Sunday, August 01, 2010

Casino lobbyist contributes to Ruestman campaign

A Washington-based casino lobbyist has cast his vote, financially at least since he is not a registered Newton County voter, in favor of Marilyn Ruestman for presiding commissioner.

Though he is not labeled as a lobbyist on Mrs. Ruestman's eight-day report (no occupation is given) the biggest contributor listed on that report was Alan Mauk, head of Mauk & Associates, Alexandria, Va. a powerful lobbying firm that among its other clients represents the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma, owner of Downstream Casino, which is located in Newton County. Mauk also represents the Chickasaw tribe's casino interests.

Missouri Ethics Commission records show that the campaign contribution is listed by Mauk as a lobbyist gift for the month of June. That report was posted on the MEC website this morning. The gift was listed as being on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma.


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sorry, Randy, but Downstream Casino is in Oklahoma, not in Missouri.

  2. I should have been a bit more meticulous with my writing. While the casino itself is in Oklahoma, the Downstream Casino and Resort area includes the Loma Linda area which is in Newton County and the Seneca School District.

  3. Anonymous8:00 PM

    The largest industry with above average wages in the area is medical.

    The second largest industry with above average wages in the area is trucking.

    The third largest industry with average wages in the area is educational.

    The next largest industry with average wages in the area is gaming.

    Take the money and run Marilyn!
