Monday, June 28, 2010

Plemmons: Amendment 2 reason Missouri Right to Life chose Billy Long


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Mr. Plemmons may be reached at 417-732-7417 if you were not able to turn the volume up enough to hear his presentation.

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    It will be interesting to watch how the Joplin Globe reports the story.

    And, how the News-Leader, without any political investigative reporter, reports the story.

  3. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Mike Moon, Christian, active in High Street Baptist Church, pro-life, family man with strong family values.

    Jeff Wisdom, pro-life, veteran and actve in Navy Reserve, strong conservative values.

    Jack Goodman, Christian, active in church with his wife and two young sons, voting record for pro-life issues.

    Gary Nodler, Christian, active in his church since early Seventies, pro-life, active in LifeChoices Pregnancy Center, voting record supports the rights of the unborn.

    Darrell Moore, Christian, active in his church, pro-life, has legally protected the rights of the unborn.

    Billy Long, family man, pro-life, with no voting record of supporting pro-life issues.

    Missouri Right to Life is dedicated to missrepresenting the positions of many people who are pro-life including many Christians who have worked for the rights of the unborn for years.

  4. Anonymous7:21 PM

    The Billy Long commercials remind me of Pappy O'Daniel Pass the Biscuits Flour on Oh Brother where Art Thou.

    Big belly, big mouth, no substance, just a bag of wind not running for anything, just another republican "againer".
    Dave Rust

  5. Anonymous7:25 PM

    If Plemmons and the MRL are worried about backing a candidate who would not make a fool out of himself in an interview or debate, why would they back LOng? I mean have they seen any of his large body of work? I mean really, did they not see the forum that the MRA had Saturday? Really?

    LOng actually embarressed everyone there with his lack of knowledge about anything and inability to form sentences. Really?

  6. Anonymous8:11 PM

    "When 'Anonymous' can only muster attacks on my intelligence or acumen, without a mature discussion, it should be an indication to all who is the adult in this conversation," Mr. Plemmons recently stated in a post at

    It is alleged that the decision to select Mr. Long rests squarely on the shoulders of Mr. Plemmons who is the official selector/recommender/spokesperson for MRL in SW MO.

    And he wonders why anyone would question his intelligence and acume? Kind of obvious isn't it.

    But let's get beyond that and play like Mr. Plemmons is in fact the worlds leading authority on pro-life issues.

    Based on the storyline that all of the candidates are pro-life and that his intelligence and acume are in place, it can only be result in one conclusion.

    Money (Long) talks and 'bs'(Plemmons) walks. Any 'adult' can see that.

  7. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Mr. Long was given the opportunity at our Missouri Republican Assembly on Saturday to answer a very simple question, 'what have you actually done to support pro-life issues?' I think the question was asked by either Goodman or Nodler.

    I was embarrased for him with his answer. It was obvious that Plemmons had not schooled Billy on what the endorsement was for or about.

    Billy basically said he had talked about it on the radio.
