photos of him, notes from him to your kids, or anything connected to him, you should get it out of your house b/c I truly believe that there is satanic oppression in anything pete-related."

    Amen to that. He IS evil. Our society needs to be rid of him. Our homes need to be rid of him. He is a blasphemous liar and deceiver. Evil. Evil. Evil.

  34. Anonymous5:50 AM

    sentence prediction anyone?

  35. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Has anyone heard anything about the hearing yesterday???

  36. Anonymous5:26 PM

    The only purpose of the hearing was to approve witnesses for the prosecution. Casenet said the motion by the prosecution was sustained. This is in preparation for the sentencing hearing at the end of the month.

  37. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Does anybody out there have a pretty good idea of what length of sentence will be handed down in this case?

    I know it could be 5-171......but what is likely?

    Please tell me that this judge won't slap this pathetic predator on the wrist and let him back on the streets in 30 or 40 years! He's still young, and at 70 years old,, he can still harm young children. These people do NOT get rehabilitated. They will NOT change.

    Add that to the fact that he is SO DECEIVING and calculating, and manipulative.....and there's NO guarantee that he can ever be trusted.

    On top of that, he's surrounded by enablers, OBVIOUSLY. They just don't get it. They will continue to enable him if he's let out, b/c they love him and can't see the forrest for the trees. They just can't see his evil....and never will b/c they only know a very few of the sordid facts here...they only know just a wee little tip of the iceberg. They heard some pretty bad stuff in court when he pled guilty, but there is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomuch more that they haven't been privi to.

    These victims don't need to have the worry of this manipulative criminal out anytime in their lifetimes. He has committed hundreds of horrific crimes and who knows what he'd do next!

  38. Anonymous10:57 PM

    all i know is one of those two bloggers is really good at cutting and pasting. i always enjoy reading dictionary entries on a blog. just curious, who are the other two nuts?

  39. Anonymous11:33 AM

    As far as sentencing, in my experience, I would say Pete is going to get 20 - 30 years in prison. The reason I believe it is going to be so low is because:

    1) He has no priors

    2) The defense is having hoards of people write letters to the judges about the "good" sides of Pete.

    My hope is that they slap him with 75 years, but honestly, I would bet 20 - 30. I also want to add that this is pure speculation.


  40. Anonymous4:13 PM

    "Good" sides of Pete...are you serious? He led a calculated double life all to satisfy his sick fantasies. You can't possibly cancel out the bad/evil/heinous crimes by having people boast about all the "good" he did. IT WAS ALL A COVER, PEOPLE. Wise up!!!!! I understand his family loves him...but anyone else stepping up to his defense needs to carefully consider the consequences to the victims and their families.

  41. Anonymous4:17 PM

    If Pete only gets 20-30 years other states will blast him with charges!!!! So one way or the other he will stay in prison. Just imagine the number of victims out there and the ones who are still disclosing...yes...even still. The numbers are frightening!!!

  42. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I am so sorry for the hurt that Pete has caused the victims, their families, his family, his friends, Kanakuk & each of you...

    A post earlier made reference to the truth that sets you free being Jesus. In time, the truth of what happened & what was allowed to continue will come out. Thank each of you for your desire of this moment & I encourage you that patience must also be kept in mind. I warn you however, not to wait for the truth of what happened to come out in order for you to be free... Information will be helpful but not freeing... Time & perspective, certainly a dose of forgiveness as well are going to be needed for each of us to walk forward in life. Don't be stuck in bitterness, your bitterness at Pete & Kamp will only hold you captive.

    There isn't enough room here nor do I want to assume on you to read an extensive post from me but I do look forward to the truth coming out, I do not however recommend you expect it to set you free.

    As for decisions about whether to send kids to kamp, any camp, boarding school, public school??? Please consider this thought, my uncle was hit by a drunk driver & killed at the age of 30. His daughter was 4 years old at the time. This incident has not led me to the decision that I will never get in a car again. Please don't hold that against me. Please don't hold it against families who choose to send their kids back to kamp, or any other camp for that matter.

    Thanks for your comments, for your time. I hope that in time, each of you finds healing from the horrible pain of what Pete has done.


    5:23 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Thank you for your heartfelt post.

    I do not want to be held captive by bitterness due to the actions of Pete Newman or the "inactions" of Kanakuk.

    I do not want to hold anything against anyone...decisions are personal. The best decisions are made when you know the truth, have the facts and prayerfully consider your options. Without these important elements decisions become whims and are made in haste.

    My suggestion and advice is to be patient...wait for the truth and facts...then prayerfully consider your options.

    Anything less could lead to regret.

    3:08 PM

  43. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I agree with 11:33.

    Though, I wish the sentence would be much, much greater.

    Maybe our speculation is wrong...hopefully so.

  44. Anonymous8:00 PM

    You probably won't post this comment either..but by picking certain posts and not others you are censoring your own blog!!! Shame on you!!!!

  45. I have not censored any posts.

  46. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Well, don't the people writing letters for the defense about the supposed "good" of Pete, now realize that his whole life has been a big show...a big fat lie...a farse...a charade....

    WHO ON EARTH, other than his immediate family, could or would believe in him now???

    This judge had better realize than it's ALL an act, and his "supporters" have fallen for it and mistaken the "persona" for reality....Sad, but true.

    He will always be dangerous!

  47. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I do not know Randy...but, I will say I have never gotten the impression he is censoring posts.

    Thank you Randy for keeping us informed and providing a forum for people to voice their opinions.

  48. Anonymous9:35 PM

    What was the result of the April 1 hearing?

  49. Anonymous4:42 AM

    "Good sides of Pete"............RIDICULOUS!

    Whatever "good" you have perceived was a part of his scheme...a part of his cover...a part of his deception. It took that perceived "good" to win over so many people's trust! Don't you ignorant, naive people get that? Have any of you not at least had a little Psych 101?????????? Have any of you no common sense???? This was his M.O. This is how he was able to seduce these families and win over these young, impressionable boys' trust over the long years. He was calculating this whole time.

    If the court buys this "good" crap, they will further vicitimize these hurting boys and their families.

    Him being locked away forever is JUST!!! What he did is way worse than murder, b/c he took away kids' lives in many ways. He sentenced so many to a living nightmare.

    Give him the maximum! Stand for what's right for a change!

  50. Anonymous11:52 AM

    To the poster above:

    I was the one who wrote about people writing about the "good" sides of Pete. I know for a fact that Pete's defense is having people from his past write letters about what they knew about Pete. Their hope is that these letters will somehow convince the judge that he can be rehabilitated.

    Trust me, there are no good sides of Pete and I wasn't saying there are! I am saying that the defense is trying to get the judge to believe that Pete still has a good side.

    Praying for 75 years...

  51. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The "good" was/still is the act.

    Someone who could look numerous little innocent children in the eye, while inflicting such unspeakable horror upon them DOES NOT ALSO POSSESS "GOOD."

    Both cold and hot water do not flow from the same faucet. That's scripture. Go read it for yourself, Newman family and whoever else is naive enough to still be buying into his charade.

  52. Anonymous5:44 PM

    This is not over yet...there are still boys coming forward and telling their parents that they were victims of Newman. Please go to the authorities and tell them your story!!! Newman more than likely had over 100 victims. Through his double life he had the perfect setup to get his victims. Parents...don't assume that your kids are safe because they initially deny it. You may need to revisit the subject several times...these boys feel shame, that is why it is so hard for them to disclose. Pray for the upcoming sentencing hearing. Pray for the maximum sentence so Newman can't hurt any more boys!!!

  53. Anonymous5:34 AM

    We all thought there was "good," until we saw/knew/experienced first-hand his evil.

    If you believe that his "good" is genuine, then you are just not aware of all the evidence. If you or your son had experienced what we now know, then you would never even suggest that somehow his evil was triumphed by your perceived "good" that you blindly see in him.

    Blood relatives: we get it. Of course you feel you want to spare him.

    Anyone else who supports him: Send your little kids off to a secluded place with him alone. You should be hung, right along with him. Shame on you. You just don't know the facts. If you did, you would shutter to think that you supported satan incarnate.

  54. Anonymous9:43 AM

    8:09 AM - There is no one that is righteous.

    Pete obviously is not and will face the eternal and earthly consequences of his actions.

  55. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Did Pete ever work for USA Swimming?

  56. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Not one of us is righteous....true.

    Now, does this mean we all need to show "mercy" on Pete and turn him back out on the streets, where he'd surely continue in his sickness, destroying child after child.....just b/c not one of us is righteous????? Just think about what you're saying for a moment.

  57. Anonymous11:42 AM

    does anybody know about pete's visitors in jail? who has come? representatives of kanakuk? family?

  58. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Why would representatives from Kanakuk visit him?
    I would be so disappointed if they did...they need to be standing with the victims at this juncture.

  59. Anonymous8:29 PM


  60. Anonymous5:25 AM

    I would hope that Kanakuk is SPEAKING UP FOR THESE VICTIMS IN EVERY WAY AND IN EVERY VENUE THEY CAN. It would be the least that they could do. Afterall, this abuse took place under their nose, as they failed to enforce their policies for employees. THIS IS THEIR FAULT, as well as Pete Newman's. IF THEY WILL NOT STAND UP AND SPEAK UP FOR THESE VICTIMS, THEY SHOULD PAY DEARLY.

  61. Anonymous10:39 AM

    To 5:25...I'm not disputing anything you said. However, I was curious.

    In your opinion, how should Kanakuk stand up and speak up for the families of the victims?

    And, do you know if they already are doing what you suggest?

  62. Anonymous6:03 PM

    10:39, they need to publicly answer A LOT of questions that parents have.

    They, meaning Joe WHite, need to be at these hearings...not just Kris Cooper.

    They need to not distance themselves from affected families.

    They need to stand in that courtroom on April 30th and testify to the hurt that so many have gone through at the hands of their beloved employee.

    They need(ed) to have been PRO-ACTIVE in the investigation.

    They need to worry more about standing up for the victims who can't speak for themselves, than they are about attracting negative attention toward camp.

    They need to admit that they allowed this by not enforcing policies.

    They need to admit to looking the other way 10 years ago, causing this open door for Pete Newman.

    They just need to be painfully open and honest with everyone.

    It's just so sad that they are choosing to be in C.Y.A. mode, rather than humbly accepting and owning the consequences that result from this permissive leadership and lack of accountability among leadership. But unfortunately, attorneys don't always give the best advice.

    On that note, much of their counsel way back then and up until today, is not what they think it is.

    They need to apologize to each of these victims and their families and do everything in their power to try to make this "right" b/c this happened right under their nose for years and with 100s of kids and CLEARLY NO ONE cared to notice.

  63. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Ok for Kanakuk to admit any culpability in this case would be to write a blank check to every blood sucking lawyer in the country. Some lawyers have even tried to set up websites to attract potential clients against Kanakuk. I really hate that for the victims in this case but it is a cold fact.

    Bottom line is we live in a litigious society, one that is not driven at all by what is right or wrong instead its driven by profitability. One where a person can profit from having coffee that is too hot. IF camp admits culpability then any young man who Pete so much as looked cross eyed at is a victim in the eyes of a lawyer. This would be devastating to the victims of Pete Newman.

    Some suggest that the leadership of camp should publicly admit fault and allow God to help them rebuild camp. Is that a different God than the one that allowed Pete to work at camp? Would he also allow lawyers looking to cash in on this tragedy? So is this is the price that camp should pay? Exhaust hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, which they don't have, shut down camps, and remove the opportunity for the other thousands of campers that come every summer. This would be punishment to every young person who feels that going to camp is the highlight of their year.

    Or maybe the leadership of camp should work directly with the victims on an individual basis to see what they need. Perhaps they should make themselves available to talk with parents of campers to see if they have questions? Maybe they should audit their policies and accountability? I know I am really smart huh?

    In a good world the leadership of camp should be able to jump through all of the hoops you folks are suggesting, admit fault, disclose everything, address rumors. But what good would it really do anyway, people believe what they want to. There are some people who want to believe that Pete is a good person, some who want to think that Joe White is a racist pedophile enabler. In the end people who love camp want believe its good. People who dont like religious organizations want to believe that the leadership are only doing this to save their jobs.
    In the end we just need to be patient. Wait and see what happens to Pete. Wait for a civil suit and see what the rulings are. Wait and see how the leadership of camp learns and changes. And finally be on our guard. One thing that is tough for me in this that I found is that safety is an illusion. We live in a dangerous world one where caution is required far often than abandon.

  64. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Kamp has insurance to protect them from this very kind of thing. If any lawsuits do pan out it will all be settled out of court. What parent would put their child through a civil suit for money???

  65. Anonymous8:52 PM

    "Kamp has insurance to protect them from this very kind of thing. If any lawsuits do pan out it will all be settled out of court. What parent would put their child through a civil suit for money??"

    First I need to clarify. I have no idea if camp is culpable.

    Insurance policies have limits to them and once they are all paid out then Camp would have to cover the balance. If camp were to freely admit culpability like some are suggesting then the policies will not cover all of those blank checks. Additionally they risk not being able to obtain policies in the future that would allow camp to continue to opperate.

    As you say that I feel that as a parent I have to agree with you that I could not see myself putting a child through a civil suit of this nature. I dont think any parent of a victim would do this just to cash in. I feel that your point is valid.

    However I think my point still stands that so long as camp is reaching out to victims and families what good would actually come from them doing all the things that people are suggesting on this blog. It might feel nice for some people to hear something like this but the negatives would far outwiegh that. Am I wrong?

  66. Anonymous6:26 AM

    7:47, their insurance company is probably about to lose their butt.

  67. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Civil suits serve a purpose beyond money. A civil suit can bring much needed attention to a situation where negligence caused harm and therefore help to prevent said harm from happening in the future. So often judges or juries award huge amounts of money to plaintiffs to send a message that such negligence should not be tolerated even when they know the large amount of money will never be paid out because the money is not available.

  68. Anonymous6:19 AM

    " A civil suit can bring much needed attention to a situation where negligence caused harm and therefore help to prevent said harm from happening in the future. "

    If anyone brings a civil suit, I pray it's for this reason alone. Kanakuk is a noble institution that made big mistakes. It should not be closed, but it should correct past mistakes and be honest about past mistakes. Then, and only then, will people trust them again.

  69. Anonymous4:30 PM

    A mighty fortress is our God
    A bulwark never failing
    Our Helper He amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing
    For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe
    His craft and power are great and armed with cruel hate on earth is not His equal

    Did we in our strength confide our striving would be losing
    Were not the right Man on our side the man of God's own choosing
    Dost ask who that may be?
    Christ Jesus it is He
    Lord Sabaoth, His name from age to age the same
    and He must win the battle

  70. Anonymous1:28 PM

    How does this bullshit poetry have anything to do with the Pet Newman. I'm sick of hearing people say that he is in the middle of spiritual warfare. He is a pervert who has fooled everyone. I know how romantic it is to think that folks can forgive and forget and that evil people can change. I seriously doubt this is the case for Pete. I thought I knew him really well too! I grew up in Woodson Bend, so i saw A LOT of Pete. I'm sick of people who knew him well talking about how we shouldn't judge and what not. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE! This maniac fooled you. He fooled everyone. He is not a child of the Lord. He is a shrewd puppet of the devil and he got us all. It makes me sick. It makes me even sicker that some people seem to want to feel sorry for him in his situation. He is right where he needs to be. DETAINED. For a long time!

  71. Anonymous5:44 AM

    1:28, you summed it up perfectly. Every word that proceeds from his mouth, and every action he does, is carefully choreographed to do one thing: manipulate. He succeeded his whole entire life at manipulation. Even his family is being manipulated by this pathetic pervert. He is the worst kind of gross. His ability to deceive, connive, manipulate exceeds everything any of us have ever heard of. He fooled EVERYbody. And this is exactly why NO ONE should believe a word he says. He can never be trusted again. He is simply too dangerous and the potential risks are too great. He has destroyed and devastated all he's ever going to. If he is released before he dies, he will surely continue in his psychopathic/sociopathic crimes.

    Anybody who thinks differently is yet ANOTHER victim. OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  72. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Spiritual warfare? Ha! That assumes one is attempting to follow Christ. He was NOT attempting to follow Christ, as much as we'd all like to convince ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was pre-meditating, calculating, deliberately using his position at Kanakuk and the name of the Most High God to run his own Sodom and Gomorrah...right there on Holy ground. It's called BLASPHEMY, people. He put on the "Christian garb" in order to commit crimes against the purest innocence. That is evil. There is NOTHING good in that. He WAS the spirit of the enemy there in that place. BLASPHEMY!
    I pray he gets what he deserves.

  73. Anonymous2:00 PM

    "A shrewd puppet of the devil" well-put....that's EXACTLY what he IS!!!!!!

  74. Anonymous8:57 PM

    let's bury this

  75. Anonymous12:53 PM

    This has been asked, but not sure if anyone "in the know" has answered.....

    What is the expected sentence that Judge Orr will hand down?

    And another question: Will "no prior arrests" be a cause for lesser sentencing, since we have multiple crimes committed here? Another words, if someone commits a one-time offense and they've never had a prior record, then the judge might go a little easy....BUT HERE, "no prior arrests" really is irrelevant (is it not?) since he as committed numerous crimes against numerous children, as shown in all the charges on this record...Another words, this is not a one-time-crime. He's obviously a SERIAL PEDOPHILE.

    Anybody with legal expertise like to take a stab at this for me?

    This community, and country for that matter, had better pray hard that this pervert is never out on the streets again. He is a threat to the safety of our society, and particularly young children.

    If prison space is an issue, I hope the judge will consider that thieves/etc. are "safer" back out on the streets than a pedophile on the hunt.


  76. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Pasted from an earlier post...still important to remember:

    "Anonymous said...
    God can be merciful to him if he becomes broken. But God and God alone will only know for sure.

    As responsible citizens, it is our responsibility to society and to our own children to be sure we protect them from people like Pete Newman. He is NOT a safe person, nor ever will be. He can not be rehabilitated. Read the research.

    Aside from being a perverted pedophile, this guy is a deceptive, pathological, lying sociopath. That's dangerous. Society needs to be protected from him. He should never be trusted again. God, ALONE, needs to deal with him...behind bars.

    Anyone who would knowingly risk losing his family, child, freedom, reputation, job, relationships, security, future, NOT TO MENTION knowingly harm these NUMEROUS INNOCENT CHILDREN in this sick way....Well, this person has a deep hard-wired evil that can not be reversed. You don't risk all that to get your jollies unless you are deeply disturbed and evil. Obviously, those things don't mean to him what they mean to normal people. They're just not valuable to him, or he would never have done them.

    If ANY "expert" wants to try and argue that he is sick and couldn't help himself, well think about this:

    He didn't do it when people were looking.
    He didn't do it on stage.
    He didn't do it to boys with their parents in the room.
    He didn't do it with Katie watching.
    He didn't invite Joe White to his molesting sessions.

    What I am saying is that he CONTROLLED HIMSELF WHEN HE HAD TO....
    THerefore, he COULD HELP HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  77. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Not that I think its right, but I doubt he gets oer 20 years.

  78. Anonymous6:08 PM

    11:38, if you're right, Bill O'Reilly, Oprah, and many others will crucify this judge on national television.

  79. Anonymous7:47 AM

    6:08, What makes you think that?

    I'm not trying to argue, I just don't know what the precedent is for prison time for child molesters. I could be naive about it, but I don't think life sentences is the norm for someone's first incarceration. Therefore, if Pete just gets 20 years, wouldn't think it would stir up any media attention.

  80. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I would not begin to speculate on his sentence...though, it would be nice if this judge would hand down a very stiff sentence...not only to provide the proper punishment and societal protection...but, to also provide a precedent for future cases involving sexual predators. A few years in prison does not deter these criminals from recommitting after being released. Mandated counseling by the courts does not work either. The only true protection to society is to keep them locked up. Recently heard of an island off the coast of Washington state where there is a facility that houses sexual predators and provides treatment. Interesting concept.

  81. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Send him. Forever.

    But "treatment" is only to make certain PC people feel that they've "helped" the criminal. However, study the research on recidivism, etc. for sexual predators carefully and you will learn that these sickos aren't helped by "therapy" or anything else. It just doesn't work. They have a deep-seeded, hard-wiring that simply cannot be untangled by counseling.

    Add to that the deception factor with this particular criminal. Who's to say he won't put forth the biggest, fakest ACT to pretend to be rehabilitated. He is an expert deceiver, as 1000s of people are attesting. He's good. He knows EXACTLY how to get what he wants and don't think for a second that he's doing EXACTLY that as we speak, from behind bars.

    Watch. This hearing on Friday won't happen. The "defense" will come up with some reason to reschedule. The ball has been in Peter's court this entire time and will continue to be. He's a master manipulator. This entire thing will play out to his design....just as his entire life has. Watch and see.

    I would venture to guess that he has his pitiful parents, 3 brothers, their wives, his own wife, her family, and various other VERY NAIVE fans all writing letters to this judge claiming what a saint he really is. AFterall, these enablers have gotten him to where he is today. They'll continue supporting him, no matter what he's done. Sad. Their SO misled. SO deceived. It's high time they wake up, though, for their own good, not to mention the good of society at large.

    WHO seriously knowingly enables a serial pedophile? WHO? People who are under his spell. He's evil and dangerous.

    So send him away, but don't bother to try and fix him. Let God deal with him, from BEHIND bars.

  82. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Lock him up and throw away the key, but ISOLATE him to prevent him from getting more jollies with the boys.

  83. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Men in cages: Maybe this is what the manipulator has been working toward his whole life....ever think of that? He's that sick.
