Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Missouri GOP tags Carnahan as "Rubberstamp Robin"

Now that the disbanded ACORN doesn't seem to be much of a campaign issue any more, the Missouri Republican Party has labeled Senate candidate Robin Carnahan as "Rubberstamp Robin," assuming that Missourians are going to vote against anything associated with Barack Obama. The following news release was issued:

One day after more than 1,100 patriotic Americans rallied against his job-killing, big-government policies at the Stand Up for Freedom rally in Macon, Barack Obama heaped praise on Robin Carnahan during their joint appearance in Northern Missouri.
For Obama, politics came before jobs at today's campaign-style event. Obama praised Robin Carnahan, calling her “one of my favorite people” and saying that she would make an “outstanding” U.S. Senator. (Translation: Obama knows that Carnahan would be an automatic vote as he attempts to enact his radical liberal agenda, including a job-killing cap and trade national energy tax.)
“It’s not surprising that President Obama thinks Robin Carnahan is one of his ‘favorite people,’” said Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party. “After all, Carnahan has given her rubberstamp support to every major component of Obama’s job-killing, big-government agenda—including the government takeover of health care, the failed stimulus bill, the devastating cap-and-tax energy scheme, and the transfer of some of the world’s most dangerous terrorists to American soil. Carnahan would remain one of Barack Obama's favorite people if she goes back to Washington, DC, to advance the radical agenda of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama.”
It’s no wonder Obama calls Carnahan one of his “favorite people:”

  • Carnahan donated money to his 2004 campaign for U.S. Senate (FEC Records)

  • Carnahan threw her “complete support” behind Obama’s presidential campaign in June 2008

    • AP, June 4, 2008: [Carnahan said] Obama has her “complete support” and will receive her vote as a super delegate at the Democratic National Convention.

  • Carnahan campaigned with Obama in Rolla, MO in July 2008 (The Daily Guide, July 31, 2008)

  • Carnahan campaigned with Obama in St Louis in August 2008 (Post-Dispatch, August 19, 2008)

  • Carnahan attended an event with Obama marking his first 100 days in office.

    • Obama: Carnahan is “somebody I think may turn out to be pretty good in Washington.” (Video)

  • Carnahan benefited from a fundraiser headlined by Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel in June 2009 (Post-Dispatch, June 15, 2009)

  • Carnahan benefited from a fundraiser with Vice President Joe Biden in October 2009 (Post-Dispatch, October 13, 2009)

Carnahan has announced that she would rubber stamp every major component of the Obama agenda:

  • Carnahan would rubber stamp the health care bill

    • Carnahan: “this legislation takes important steps…” (Carnahan statement, December 24, 2009)

  • Carnahan would rubber stamp the public option

    • St Louis Beacon, November 11, 2009: Robin Carnahan reaffirmed her support Wednesday for some sort of a public option when it comes to health-care coverage. "I'm less concerned about what we call it, than what it does," said Carnahan during a brief interview

  • Carnahan would rubber stamp the so-called stimulus bill

    • Carnahan: “I don’t think it was an option to do nothing… People who kept saying no to everything … don’t have a lot of credibility on this stuff.” (Post-Dispatch, March 7, 2009)

  • Carnahan would rubber stamp cap-and-tax

    • Columbia Missourian, July 21, 2009: Carnahan said she could "support some kind of cap-and-trade" energy policy

  • Carnahan would rubber stamp card-check

    • St Louis Beacon, April 21, 2009: "Robin is supportive'' of the Employee Free Choice Act,'' said campaign spokesman Tony Wyche.

  • Carnahan would rubber stamp the closure of Guantanamo Bay

    • Carnahan: “The Guantanamo Bay issue is one that we really need to get past. It has been used according to military experts, as a recruiting tool to get more terrorists to attack us, and so we need to do things that reflect our values. One of those is not to have these kind of off-shore prisons.” (Springfield News-Leader, February 7, 2010)


  1. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Potty mouth like Claire McCaskill, Obama and Pelosi.

  2. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Ms. Carnahan is running, but she can not hide.

  3. Anonymous4:25 AM

    I would rather vote for Robin than Roy and the lobbyists he votes for. Roy has never met a lobbyist he did not love. In fact he divorced his wife to marry one. Roy is what is wrong with Washington. All those tea party folks who want change should be lining up to help Robin defeat Roy.
