Friday, April 16, 2010

Speck speaks

Missouri Southern State University President Bruce Speck once again spoke to a Chart reporter following today's Board of Governors meeting but it wasn't much to write home about:

University President Bruce Speck again deflected questions concerning an opening for president at Spalding University last fall and whether he applied for the position.

When asked after a Board of Governors meeting to confirm that he did or did not apply for the position, Speck responded: “No, I don’t think that’s – that’s a personal matter,” and walked away.

The man is a source of inspiration to us all.


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    What a weasel! Get rid of him, BoG!

  2. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Hey, board of governors, WAKE UP!!! Your University needs you and you've been asleep at the wheel for the past year.

  3. Rodney Dangerfield8:32 PM

    MSSU is a joke around the state because of Speck. No one in Jeff City even takes MSSU seriously any more.

  4. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Comments like these have been going on for the last... two years? Does anyone really think anyone who should cares? Surely the BoG doesn't as has been noted and documented repeatedly here and elsewhere. Speck apparently can do no wrong and Douglas goes out of his way to toot Bruce's horn at every opportunity. Cutting budgets is easy, Dwight. Doing so in a way that doesn't alienate the entire campus community is something else entirely. And to claim Speck has any financial acumen whatsoever is absurd. As for political acumen, read the letter to Speck from the Student Press Law Center as well as stories on the KCUMB sunshine law violation. Incompetence is the only thing that can possibly come to mind.
