Thursday, April 08, 2010

Kinder to proceed with legal challenge to health care bill

Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder is going to use private contributions to pay for a legal challenge to the federal health care law. The news release is printed below:

Lt. Governor Peter Kinder tonight announced that he will proceed with plans to file suit challenging the recently signed federal health care bill. The Lt. Governor also announced that he will seek private funding for the legal challenge.

“We will continue this fight against the infringement on state sovereignty and personal freedom,” Lt. Governor Kinder said. “We will take this battle to court without putting a financial burden on Missouri taxpayers.”

Lt. Governor Kinder made the announcement tonight during a guest appearance on Fox News Channel’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

Lt. Governor Kinder announced that he will be working to secure private funding to pay for the suit. A Web site has been established to keep Missourians informed on the progress of the case, and to allow private citizens to contribute to the cause online in the near future. The Web address is,

Officials from nearly 20 other states are pursuing legal action against the health care legislation.

Lt. Governor Kinder will file the legal challenge in federal court in Missouri by the end of April.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    God bless him, and good luck.
