Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Crowell pushing right-to-work plan

It didn't take long for a politician to take advantage of Missouri's jobless rate to push an anti-union bill.

In his latest report, Sen. Jason Crowell, R-Cape Girardeau, explains how his right-to-work proposal can be the salvation for Missouri's economic woes:

Attracting jobs to Missouri should be our highest priority. This is why during the past legislative session, as part of my “Missouri First” jobs plan, I introduced Senate Bill 888 that would make Missouri a Right to Work state, removing the union only restriction on employers and bring jobs to Missouri. A Right to Work law in Missouri will help bring to our state new businesses, new construction sites, new jobs, and new tax revenues. In this economy, Missouri cannot afford to remain a forced union state.

A Right to Work law prevents employees from being required to join or financially support any union as a condition of their employment. Under current Missouri law, if a union organization has a certification with a business; all employees under the certification are required to join and pay membership dues in order to work at that place of employment. A Right to Work law will allow Missouri workers the free choice of whether to belong to a union or not.

Six of the eight states bordering Missouri have adopted Right to Work laws. This includes Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa.

Right to Work laws encourage higher wages, employment opportunities, and population growth. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis finds that from 2003 to 2008 personal income levels increased by 15.8% in Right to Work states compared to 9.1% growth in forced union states. States that allow workers the choice of union membership have significantly higher income growth, because businesses offering higher paying jobs locate to states with Right to Work laws. Employment growth in Right to Work states is 2.5 times higher than in forced union states according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics. This indicates that with the tightening economy, businesses are very conscious about where they are locating. Also, population growth is a statement of economic growth, and the U.S. Census Bureau shows population growth is significantly higher in Right to Work states compared to the non-Right to Work states.

A Right to Work law in Missouri will encourage manufacturing businesses to locate in Missouri. Helping the private sector create jobs for Missourians is my top priority and this legislation aims to remove the union only employment barrier that disadvantages Missouri from attracting employers to Missouri new jobs. No one should be denied membership in a union nor should anyone be forced to join a union to hold a job.

For more information on my job creation plan including making Missouri a Right to Work state, visit my website at and click on the Jobs Plan link.

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