Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ruestman defends School Construction Act

The latest Ruestman Report features Rep. Marilyn Ruestman, R-Joplin, defending her School Construction Act:

I’ve recently come under attack from a Kansas City labor union for a bill I’m sponsoring that would lower your taxes and help our schools.  They claim I support the hiring of illegal immigrants to work on our school buildings.  Not only have I been a strong advocate of ending our illegal immigration problem, I cosponsored the toughest immigration reform in Missouri, House Bill 1549

In 2008, HB 1549 was passed and signed into law creating the strictest immigration policy Missouri has ever had.  I cosponsored it and I voted for it.  Among other things, it provided for the following:

Allowed the Highway Patrol to dedicate specific patrolmen to be trained in enforcing federal immigration laws;
Prohibited any county, city, town or village from enacting sanctuary policies.  Any municipality that does so would be ineligible to receive state grant money;
Illegal aliens are prohibited from receiving any state or local public benefits;
Requires certain employers to e-verify citizenship status of employees;
Prohibits the Department of Revenue from issuing drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens and does not recognize licenses issued to illegal aliens from other states.
Denies illegal immigrants bail;
Created the crime of transporting illegal aliens; and,
Requires arresting law enforcement agencies to verify the immigration status of a person charged with a crime.

The School Construction Act, HB 1960, allows school districts to opt out of mandated wage requirements.  Labor unions are fighting this bill because their prevailing wage law artificially inflates wages to their benefit.  This bill supports free enterprise solutions for our schools in this time of budget constraints, by reducing the cost of constructing new buildings.  It allows local construction companies to bid and consequently hire more local workers, create more competition and reduce construction costs on a taxpayer-funded project.

My record stands for itself.  There is no reason to believe this bill would cause an influx of illegal immigrant workers.  Beyond that, it is a violation of state and federal laws to hire an illegal immigrant!  Laws are in place to prevent such things from happening and inspections abound.

The School Construction Act would allow schools to decrease the costs of school buildings by up to 25% and save YOU, the taxpayer, money!  It would allow more projects to go forward in this poor economy which would create jobs!  Perhaps it is that the labor unions support higher taxes and fewer jobs?  Why is a Kansas City labor union worried about rural school districts saving some money?




    1) THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION OCCUPATION of our country. President Obama and the majority party are going to force through what they like to call--Comprehensive Immigration Reform. It’s really MASS AMNESTY. SO ITS OUR JOB TO STOP THIS TRAVESTY? There are thousands Pro-Sovereignty, anti-illegal immigration small groups and larger organizations around the country, that doesn't have the backing of George Soros--a Socialist, the Ford Foundation and equally Pro-Amnesty Business conglomerates and of course the open border crazies. So we must organize, not in just small entities, but arrange through one central group like NUMBERSUSA--to get ready for the political shove and push for this coming Amnesty. NumbersUSA has around a million members that want the immigration enforcement laws--ENFORCED. The real double fence constructed, E-Verify, 287 G permanent to reduce illegal immigration.

    2) Millions of American demoralized by each administration, who think they have no power base, is wrong? Everybody--no matter the color of your skin, should become wise, to understand what’s happening behind their backs. Whether your Black, Hispanic,White, Indian of any faith denomination, GOP, DEM or Independent and believe in enforcing the 1986 immigration law--that can be just as easily amended. RONALD REAGANS LAW WOULD WORK--IF ENFORCED? Join Tea Baggers, and everybody else who as one majority group to use the power of your vote. You have immeasurable power to be ready to fight the coming immigration battle. It's about America’s future, about overpopulation, our failing infrastructure and stops these incompetent politicians from selling your children's future. Starting with Arizona—every state should have the right to enforce its immigration laws, if the federal government refuses to enforce those laws. They find billions of dollars to fight far distant foreign wars, but will not spend the money to protect America's inhabitants from all-encompassing criminals entering our country. If states boycott Arizona, then we must boycott any state that does exactly this. We must support Arizona because this backlash has been formed by the Libertarian, lobotomized groups who want unfettered movement though our borders.

    3) Even our National Security is a risk because nothing is done to enforce the border. You are not alone? We will not be dictated to by any pro-Amnesty group. You have thousands of friends, but we need to unite in this common cause. Talk to your relatives. We can no longer be a HMO or free welfare handouts to the world. You may not want to demonstrate in the streets, because of violence from the other side.We are civilized so we don't throw frozen soda cans at the opponents. But you can join (without any cost or danger to your personal information) by standing firm with NumbersUSA. Google the address and sign up, to be alerted to all Washington inside emergencies. As one massive organized group we can stop this encroachment by 20 to 30 million foreign nationals into our jobs, destroying our culture. You will called ugly names to distract you, so you keep your real thoughts hidden in the shadows. But we must stop this as millions more will come—and keep on coming in the form of chain migration. NOTHING will stop this invasion unless we as one voice of one people say—ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. This is our country, our flag, our language and our constitution that gives us the right to free speech, that Liberals would deny us. Teach yourself who your enemy is at NumbersUSA in both parties and who must be removed in coming elections.
    No copyright. Copy & paste and distribute to all free Americans

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Just how will this lower my taxes? Will the schools roll back levy rates?

    That may have been one of them Marilyn stretches.

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Why not make Naturalization an easier process? I am pretty sure that most of America, not counting the Native Americans, were illegal immigrants from other countries. Why are we focusing on Mexico? We have hundreds of students and individuals around the world who FLY to the US each year and do not leave when their Visa's are up. What about 9/11? I think the issue in Arizona is going to promote the increase of counterfeit paperwork and documentation. For cash- you can be anyone....
