Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Crime Scene blog: Pete Newman sentencing postponed

The sentencing of former Kanakuk Kamp director Pete Newman on sex charges involving underage boys has been postponed, and as you might expect, it is Newman's side that asked for the delay.

The Crime Scene Blog reports a witness for the defense was unable to make it to the scheduled hearing, which was originally scheduled for Friday in Taney County Circuit Court. The hearing is now set for June 9:

Previous Turner Report posts on the case can be found at this link.


  1. Anonymous11:12 AM


  2. Anonymous11:20 AM

    So..... A "friend" of Pete's is "unavailable to testify in favor of him? Tom Carver and Judge Orr have just become 2 more pawns in Pete's twisted, narsicistic game.

    Keep praying for the young men who were prepared to speak the truth tomorrow. Pray that the Lord would protect their hearts and minds. I am certain that they will be available when called to testify.

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    WOW, here we go again. Thanks again to Pete and his posse for putting the interest of our children ahead of your own wants and needs. I hope who ever this person who was all set to come out and speak to what a great person Mr. Newman is is really proud of themselves for pro-longing this process for the VICTIMS, the children who had to prepare them selves mentally and emotionally for this sentencing, just to have their feet kicked out from under them again so that Mr. Newman, the guilty party by his own admission - remember, gets every benefit. Now these brave young men can set with this for another 5 weeks. Sure does not make me very confident that Judge Orr is prepared to hand down the sentence that Pete deserves...

  4. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Judge Orr really had NO choice. It is not unusual for the defense to get everything they ask for regarding hearings, etc. The prosecution side basically has to do everything the defense asks to keep the defense from crying "foul" at any point and saying Pete's rights were violated. Rest assured, as much as the boys and families were sucker-punched yet again, this only strengthens our resolve to see this through. It makes you wonder if what Carver said about a witness not be able to come that day was even true. Seems more like manipulation and delaying tactics again to to try and scare the boys. Unbelievable...yet again!

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Is he is jail now?

  6. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Just an observation. If Judge Orr indended to give a soft sentence, he probably wouldn't have granted the request to reschedule the hearing.

    However, if he did plan on giving a tough sentence, then he would grant the request, so the defense couldn't say they didn't have every chance to present their case.

  7. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Pete is a controller. This is further proof. This helps to show what a controlling, manipulating, narcissistic, person he is.

  8. Anonymous9:41 PM

    so sorry for the families that have been waiting ....and preparing for this day to come and go........and now for the added distraction it will be for the leadership of Kanakuk during the first kamp session. with a june date, we must pray that the very reason we have trusted to send our precious children to Kanakuk will be preserved in the midst of someone we all also trusted is facing a sentence on earth that cannot compare to the one he will face upon his death. the distractions for leadership could be great if satan has his way. ironic that pete will be sentenced during a time that two years prior, he was front and center, playing his greatest role. hope he has figured out what his part will be in a jail cell.

  9. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Pete has/will always call the shots. He is controlling this whole thing, from behind bars. He has people fooled to this day. He probably has Judge Orr fooled. Tom Carver is a fool. His family may be sweet, good, honest people...but they are fools too. That may sound harsh, but they are standing by this monster, and paying for this defense, and allowing all these stall-tactics, so they, again, are enabling Pete to further victimize us all. THey have shown that they have one and only one concern and that is for Pete. If they cared at all for the people he's destroyed, they in good conscience, could not go along with all this crap. At some point, they should stand for the truth AND the Truth. Standing for PEte is the same as siding with the devil. This has gone on long enough. But instead, they're running around, drumming up all sorts of "support letters" praising Pete for all the "good" that he has done. PATHETIC. They, too, are his pawns. Pete is showing the "outside of Kanakuk world" what a controlling manipulator that he truly is. He gets what he wants. Most sociopaths or people with antisocial personality disorder do.

  10. Anonymous2:23 PM

    "The Lord knows best what is needful for us. What He does, He does for our good. If we really knew just how much He loves us, we would always be willing to receive anything from His hand. We would receive the bitter or the sweet without distinction.
    Anything, yes everything, would please us just because it came from Him.
    The worst possible afflictions and suffering appear intolerable only when seen in the wrong light. When we see such things as dispensed by the hand of God, when we know that it is our own loving Father who abases us and distresses us, then our sufferings lose their bitterness. Our mourning becomes all joy.
    Let your employment be to know God. The more you actually know Him the more you will desire to know Him. Since knowledge is a measurement of love, the deeper and more intimate you are with Him, the greater will be your love for Him. And if our love for the Lord is great, then we will love Him as much during grief as in joy.
    I am sure you know that most people's love for the Lord stops at a very shallow stage. Most love God for the tangible things He gives them. They love Him because of His favor to them. You must not stop on such a level, no matter how rich His mercies have been to you. Many outward blessings can never bring you as close to God as can one simple act of faith.
    So seek Him often by faith.
    Oh, dear friend, the Lord is not outside of you, pouring down favors. The Lord is within you. Seek Him there, within....and nowhere else.
    Let the Lord be the one, the only, love of your life. If we do love Him alone, are we not rude if we busy ourselves with trifles, trifles which do not please Him and some which may even offend Him? Be wise and fear such trifles. They will one day cost us dearly.
    Dear friend, would you now begin, today, to be devoted to the Lord, in earnest? Cast everything else out of your heart. He would possess it alone. Beg of Him that favor."
    - Brother Lawrence, 1691

    Yes Pete did awful things, unthinkable things. Yes he deserves and will get his just punishment via prison time, shame, regret, remorse, etc.
    But does God still love Pete? Yes. Did Jesus' death on the cross only count for those junior varsity sins that we commit everyday? Or did he die for what you and I have done on our worst days? These were Pete's worst days, and there were many of them.
    But there is forgiveness found in the cross. We are called to forgive as Christ forgave us.
    We aren't called to be less upset or less angry, but to understand what Christ did for us and in turn to extend forgiveness.
    I don't intend to condone anything Pete did, but to stand with a friend or family member who's sin is covered by the blood of Jesus is not set equal to standing with the devil. Otherwise we'd all be in a world of trouble.
    And will Pete be held accountable for his actions when standing before the Throne of God? Yes.
    Will God send him straight to hell because of what he's done? No.
    "If you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
    Pete did the unthinkable. He ruined lives.
    But praise God that Christ is the ultimate Healer and Restorer of the broken, AND the forgiver of sins.
    Speak and react based on Scripture and on what we know of God.
    Had to respond.
    I hope justice is had and that each kid, most of whom I know, experience healing and restoration from the Lord.
    David was a man after God's own heart. Then he committed adultery, and murdered.
    Pete's story is similar. He loves God. He needs help, not condemnation.
    Trust in the Lord.

  11. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Wow...such spiritual arrogance. And to compare Pete with David? Are you serious? Where is Pete lamenting his sins...certainly not by the way he has handled and manipulated the boys through the entire legal process. Where is his remorse. You are still being manipulated and controlled by him. I pray you don't make the mistake of speaking in court for him and wounding these boys to the core. Unbelievable.

  12. Anonymous3:00 PM

    to 2:23
    Are you kidding me???? If Pete had turned himself in, went to a friend for help, etc. I could see extending some grace while still holding him accountable, but to know the facts that he is where he is because he got caughtand only because he got caught. There is not doubt that he would still be molesting today if he hadn't been found out. Even over the summer when the walls were closing in on him he was calling these boys reminding them not to talk. That is a sick, sick, manipulative individual that deserves to be behind bars for a really long time. Does God still love him, Yes. But God can love him behind those bars that are there to keep children (whom God loves) safe from such an animal. Quit the spiritual "holier than thou" talk. Standing with Pete is slapping every victim and family member in the face. You say you know them? You may know them but you don't care about them at all for you to stand with Pete.

  13. Anonymous3:00 PM

    There might be a time for you to "stand with Pete" but I can't imagine it would be now while the boys are still in the middle of the legal end of it. I pray you have the wisdom to not appear in court on Pete's behalf, because nothing you could say would be reason for a light sentence. None of the "good he did" was what it seemed. He did EVERYTHING to fulfull his sick fantasies. He didn't love my son or any of the other victims. Who knows what he is saying...or maybe you do. Maybe you are visiting him in jail and being snowed once again. You must work for kamp or you wouldn't claim to know many of the boys. I hope you are leaving the counseling to the professionals as it appears you have a lot to learn about sexual predators. Educate yourself and refrain from your spiritual dissertations. Oh this is in response to 2:23 pm in case you didn't know.

  14. Anonymous3:15 PM

    to 2:23: I don't know who you are but I sure hope that you don't pretend to know my son or give him advice through this. Your spiritual bragging is way out of line. We don't need lectures on forgiveness or how God views Pete or how we should view Pete. Perhaps if Pete had molested your son you might have a different take on it. Or maybe you're in denial still, or still talking to him. You must work at kamp if you say you know many of the boys. How inappropriate for you to be standing with Pete right now if you do work at kamp. SHAME ON YOU!!!!! If Pete would finally man up and show some remorse or change of heart the victims and families could see things differently right now...but if you have in in court like I have you wouldn't see that. But then again you are so much wiser spiritually than the rest of us. What kind of response did you think you would get by what you posted?

  15. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Hey you at 2:23: You are stupid, completely stupid. You knuckleheads in the pedophile camp are probably going to hire yet ANOTHER pedophile to work with the kids.

    Get an outside agency,(private investigator), to screen the applicants. Don't just hire the 1st bible quoting scumbag who comes in the door and "loves God's children". Yeah, sure they do.

    We wonder how these things happen, they happen because people, particularly the religious, are stupid.

    Look how long it took the Catholics to get a clue. DAH!!!

  16. Anonymous4:50 PM

    What time and where will his sentencing be on June 9th?

  17. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Look, in no way was that intended to "stand up for pete", he has lawyers and apparently people coming to court to do that for him. I just have a hard time being okay with "christians" trying to steal Gods role of judgement in this and condemn someone eternally for their sins. Yes Pete deserves to be in jail for a long long long time, that can't be argued. Nobody is condoning his actions, nobody is defending him, nobody is trying to be remotely antisympathetic to any family or kid involved. I've stayed in touch with one family involved and support them fully. They understand what I'm getting at: that it's okay to be angry and ticked and demanding of justice, but is it biblically okay to condemn a man eternally for his sins? Especially if we aren't God or if we haven't had conversations with that person? That's all I'm saying. We are to live life through the lens of Gods Word - nobody said they were more religious or holier than thou or in "a pedophiles camp" - but I understand the reaction. People are mad. But some of those things were a little much. I used to work at Kamp, yes. And I am an enormous advocate of their efforts to take the interviewing process to the next level. Who isn't?! If you're offended, I apologize. But my hope is that God restores each broken kid and broken family in this AND that He restores Pete and Petes family and that He is able to use Pete for His glory while in prison for the next 50 years. Is that so unbiblical?

  18. Anonymous6:04 PM

    poster 2:23 = Klife

  19. Anonymous6:08 PM

    God can only use Pete for His Glory in prison if Pete is completely willing to die to himself. His past actions and current actions CLEARLY show that he is unwilling and most likely unable to do that.

    Your comments urging us to forgive him, as well intentioned as you meant them to be seem very naive. Forgiving someone for entrapping innocent young men in the name if Jesus Christ and then continuing patterns if manipulation with no remorse is not an easy thing.

    I see no similarities between King David - a man after God's own heart and Pete Newman- a master, repetive manipulator and sinner. David cried out in great remorse. Pete lawyered up and lied and lied and lied, and now is delaying not bringing glory to God.

  20. Anonymous6:43 PM

    You're right, he isn't crying out to God right now! Yes, he's been/is incredibly narcisistic! I know! But listen, I really hope that he turns to the Lord and truly repents. He hasn't, but what if God brings him full circle and gets a hold of his heart?? What if that happens and Pete leads gobs of prisoners to Christ through his testimony of Gods grace and mercy?! We'd say praise God right?!
    And how can anyone really debate a mans love for/relationship with God at points in the past?! Has he fallen off the wagon? Like crazy! Did he ever have pure intentions to disciple kids and love god in sincerity and blamelessly?? Who's to say yes or no! I'm not arguing for him here, just against those who argue against every intention, action, goal that he's ever had in doing ministry. Nobody has to forgive him right now - nobody! But if people, Christ-followers, never do.....what will they say when Christ asks them why??
    I know that people are so angry that they don't want to hear any of it - I was one of them! I might even still be there were it my child...
    I've said my piece and I'm done. I don't intend to argue, just wanting to have the eyes, mind, and heart of Christ in this whole deal - whatever that looks like.

  21. Anonymous7:00 PM

    All very complicated. What I do know is God forgives Pete. But, if we as human beings are not ready or prepared to exhibit that same forgiveness...God understands and loves us despite are unwillingness or inability to do so. Just as he forgives Pete. Let us feel our emotions and have our opinions...however "unGodlike" they may be and certainly as you see them to be.
    Pete Newman needs to be removed from free society...incarcerated for a very, very long time...if not for the rest of his life. His deviant desires for children are a deep part of his nature that will not change.
    Forgiveness may never come from his victims and their families or from others who feel strongly about the crimes he committed against these children...and God understands and forgives us through his grace.
    As for Pete having a heart for God...that is between him and God and in no way changes what he did and how he will be thought of and viewed in the future by human society. He is pedophile and will always be a pedophile regardless of his relationship with God.

  22. Anonymous7:04 PM


    Well said, well said!

  23. Anonymous7:27 PM

    to 6:43...if you would take the time to study how pedophiles operate, you would understand that everything they do is to satisfy their sick fantasies. From meticulously setting up a double life, to the line of work they choose, everything is premediated to achieve one goal...gain access to the children they plan to molest. So judge those of us who question everything Pete ever would too if it was YOUR kid!! And we can question his past behavior in light of I John 3 and question whether his faith was genuine. Trying to make sense of what happened is one way that as parents we try to cope with what happened. If you didn't want to come across as spiritually condescending you should have left out the lengthy diabtribe in the first entry...all it did was make people think you have all the answers for those of us on the front lines. You say you don't want to argue and yet you feel compelled to make the point about us judging Pete...that is not what it is about for us!! We will let the judge and God take care of that. We are just trying to walk our kids through this lengthy ordeal and help them come to terms with their new reality.

  24. Anonymous8:27 PM

    And their new reality is to realize that the Pete they knew never really existed. Just a sick, pedophile spinning his web for his sick perverted ways. I'm so sick of people talking about the good that Pete did. Like the above poster said, it was all done to achieve one goal. Why else would he meticulously place himself in a position where he had access to thousands of kids?

  25. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Standing with Pete = Standing with the devil.

    Forgiven or not. He's a pedophile. David of the bible did murder, commit adultery and do some really horrible things. But let's consider a couple things...

    1) What is worse--murder or repetively sodomizing and inflicting untold disturbing sexually perverted acts upon untold numbers of little innocent children, scarring them for life, and sentencing them to a lifetime of dealing with the damage done to them??

    2) Has Pete been crying out, proclaiming his sin since the beginning? No! Was he turned in by parents/attorneys back in Feb. 2009? Yes! Did he lie all summer to his wife, daughter, parents, brothers, family, and to numerous kamp families about why he'd left his job at K? Yes! Did he call victims all summer long, TRYING TO GET THEM TO LIE TO COVER UP FOR HIM? Yes! Did he show up to hearings in Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan., and Feb. proclaiming "not guilty?" YES!! ONLY WHEN HE WAS BACKED IN A CORNER BY THE INCREASING CHARGES (THE ADDITIONAL ONES ADDED BY COLORADO AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF MORE COMING FROM OTHER STATES), AND THE REALIZATION THAT THESE VICTIMS WEREN'T GOING TO RUN AND HIDE, BUT THEY WERE COURAGEOUS ENOUGH TO SPEAK UP.....then, and only then, did he come cowering into the courtroom and admit to these felonies against these precious little children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does that really sound like David to you??????????? Huh???? Does it? Where is his repentence? Will we hear it at sentencing? Is he coming clean about all the boys who are just now revealing their abuse by him? Who's handing over THAT INFO? Not Pete! The victims are! Has he made a statement of remorse? Hell no! Has he apologized? Hell no!

    Whoever you are, and we probably all know, STOP comparing your little peter to King David, a man after God's heart! As much as you'd love to think he's the same, he is NOT! If he were, he would profess the same type of crying out to God, asking for forgiveness of these boys, etc. He has the opportunity everytime he comes to court, but NO!

    Standing by Pete = Condoning a Pedophile.

  26. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I think 8:27 is on to something. Those that defend Pete (I know, I don't admit to "defending" him, but rather cloak that defense in "forgiveness" to give it credibility)are really coming from a place of not wanting to feel they were duped by this man for all these years. Sorry, you WERE duped, just as so many of us were. The difference is we are willing to admit we were duped and you are still holding on to hope that he is a decent man who made a few "mistakes." Trying to compare or equate what Pete has done to David or any other human who has made mistakes only makes YOU feel better.

  27. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I don't know Pete personally, nor do I have any affiliation with Kanakuk.

    What I know is that nobody on this blog is in a position to judge Pete's heart, least of all by the legal process that has gone on. Pete will be sentenced, and the law will deal with him as it sees fit. Nobody is arguing about that.

    The fact that Pete gets his day in court and an opportunity to defend himself is just the way it is. People on here are so hateful (and ignorant, really). Let it go. Nobody thinks what Pete did is ok.

  28. Anonymous5:51 PM

    2:23 &6:43 (? Same person?)
    I just want you to know that not everyone that is reading this thinks you are wrong. I could have done with out the long quote in the beginning, but your personal thoughts were appreciated. Pete did some really bad things to my son, and our family. We are angry at Pete for what he did...but by God's grace, it is not my place to sit in judgement of Pete and wether he has repented or not. Only God knows, and for the parent who continually writes on these blogs that he/she knows based on all of the hearings they have attended...enough! Let the legal process play out. He gets a fair trial, and a lawyer and a judge who can extend court dates because he is an American. We don't have to like it but he does have legal rights.
    Stop bullying everyone who doesn't agree 100% with how you feel about Pete. It might be time for some of you to walk away from the blogs and move forward.
    You can disagree w/ comments but it's time people realize that not all victims/families/friends/haters/kamp people---have the same feelings here. Just because a person thinks Pete can be forgiven by God or a victim or simply a friend, does not give any of you the right to Bully or condemn that person. He is in jail, he is going to prison, and guess some he will be forgiven. It's Jesus who may or may not save him....YOU don't get a vote in that....

  29. Anonymous6:00 PM

    People on this blog are not hateful OR ignorant. They are hurting. Their children are hurting. They are trying desparately to move on. They are needing closure. Closure will begin with a just verdict. Then, the long road to rebuild and perhaps can forgive will be in front of victims and their families.

    Someone who many of us trusted to be a loving servant of God has proven to be a liar who meant harm all along. This is a very HUGE thing to " get over".

  30. Anonymous6:24 PM

    This is a blog...a place for people to express their thoughts and ideas. Unfortunately some people incite others by posting insensitive and judgemental quotes, etc. and then are surprised when people respond. If you don't like the interactions posted, then you should refrain from reading and writing here. Certainly people do not all feel the same, nor should we expect them to. For many of us, this blog is the only place to safely express what we are going through. This crime isolates the victims and their cut us a little slack if you can.

  31. Anonymous7:06 AM


    Thank you for reminding us all again how important PETE's rights are!!! We realize that is the priority in all this right?!?! Not that he was really concerned about the rights of our son or our family or any of the kids and families involved not to be victimized by his sick, perverted motives. So forgive us all if HIS rights are not our priority. Yes he deserves his day in court and all his RIGHTS just by the virtue that he is an American Citizen...but these kids and famiies deserve some closure also and all most of the people on here want is for him to FINALLY and FOR ONCE do what is best for these kids that he claimed to care so much about and stop thinking about himself and let all of this come to a just conclusion... YOU have alot of nerve telling people on here to stop bullying and condemning in regards to defending your precious PETE but then in the same breath tell people that disagree that maybe it is time they walk away from the blogs...unreal! All this compassion and concern for a CONFESSED CHILD ABUSER and none for his victims? Way to go! And before you come back with your little lecture about Christians having a duty to forgive. We know our role as Christians and know that eventually we will have to find that in our hearts, even for Pete, and I know the Lord will help all of us find that, but he also understands our struggles with finding it in the midst of Pete's continued abuse of these victims by dragging this whole thing out for his gain.

  32. Anonymous7:59 AM

    So sorry your child was a victim. I hope your family and child can heal and is satisfied with the verdict which is too slow in coming! Would you please comment on how you feel about Kanakuk? As an insider, do you feel Kanakuk was at fault? This is unclear to me, and important for families deciding about sending their children.

  33. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Kanakuk at fault? Blatantly? No. Peripherally? Yes.

    If Kamp had adhered to the rules and regulations that were in place during the years of Pete's employment, it would have been much, much more difficult to groom these children. He was allowed way to much alone time with these boys during kamp where much of the grooming process took place.

    Plus, parents faith in Kanakuk and their ability to care for and protect kampers stemmed from the rules, regulations and policies in place and the belief Kanakuk would adhere (with a zero tolerance policy mindset) to these rules, regulations and policies. They did not...and as we in hindsight know, this grevious error on the part of kamp administration led to the current situation.

    Is Kamp a bad place? Are those in administration bad people? Probably not. But, I as a parent do not find comfort in the fact Kanakuk created an environment which allowed someone with such deviant tendencies to victimize innocent children. It is the job of those who put themselves in a position of caring for and protecting children to always err on the side of caution and always play devil's advocate and think of the worst that can happen when you choose to allow rules to be broken.

    I can drive 15 miles over the speed limit, realizing the odds are in my favor that nothing bad will happen. Or I can choose to drive the speed limit knowing I drastically reduce the chances of me hurting myself or someone else.

  34. Anonymous12:45 PM


    I agree with what 11:12 said. Kanakuk has been a part of our family for generations and this has been devistating to us. My son was victimized, as were countless others, in the sense that a close trusted mentor has made him question his faith and so many other things - not what we had in mind when we sent our 13 year old son off to camp last year. He had been attending camp for the last 5 years and had become very close to Pete. In talking with him about all this we found out that Pete had taken him off camp ground, alone, during his camp term...part of the grooming process I am certain, and again not in line with the zero tolerance many parents believed and trusted was in place. Do I think camp leadership knew the degree of the abuse that was happening right under their nose - no, but I do know for a fact they were aware that something was not right, and allowed Pete to have way too much freedom to violate camp policies at the expense of our childres. My other concern with how this situation was handled by leadership is that when parents were notified, we were told Pete was dealing with "a personal family crisis" and to please "respect his privacy". We spent the next several months praying for Pete and his family, worried to death for him and Katie and sent our kids back to camp with no idea what was really going on. I do not appreciate them withholding this information from us until last summer session was over and I would NOT have sent them back last summer with all this pending had it been disclosed to me and I been able to make an informed decision. So, I do not appreciate camp leadership choosing to withhold that information from us parents, especially those of us whose children were so closely affected and not allowing us to make the decision about our children with all the knowledge that was available. I have a problem with anyone who saw this situation as a "personal family crisis" for Pete and not what it really is. It makes me question if camp leadership truly has any understanding of child sexual abuse at all. I do believe that they have brought thousands of kids to Christ - no doubt about that, but at what cost? Will my kids ever return to Kanakuk...we have not made that decision yet, but, they definitely will not be returning this year until the dust settles and everything comes to light as to how leaderhip is really standing in this situation.

  35. Anonymous6:19 AM

    This is a post directed to those people writing letters asking for support letters for Pete AND for those who agreed to do so. Please keep in mind a few things.
    First, Pete ADMITTED to the charges. He is GUILTY. NOt only of the mere 8 he admitted to, but many, many more. Nothing you say will change that. Secondly, you are helping to mitigate the number of years Pete spends in prison. When/if he gets out, you will be partially responsible when he molests another child. You are also saying to those victims that the crimes Pete committed should not be punished to the degree the law allows. Third, sending out this letter has hurt other believers DEEPLY. Think how this is perceived by the boys that have been victimized. You are helping Pete get a lesser sentence. Don't be so smug (arrogant) to think that your relationship with Pete was so special that he didn't/wouldn't ever touch your child. He probably told you that. I guess you must believe it. Fourth, the sentencing has NOTHING to do with forgiveness. It is about justice for the victims and PROTECTION for future children. Don't use the "guise" of forgiving Pete to convince other people he deserves a lesser sentence. Finally, you have the right to do whatever you want and your actions encouraging "defense" letters for Pete clearly shows you will do just that. But please remember how your actions are heaping salt into already gaping wounds. How sad that you are still be controlled by Pete and helping his defense instead of protecting and supporting the children he victimized. Sooo hurtful.

  36. Anonymous6:34 AM

    This is 5:51 responding to 7:06.
    You are very angry, and I get that. But you don't have the right to speak on behalf of victims or victims families, only on your own. MY child was a victim, just like yours. We may not see eye to eye in all of this, but I don't see any good in you bashing me or my feelings. We are very different people who have been hurt by the same monster. How we deal with it may be different and that should be acceptable. I did not "remind" people of Pete's rights....I just want Pete's rights to be given to him appropriatly, so that he gets a fair trial....SO THAT HE WON'T GET A MISTRIAL OR ANY MISTAKES ARE MADE THAT WOULD GET HIM A LIGHTER SENTENCE. You might want to think about what you write before you write it. I am sincerely sorry if I have offended you. We really are on the same side.

  37. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Yes, and we KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

  38. Anonymous6:39 AM

    "Yes, and we KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" is a statement referring to the 6:19-post, referring to the families who are out trying to get "support" for PEte. You are misled, and still duped. You need to get your kids into some serious therapy b/c what you think you know is not correct. Be careful. Blood is now on your hands. Be careful. You are known by the company you keep.

  39. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Supporters of this animal need to be very careful. You will be known. You already are.

    It would be wise to take a few steps back, shut up, listen, and get some wise counsel. WISE counsel.

    Denial may be a comfortable place for you, but it is putting you and your kids (as well as every other kid in our society) at risk. The time for you to snap out of your dillusion of this "perfect pete" has come and gone. Those still under his spell are not only sick as well, guilty of withholding needed help for their victimized-children (who they can't believe were victimized), but are unquestionably guilty of enabling this monster, and now have blood on their own hands for enabling and defending this criminal.

    And MANY know who you are. You, like all of us, will soon come to your senses. But YOU, unlike us, will carry the blood-stains on your hands....Blood-stains of little children who you are hurting more than they already were by your little pete, who you worship so.

  40. Anonymous7:12 AM

    ...yes, you ARE KNOWN and soon, the entire country will be watching and EVERYONE WILL KNOW who this devil's supporters are....

  41. Anonymous7:30 AM

    You are right - I am angry and by the Grace of God I am learning to deal with it and at some point in time I will learn to forgive Pete just as I learned to forgive the person who sexually abused me as a child. So please forgive my anger it is just that I am so tired of hearing ANYTHING on Pete's behalf when I know first hand the affect his actions can have on someones life and am honestly dumbfounded by some of the comments on here like 2:23 and those who agree with him that are these long lectures on Pete and what Pete needs and what the Lord can still provide to Pete and on an on with just a rare mention of the kids and families involved and what they need and the healing the Lord can provide for them.
    In what way did I say I am speaking on behalf on anyone other than my own family? The only refence I have made to other families or victims is in regards to Pete's and some poster's lack of concern or regard for them...and that is my opinion, not me speaking for anyone else. I have thought very carefully before I have written anything and stand by everything I have stated. I do agree with you on two things: we are all entitled to our opinions on here you, me and 2:23 whether we like those other opinions or not, we are entitiled to them and yes, we have the right to disagree.

  42. Anonymous9:20 AM

    The interviewing process AND a committment to adhere to the rules and regulations created to protect children need to be addressed by Kanakuk.

    The overall tone of your post does not make one feel you have a complete appreciation of the seriousness of what has happened. Your concern for Pete and Kanakuk seems more important to you than the crimes committed and the victims affected by those crimes. Pete committed these crimes and Kanakuk enabled him to do so....certainly not knowingly...but enabled him nonetheless by failing to insist Pete follow the rules and when he didn't by not firing him.
    No matter how much good Kanakuk or Pete have done over the years is a mute point. They both have to be held responsible for each their parts in this horrible mess. Unfortunately for Kanakuk and Pete, this situation overshadows any previous good...sad as that may is the truth.

    Pete was arrested, charged and has admitted his guilt. Sentencing will be soon and this chapter can be closed and the next chapter opened...determing the true culpability of Kanakuk in regards to this case.

  43. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Perfectly put, 9:20. Many of us in your shoes feel EXACTLY as you.

    With regard to Pete: What brought us here were his crimes. THESE CRIMES AND THESE VICTIMS (BOTH KNOWN AND YET KNOWN, INCLUDED & EXCLUDED FROM THESE ADMISSIONS) are the only relevant consideration when determining a sentence fitting for such a criminal. ANYthing else is irrelevant.

    As for kamp: we need to pray that the truth prevails. True Truth will. This will be our chance to see whether kamp will truly stand for Truth (with a capital T) and if they do, they'll admit to the truth of their negligence and let the chips fall where they may. Then, and only then, will we know for sure if they're tried and true, pure and pure.

  44. Anonymous6:22 PM

    We were shocked to receive one of those letters asking for people to write letter to help the defense. Who do the Buttons think they are anyway?????? Let each family deal in their own way and how dare you think you can come into this town and influence others. Who you naively support is your own business, but keep it YOUR business!!!!! How dare you ask us to write on behalf of a monster who would still be abusing these boys if he hadn't been caught. He ADMITTED TO IT FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!! You all need help!

  45. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I can not believe that with all the pain that so many families are still dealing with, that ANYONE would actually send letters asking for people to support Pete in any way!!! I hope the people who receive these request use them as motivation to write the judge in support of the prosecution and ask for the maximum sentence allowed by law. If these people are out there drumming up support for Pete, use these several additional weeks before sentencing to generate victim impact statements that really let Judge Orr know the extent of the damage Pete has done. These kids need people to stand up for them in all this!

  46. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Maybe the Buttons should send there sons to Taney County jail for a little visit. A little one on one time with Pete (aka Lionel the gay man pixie). Oh...wait a minute, Pete is not allowed to be near children under the age of 18 because he plead guilty to molesting/sodomizing/ and basically taking away the innocence of at least 8 boys and more likely 100 boys. Hmmmm, Buttons you need to ask your boys more questions.......

  47. I would be interested in seeing a copy of one of those letters sent out by Pete Newman's lawyers if someone could send it to

  48. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Is it the defense attorneys sending these letters out or individual families that are supporting Pete?

  49. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Who are the Buttons? Family friends of the Newmans? Surely no one with young boys is helping Peter Newman?

  50. Anonymous8:37 AM

    How are they getting contact information on these families to send these letters someone releasing family information or is it info Pete already had...where are these letters coming from?

  51. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I know for a fact that most of the letters are coming from Lynn and Steve Newman. They said their hope is to show the judge that Pete can one day be rehabilitated. I did not respond to their request for me to write.

  52. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Doeas anyone know how they are getting contact information on the families they are sending the letters someone realeasing this information to them, or is it simply Pete yet again using the information he had on kids from his contact with them at kamp to contact families he thinks might respond...He wrote my son on a regular basis when kamp was not in session so I know he has the information and I think it would be so wrong for his family to use the contact information he has on these families for his own gain.

  53. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I do not think the letters have been sent to victims or the families of victims...I could be wrong. I think they are being sent to Kanakuk parents and adult former campers...but, not those who have been victimized by Pete. They are looking for support of those who knew Pete, but not in the "way" the victims knew him.
    They want letters talking of all the "good" Pete did apart from his pedophilia.

    Personally, I don't know how you separate the crime from the person.

  54. Anonymous10:38 AM

    How could "they" possibly know who has been victimized and who hasn't? Pete is the only one with that information and I doubt he can even remember there have been so many. I can understand his family to some degree hoping for rehabilitation, but the facts are not hopeful for that. I don't get how people with children (boys, especially) could even think about writing a letter to minimize his sentence, let alone trying to garner support. There are new revelations by boys even now, over a year after anyone knew anything. Some people could be writing letters in defense of a man who quite possibly molested their son/sons. Asking your boys one time if Pete ever "did anything to them" is not enough.

  55. Anonymous12:19 PM

    My question would still be how are they getting the contact information for Kanakuk families? Is camp releasing this information to them? They have to be getting addresses and leads of who to contact from somewhere.

  56. Anonymous12:22 PM

    My question would still be how are they getting the contact information for Kanakuk families? Is camp releasing this information to them? They have to be getting addresses and leads of who to contact from somewhere.

  57. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I am sure Pete's attorney's are getting information from Pete and his family. It is a normal course of events for the defense team to compile letters of support and to also have supporters present and willing to speak on behalf of their client at the sentencing hearing. None of this surprises me.
    Of course, I hope none of the support letters or the supporters present at sentencing have any effect on the judge. Hopefully, the judge will hand down a very stiff sentence.
    Let Pete carry out his "ministry" behind bars.

  58. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I'd like to see a letter coming my way....

    Anyone who'd send it would REGRET it.

    Wrath is coming for these partners of the devil...

  59. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Kamp would not be giving anyone addresses. Any good defense lawyer is going to encourage Pete's family and supporters to reach out to people who might be willing to write a letter on their behalf. Getting addresses is an easy thing to do. Like it or not it's very standard for any trial. No one knows how it is decided as to who gets one of these letters, but it's most likely people that his family knows or Pete has reason to believe they might be supportive (like they have written him or talked to a family member). Really it's all pretty simple. Either you do it or you don't. And not everyone agrees on how long he should be incarcerated. Just the way it is...

  60. Anonymous8:16 PM

    If my son or brother did any of the things Pete Newman has done, I can almost guarentee you that I would stand with him and beside him just like Pete's family has and is doing for him. To think that they would abandon him in this time is ignorant. Just because they support him doesnt give us any insight on how they feel. I don't know any of them, but I admire them for the steadfast love they have shown their fallen and broken son/brother. They have my prayers, just as they boys and their families have all along.

  61. Anonymous6:02 AM

    To the poster at 8:29...I do know Pete's family, and I can tell you with 100% certainty how they feel.

    They are absolutely heartbroken. And, none of them had any clue as to what Pete was doing. You can imagine the stigma each of them must live with because of Pete's actions. We're talking about a family who has a life time of serving the Lord in various responsibilities, and parts of the world.

    As for standing by him, they are, but not blindly. They know he's going away to prison for a long time, perhaps the rest of his life...and, certainly the life of his parents. They know he deserves the penalty he gets. Yet, as loving parents, brothers, and sisters-in-law, they want to give him all the support they can.

    Like one poster suggested, the letters went out to people who knew the Newman's. Perhaps, some of those sent them on to other people, I don't know. And, the letters are a standard effort for anyone facing a lengthy sentence.

    With that said, I serioulsy doubt that Judge Orr is going to spend his time reading all the letters. I also would think, with the high profile of this case around the Taney County area, the judge already knows pretty much what kind of sentence he's going to give. His career as judge depends on giving Pete what people will perceive as the "right" sentence. If he shows leniency on a ten plus year pedophile, he wouldn't be reelected. So, I would doubt very much that the letters will have any significant impact on his decision. It was just all the Newmans could do to support their son and brother.

  62. Anonymous6:03 AM

    CORRECTION...I meant to the poster at 8:16...Sorry.

  63. Anonymous6:57 PM

    6:03, you say that they are standing by him, but not blindly....

    They have not even BEGUN to so much a peek into the extent of his crimes. They know what they've read on the internet. They know what they heard read in court when he pleaded guilty. That was only for 8 of his crimes. There were so many other charges that were dropped and they are so many other charges that COULD be charged if he'd kept on pleading "not guilty." Plus, there are all the pending charges in other states that they have not read. Plus there are all the dozens upon dozens of calls that have poured into DHS, the prosecutor's office, etc. Plus there are all the kids who've come to their parents, but the parents have chosen to "deal with it privately." The Newmans ARE blind. They've only seen a chip of the tip of the iceberg. If they could only know, they could not ask for leniency. They couldn't. There is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more than they know. He is a liar and he has lied to them all along and I HAPPEN TO KNOW FOR A FACT that he is still lying to them and to poor little Katie. For them to continue to "trust" him is nothing more than them holding out false hope. It comforts them to "believe" he's telling them the truth. He is a calculating monster, who's most tragic victims are actually probably his parents, wife and child.

    As for his brothers--they seem exactly like Pete did, before we knew what we know now. I'm not suggesting anything by that...just that we never know. We just never know. All those hilarious antics were used to cover up a deep darkness underneath. Hilarious antics used as a disguise. Think about it.

  64. Anonymous6:07 AM

    To poster 6:57...

    You are correct in saying the Newman family doesn't know everything Pete has done. At this point, no one does except Pete...and, really not even him when we consider the extent of what he has done...and the ongoing domino effect.

    The truth is, you don't know, either. And, the last paragraph you put in your post is an example of the stigma I mentioned that Pete's family has to endure.

    Here is what you said:

    "As for his brothers--they seem exactly like Pete did, before we knew what we know now. I'm not suggesting anything by that...just that we never know. We just never know. All those hilarious antics were used to cover up a deep darkness underneath. Hilarious antics used as a disguise. Think about it."

    The very fact you posted that causes others to wonder about his brothers.

    Couldn't you have posted all your thoughts about the Newmans not knowing the extent of Pete's crimes and not tacked on the last paragraph? And, even if you wanted to say that we never know about anyone, you didn't need to mention his brothers. We don't know about you, or me, or anyone.

    When you say you're not suggesting anything by your comment, you already suggested it. Saying you didn't suggest it doesn't you didn't put that thought into people's minds. And, that's my point. Pete's family has to live with the very stigma you inferred.

    Two more points:

    1. The Newman family are very much aware of charges from other states.

    2. I, like you, am for the judge giving Pete a very tough sentence. And, it made me mad, for the sake of the victims, the judge rescheduled the sentencing. Although Pete is a first time arrested criminal, he is a serial offender.

  65. Anonymous10:09 AM

    To 6;07.
    I agree with you on your response. My son is a victim. I consider myself and our family victim's along with my son. Saying that...I consider Katie, Rylie, Pete's parents, his brother and thier wives all victim's as well. For anyone to judge them or make any refernce about them is IGNORANT and Cruel. No one can presume to know how they feel or think---it's not our business. I for one, hope they never read these blogs, but if they do...I want them to know that I feel so sad for them and don't blame them at all. They have my respect and prayers and one day I'd like to tell them that in person.

  66. Anonymous10:16 AM

    6:07, I stand corrected. I really didn't mean to suggest anything. What I meant to say is that we just never know with anyone. And that we should examine people more closely. If they are never serious, there just might be a reason. If they are always "on stage" (figuratively speaking), they just might be acting to cover up the real person underneath. If they are outlandish, they might be doing so to deflect attention away from themselves. I have discovered in examining Pete more closely that all his crazy, ridiculous charades, in hindsight, were clever tactics to put us all at ease around him. They made us relax, won us over, put us in a kid-like frame of that we'd trust him with our kids. And these tactics were very successful. Let's face it. People wear masks. And dark, disturbed psychopathic types REALLY use disguises. So, whenever I encounter people whose personalities are as over-the-top as his was, it gives me pause. That's just not normal. So, that's ALL I was saying. It could have applied to anyone fitting this description. I'd hope his brothers are NOTHING like him.

  67. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Let's pray they're not. But, it is a logical question and you shouldn't have been blasted for it.

  68. Anonymous1:45 PM

    To 10:16...No problem. I just didn't want people to think about Pete's brothers that way.

    I know part of the agony they are going through because of Pete, along with his parents.

    I think we all agree we can't wait for June 9th to arrive and justice to be served on behalf of the victims.

    I can't imagine Judge Orr handing down less than a tough sentence... one that will do the judicial system proud. Especially in an election year. However, if he does give a weak sentence, the state of Colorado is in the wings.

  69. Anonymous7:13 AM

    1:45, you're right. If EVER there was cause and justification for giving the maximum sentence, it is this case. This is an opportunity to show Missouri and the rest of the country that if you think (just b/c you've never been arrested) that you can go out and commit 100's of acts of pedophilia against 100s of children and get away with a short sentence, then you are wrong. To hurt 1 kid 1 time in ANY way should be enough to keep him locked away forever. HE CAN NOT BE REHABILITATED. READ THE RESEARCH!!!!!!!!

    Aside from his pedophilia, there's the whole problem of his double-life. The layers of deception on this pervert run so deep that getting to the core of his issues is not going to happen.

    Add to that all the enablers that he obviously has surrounded himself with and you've got yourself one dangerous criminal to ever be allowed back into society. His naive fan-club (Ironic: he always signed his letters to our kids "Your FAN, Pete") will be waiting on him whenever he gets out, ready to enable him like they've always done.

    If there is pressure to let him out b/c of over-crowding in the prison system, then let out the ones who are doing lesser crimes. But to jeopordize OUR CHILDREN AGAIN would be insanity at its finest....and the court would never live to hear the end of it.

  70. Anonymous7:17 AM

    And Buttons, I know you think that his relationship with your kids was somehow more special or more sincere, or set-apart from all the rest, or that he somehow really loved yours' in a different way.....Well, we ALL thought that his rel. with our kids was "special" b/c that's what he convinced our kids and us to think.....That's how pedophiles work. You're duped like the rest of us were. Only you are still in denial.

  71. Anonymous9:58 AM

    To think that ANYone finds it reasonable to give him less than the 171 years, considering the harm he's done, is appalling.

    If I were his parents, I'd be begging the judge to keep him locked up for his own safety, if not for all the future potential victims.

    To the victims and their families: I PRAY that common sense and wisdom prevails here when he is sentenced, and that this monster who has unleashed untold pain gets his DUE.

  72. Anonymous1:59 PM

    June 9th can't come soon enough for the thousands of us, all over the country, praying for justice. It is time for him to come to terms with what he's done. After he's sent away for good, then maybe, just maybe we'll believe he sincerely sees his wrong if he spends the rest of his days apologizing to his victims and their families...every last one. Until he comes clean and admits all his wrong, then "repentance" before God is just a slap in His face.

    If he gets all this right, and seriously turns to God, then he has the hope of freedom for eternity after this life. But in this life, he needs to be alone with God for the rest of his days.

  73. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Where will he be sent when leaving Taney Co. Jail?
    Does he have to go to CO to take care of those charges before going to prison?

  74. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Sure has been quiet here. I guess everyone's just counting the days 'til June 9th. Can't come soon enough!

  75. Anonymous12:23 PM

    To 9:58AM:

    "If I were his parents, I'd be begging the judge to keep him locked up for his own safety, if not for all the future potential victims."

    No, you wouldn't.

  76. Anonymous2:04 PM

    To 12:23

    WHY wouldn't you? Please explain it to us. Is it much better to live knowing he is free and destroying the lives of countless children - in the name of our beloved Lord no less? Would you still be so blinded by his lies that you can not see the truth or would you be so self consumed that you are only worried about your own wants and not the path of destruction he will continue to leave if he is free? You can still love him behind bars. Mothers and Fathers have had to love their children through logical consequences for their actions, many from behind bars for years, for alot less than what Pete has done.

  77. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I'm just saying that if your child committed a crime of whatever henious nature, that you would not be "begging the judge" to lock him up and throw away the key.

    I seriously doubt that if your child was given a slap on the wrist for a crime that most of society felt deserved more, that you would personally go to the judge and plead wth him to give him a stricter sentence.

  78. Anonymous1:15 AM

    The poster may be suggesting that there are literally hundreds of families out there with so much rage toward him, that if he's turned lose in 20, 30, 50 or even 75 years, that he'd be hunted and potentially harmed by either one of his victims or their loved ones. Listen, people HATE him. People HATE pedophiles period. But a serial pedophile, who is this pompous, who set up, and betrayed thousands of little kids, all IN THE NAME OF JESUS,.........well, this person is the object of so much hatred and rage, that someone could likely and probably seek him out to "give him what he deserves." It happens all the time for much less. His parents ought to be thinking along these lines, but again, they are consumed with THEIR DESIRE to share life with him. THEIR DESIRE. Sounds like Pete. HIS DESIRE was always what drove him above anything else.

    If he EVER steps one foot into freedom, my prediction is that somebody takes him out. Maybe not, but the rage toward this sicko is unlike anything I've ever heard of. People don't just forget and forgive lying, scheming, premeditated, blasphemous pedophiles who have preyed on and destroyed 100s of little innocent children, knowing all along exactly the destruction he was causing. These people don't get forgiven very easily.

    We'll just have to wait and see.

    My guess is that this Judge will do the right thing and therefore this will not become an issue.

  79. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Andrew Vachss wrote: “Sickness is a condition. Evil is a behavior. Evil is always a matter of choice. Evil is not thought; it is conduct. And that conduct is always volitional. And just as evil is always a choice, sickness is always the absence of choice. Sickness happens. Evil is inflicted…sickness should be treated. Evil must be fought…if a person has desires or fantasies about sexually exploiting children, that individual may be sick…But if the individual chooses to act upon those feelings, that conduct is evil. People are not what they think; they are what they do.” (The Difference Between “Sick” and “Evil.”)

    Pedophiles live in a distorted mental world. Most pedophiles view their actions as being totally involuntary--something over which they exercise no control.
    They cling to this self-serving concept because it allows them to continue their acts and still view themselves as an unwilling participant in the process; something they are forced to endure. By seeing themselves as
    being victimized, they are able to justify not setting any personal limits on themselves, which allows them to do anything they want without feeling guilty or responsible. They manipulate the facts and use their delusions as
    permission or justification to do what they want to do. Some distorted reasoning they use:
    • That the behavior is not harmful or is less serious than claimed.
    • That the child was sexually provocative and encouraged/initiated the act
    • That they are being helpful to the child and are contributing to the child’s development
    • That the acts had educational value
    • That they are teaching the child about the “facts of life” or “love”
    • That the child enjoyed the acts or attention

    The evil of Pete's actions and his delusional mental state equals a lifetime behind bars.

  80. Anonymous10:04 AM

    why are people so certain there are 100s of victims?

    We are all victims in a sense of his lies, but by victims I mean those seriously violated. I understand not all victims have or will come forward, but just playing percentages...If there were 100's of victims, then we would have to agree that less than 10% have come forward...I just dont think that could be true. These young men, everyone one of them, are courageous. I cant believe 90% would stay silent.

    I do believe Pete deserves a long long long time behind bars...even his entire life. It is reasonable to believe that there may not be as many victims as people want to believe on this blog.

  81. Anonymous11:46 AM

    If you understood the level of manipulation and the length he went to to keep his victims from coming forward you would not doubt the numbers of kids that could have been victimized. Remember that has been going on for nearly 10 years! He has had access to THOUSANDS of kids during that time. And also remember that these kids did not start coming forward until the investigation started after Pete confessed. Seriously, why would you assume there are not that many victims??? I have a really hard time understanding why some of the people on here still don't want to believe what has happened here! He confessed to his guilt. He is only going to confess to what he HAS to to protect himself and so that all the truth does NOT have to come out.

  82. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Just playing percentages...there is a reason so few pedophiles are actually caught...they are great at deception and manipulating their victims not to tell. Would you tell if your life became a living hell? Think about it. Pete was a SERIAL PEDOPHILE that traveled a lot and had easy access to so many. Plus he had everyone fooled and so many things/people enabled him to get away with it for sooo long.

  83. Anonymous6:26 PM

    10:04, people very close to the prosecution know shocking numbers. What "the public knows" from the charges is only a small fraction of all the info. that has come into the prosecutor's office in Branson, as well as other jurisdictions and states. This guy has spent 10 years AT LEAST charming and grooming and befriending boys....He always had several in tow. Scores of them came to his house almost every single day. Pete traveled with many. Pete took kids off campus ALL THE TIME WHILE CO-DIRECTORS didn't even think!!! DUH! WHAT MORONS!!!!! Why would YOU be so naive as to doubt the 100s. You must not have known Pete.

  84. Anonymous6:14 AM

    10:04: When you say that you can't believe the no. of his victims reaches the 100-mark and that you can't believe that "90%" would remain silent..............
    Are you suggesing that the mere no. of his victims is in the area of 10 ????????????????

    Come on. In the Sept. charges, there are 16 victims. More in the Nov. charges. SCORES have called in since then. Several other states are set to go with countless other charges. I personally know a few parents who say their kids have said he did these things to them, but they don't want to report for fear of embarrassment. If that is just me, then how many more cases like I just mentioned are out there in other circles? Many of these victims say that they KNOW of other victims who are just keeping their mouth's closed. Add to that the parents who are in denial, and we KNOW that's true b/c of one particular family who is defending Pete to the end, all while saying their kids escaped his abuse. Yeah, right. Well kids talk. And some kids talk to friends, but not to parents. Naive parents have/are still part of this whole enabling-mechanism that fueled his destructive behavior. It's time for people to wake up. Get your heads out of your butts. Stop your idiocy, study this evil behavior, and realize that the nos. of his victims is so far wide-spread that only he knows himself. He'll carry most of these secrets to the grave. He's never going to REALLY come clean. He only told what he had to, to avoid trial. He knew the evidence would nail him for life. He knew the evidence would destroy his family.....Destroy his family: now let's consider that for a moment. And listen up, Newmans. If he wanted to spare you guys of hearing the heinous details of his life, and therefore avoided this going to trial, then HE HAD AND HAS THE PRESENCE OF MIND TO KNOW WHEN HE'S CAUSING HURT AND PAIN, DOESN'T HE???????
    Sit and think about that for a while Newmans, Galloways, Buttons, and whoever else would be blind enough to "believe" he's "sick." He's sick alright. But like the earlier poster so eloquently pointed out, HE'S SICK AND EVIL, b/c he CHOSE TO ACT ON HIS SICK THOUGHTS. He was not some victim of some illness. Only pathetic people argue that weak argument.

    Let him burn. If he's to be spared anything, let it come only from the Hand of God. Only He is capable of forgiving all this. As for this life, he needs to pay for alllllllllllllllll these crimes. Only 1 of these 8 felony charges that he's confessed to, should bring a life-sentence, alone. And when I say life-sentence, I'm not talking about the "30" that Missouri considers a "life sentence." Pete Newman should ONLY leave the prison system in a body bag.

  85. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Pedophiles have a high rate of recidivism (the frequency of additional sexual crimes committed after being caught. .) The typical child sex offender molests an average of 117 children, more if the pedophile has positioned himself in a job or volunteer positions where many children are present, most of who do not report the offence. [Source: National Institute of Mental Health, 1988]

  86. Anonymous9:05 AM

    The eyes of concerned citizens all across this nation, and in fact the world, are watching this judge to see if he will act on behalf of the innocent children he's harmed and will harm, if ever let out. Pete's influence, Kanakuk's influence, and the Newman's influence is there are people watching this case from all over the world. Just not the media. But they'll be there on June 9, and if this monster gets anything less than 171 years, the public outcry and backlash will be heard around the globe.

  87. Anonymous4:58 AM

    It seems as if most of the media attention is confined to the Branson area and Denver. I have not noticed worldwide media coverage.

  88. Anonymous1:04 PM

    6:14 Thank you for your comments!!! You took the words right out of my mouth. I agree with you 100% in all your comments. I would just add one thing. In addition to the parents who are still in denial, the leadership at Kanakuk also needs to WAKE UP accept the degree of damage that has been done here and see it for what it is so they can acknowledge the truth and LEARN from it so they will hopefully have a better understanding in the future of how these sick predators work, and enforce their own rules 100% of the time with everyone that they give access to Kids! Have some serious accountability in place, and not just on paper and lip service. Until they realize their part in enabling him, how will they be able to protect kids in the future. My personal experience in this regard has been there is still ALOT of denial and talking around the subject rather than answering direct questions coming from there. And yes I have spoken directly to various members of camp leadership in person, by phone and by please don't come back with "just talk to them" been there done that.

  89. Anonymous11:09 PM

    It's just all so unbelievable and sad. I just wanted to tell the victim's and their families that I am praying for the Lord to redeem all of this in your lives. That your faith in Him will grow strong despite the awful pain caused by this wolf in sheep's clothing, that your son's will grow into mighty men of God with pure hearts and the strength to stand up and protect those who are innocent (the opposite of Pete, who preyed on the innocent), and that they will be able to hold their heads up high and know that they have done nothing to deserve this horrible treatment. I pray that, somehow, someway, the Lord will in time be able to use for good, what Pete meant for evil.

  90. Anonymous5:16 AM

    I'm saddened and repulsed by all of the sick crimes that have come to light at Kanakuk. I was a camper there for nine years. Then, went on to be a counselor for five years. When I read the comments I can tell the ones who were written by the Kanakuk "in crowd". I loved going to Kamp, but looking back I know without a doubt they were very hypocritical as far as their views. Female counselors were involved in lesbian relationships. One camp director even had her "friend" come up and visit her. I was too young and naive at the time, but looking back I know they were "involved". All of this may not matter, but for God's sake if you're going to proclaim to be anti-gay why hire a camp director that's closeted at Kamp, and openly gay during the rest of the year?! This leads to the whole idea of keeping things quiet so as not to "tarnish" Kanakuk's name. Finally, proclaiming that the love and forgiveness of Jesus will heal and help Pete Newman is just a bunch of Kanakuk ideology! The Kanakuk of today is not the Kamp I loved and adored. Joe expanded way too much and with it lost focus on integrity and honesty for all who serve there. These were qualities that Spike built the foundation of the Kamp on.
