Thursday, July 29, 2010

Moon: The strength of America is our faith in God

In a news release issued today, Seventh District Republican candidate Michael Moon talks about faith:

“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.” Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States of America.

“The strength of America is our enduring faith in GOD, family and an unequaled military force. “Peace through strength,” as Reagan quipped first in 1964 nominating Barry Goldwater and later in a 1980 campaign commercial contrasting the weak foreign policies of Jimmy Carter. “Peace through Strength” is the fitting motto for the USS Ronald Reagan, the most advanced instrument of war in the U.S. Navy, a nuclear-powered Nimitz-class aircraft carrier,” said Mike Moon.

Mike Moon is the Ronald Reagan Republican seeking to serve as the Representative in Congress for the 7th District. His common-sense values are clear and compelling. Like most citizens of Southwest Missouri, I am a hard-working family man. I’ve been married for nearly 30 years to my college sweetheart, Denise. Together we have raised five home-schooled children. I take personal responsibility for my family by actually working two jobs – a successful cattle farm and 25 years with the same employer in the health care provider industry.

President Reagan often openly talked of his faith and family. They were strengths intertwined into his personal and public policies as governor of California and the 40th President of the United States of America. It really is not surprising that America's strength is deeply rooted in our faith and family because they were divinely designed in our Founding Father's hearts, heads and hands - carefully crafted in our Constitution.

My personal faith in Jesus Christ is my strength as a husband, father and leader and at the core of my candidacy for United States Congress in Missouri's 7th District. Some have initially jeered my faith in Jesus as LORD and Savior only to later apologize as they came to realize how central to right living is GOD's Word. I am willing to experience the mild ridicule as I express undiluted my personal faith in Jesus upholding with honor His Holy Scriptures for my life's vision and values.

My family, like your family, is at the heart of a valued source of strength. I am willing to sacrifice my comfort and even life, if necessary, to preserve, protect and prosper my family and the families of Southwest Missouri. I cannot pass on to someone else this sacred duty. Folks, the culture clash that seeks to undermine our children's innocence cannot be ignored. Forces exist, however smiling their faces, however stealth-like they use our own laws and customs against us – that mean to redefine sexual values, the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman, and the value of hard work and savings for life, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness.

The strength of Southwest Missouri is not a simple measurement in the muscles of money alone. Some, among the political chattering class, would have you believe that tens of thousands in campaign cash will buy votes. I have been strengthened in meeting the hard-working men and women and their young people throughout the ten counties of the 7th District that their votes and values are not for sale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MIKE MOON's profound faith in GOD declared openly, without dilution distinguish him as our next United States Congressman. Godly vision & values upholds our Nations foundations whether one embraces Biblical and Constitutional principles or not. MIKE MOON's Strength, Freedom and Prosperity holds to the same virtues as Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Godly happiness upon which we are founded as a Nation Under GOD. If you, like my family & friends, appreciate the courage of the other candidates, but recognize that don't get it (we distrust political and elitist connections, however nice they appear publicly), then join thousands of other faith, family and forward-looking American Patriots in SW MO on Aug 3rd, looking for the third name on the ballot MIKE MOON for United States Congress, 7th District. Rabbi DF Eukel, the radio rabbi, Ramble & Rumble with Rabbi, M-F 6:00-7:30 AM CST on blogtalkradio