Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cynthia Davis strikes back at "far left" blogger

My "How many Tenth Amendments does it take for Cynthia Davis to screw in a lightbulb?" was targeted in her latest capitol report.

She begins the segment of her report she devoted to my post with this comment:

I normally ignore the far left blogs, but this one was so amusing, I thought you might enjoy the humor in it.

After that, she reprinted the post, which was highly critical of her so-called "Lightbulb Freedom Act," and then offered this response:

This attempt to marginalize ideas demonstrates how far some will go to pull the shade down on what is happening in our country. Perhaps most people are not aware that our national government is further weakening our economy by now dictating how we illuminate our homes. If we left it up to them, they would probably outlaw burning candles as well because they could emit smoke, especially if you extinguish them in a "politically incorrect" manner.

Wait until you attempt to purchase a light bulb for your favorite lamp in another year or more and discover that our federal government has outlawed its existence. This federal bill was passed and signed into law a few years ago. Most people have yet to be affected by it because the prohibition begins in 2012. The negative consequences of this law have already brought harm to our area. The Boone Center Sheltered Workshop, a vital employer of the handicapped, used to assemble these types of light bulbs and now that business has been eliminated.

These fluorescent bulbs do not last as long as advertised, and since they contain mercury, you're not supposed dispose of them in your trash; mercury is considered toxic waste!

My bill simply says that what is manufactured in Missouri and used in Missouri is not subject to federal mandates. For years the national government has been on a trend of overstepping its jurisdiction, behaving like a meddling mother-in-law in every detail of our lives. Uncle Sam went from being our protector to being "the Big Brother" and "The Sugar Daddy". It appears he won't be satisfied until he is "The Slave Master".

Talk about marginalizing. Mrs. Davis' immediate response is to call The Turner Report a "far left blog." That would either indicate that she is not that familiar with this blog (which has a tendency to irritate people on both sides of the aisle who are full of themselves) or she truly believes that anyone who would like to see Missouri officials devoting their time to Missouri problems is "far left."


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    If we go by "community standards", your blog is "far left".

    And in many particulars, it is. For example, your many writings on the subject have made it very clear you don't believe in self-defense with firearms, full stop. In the US at least that's a "far left" opinion.

  2. One of the problems we have in this country is people who assume anyone who disagrees with their opinion on one issue is "far left" or "radical right." You cannot find anything I have written that suggests I am not a firm believer in the Second Amendment. What I have written about time and time again is the raftload of unnecessary legislation that legislators foist upon us to either give us rights we already have. If that makes me far left then your definition is accurate. I would say it fits in consistently with everything I have written over the years about the self-serving posturing of legislators and how it keeps government from handling vital issues that are in desperate need of attention.

  3. When Cindy made Randy orgasmic2:36 PM

    Cynthis Davis doesn't 'foist' off on us any rights that far-left knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers like Turner don't want to violate in any case. If Turner really cared for the CONstitution and Bill of Goods, then Turner wouldn't mind that Cindy is making them relevant at the state and local level.

    The fact of the matter is that Turner hates free people doing exactly what Turner doesn't want them to do, like own guns and use them on the police, if necessary. Turner really should live in a place like what he advocates, like Zimbabwe.

    And now Cindy has finally taken notice of Randy. The 'love' was for so long unrequited. Randy is now orgasmic, as it is far better, in Randy's attention-whoring book, to be licked, er, kicked, than ignored.

  4. Anonymous6:39 PM

    It just means that she watches (or listens) to Bill O'Reilly, who tags everyone he doesn't like as members of the "far left".

  5. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Yea for her.

  6. Anonymous1:53 PM

    You don't support concealed carry (since when is a right subject to majority vote?), so you don't support the bearing of arms outside of the house.

    And you don't support the Castle Doctrine so you want maximum legal jeopardy for homeowners defending themselves and their families.

    These and the many other anti-gun postings of yours show to me something other than firm belief in what I believe the Second Amendment to say ... which might have something to do with my talking about "self-defense with firearms" rather than it.

  7. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Anon 1:53 -

    Turner was not opposed to the Castle Doctrine. He suggested that there were no lawsuits or cases against homeowners in the system that seemed to necessitate the construction of such legislation. In this case, Turner was against frivolous legislation.

    On conceal and carry, the Supreme Court has suggested on a number of occasions that states can regulate conceal and carry laws and not violate 2nd amendment rights. So even if Turner was anti conceal, this doesn't suggest that he's anti 2nd amendment.

    Of course you can continue to "believe" what the 2nd amendment supports conceal "rights" all you want, but in the land of his country, the SCOTUS decides what the document containing those amendments says. And it says conceal and carry is not a right, but a privilege.

    Of course, you're always free to move to another country that does things differently.

  8. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Go have much more courage than your silly critic...go girl!

  9. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Well I know plenty of folks who are far left and support the 2nd amendment plus they own guns. So claiming this is strictly a right or far right issue is ignorant.

    As for Cynthia Davis, anyone who believes hunger builds character in children has no business in elected office.
