Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ACLU wants taxpayers to foot the bill for Westboro Baptist Church's legal fees

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a motion in U. S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri today asking that the taxpayers foot the bill for the Westboro Baptist Church's legal fees to the tune of $172,046.25, plus $3,335.40 in expenses.

The request was made possible when Judge Fernando Gaitan ruled in favor of the church Aug. 16, striking down Missouri laws which restricted the times protests could be held at funerals and required protesters to maintain a distance of at least 300 feet from the funerals.

The Westboro church has made a practice of protesting at military funerals, claiming that the deaths of American servicemen is God's method of punishing the country for its tolerance of homosexuals.

In documents filed today, ACLU attorney Anthony Rothert says the taxpayers will benefit by the awarding of attorney fees:
"Not just Plaintiff, but the entire community benefits from Plaintiff’s success in this case. Accordingly, this case has a public value that transcends Plaintiff’s personal success by protecting the constitutional rights of the general public."
The attorneys' fees were computed at a rate of $225 an hour.

The documents indicate Shirley Phelps-Roper, the oldest daughter of Westboro Baptist Church pastor Fred Phelps, is only asking that certain defendants in the case, Missouri state officials, including Gov. Jay Nixon and Attorney General Chris Koster, pay the attorney fees, which ultimately would come from our pockets.


  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Give me a frickin break!!!! Westboro Church is likened to the insanity of L Ron Hubbard Church.... Sorry, i will block you over and over again

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    The Church of Hate.
