Thursday, August 05, 2010

Blunt: Democratic party is extreme and job-killing


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The Republican Party is extreme and nation-killing.

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    And the Democrats in Washington are not?

  3. Anonymous3:17 AM

    If I remember correctly the Repukes and Ole Roy were in power when this nation's economy went in the toilet. Damn how quickly they seem to forget. You can tell Ole Roy is lying when his lips start moving.

  4. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Anonymous @3:17 AM: You don't remember correctly, the Democrats gained control of the Congress in 2006. And one thing we've learned from the presidency of George H. W. Bush is that Congressional Democrats are happy to trash the economy as long as that will put a Democrat in the White House (Clinton back then).

    I don't think anything so direct happened this time, e.g. the insane Federally enforced housing policies were largely bi-partisan (George W. Bush's Ownership Society or whatever it was called went hand in hand with Barney Frank's "roll the dice" ... although I'm aware of no Democrats who tried to reign in Fanny and Freddie), but let's just say that recent history proves that the only stable arrangement is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress (1994-2000).

    The Republicans won't trash the economy to gain power and the Democrats won't spend most of their energy trying to destroy the President (Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes).
