Thursday, August 05, 2010

Goodman sends thank-you letter to supporters

Sen. Jack Goodman, who finished second in the Seventh District Congressional race Tuesday, sent the following letter to his supporters today:

Laura and I are humbled by and grateful to all who have worked on our campaign, contributed and cast your vote for me. I know your support was not about putting me in office. Your support was about saving American freedom and opportunity for future generations. Laura and I will always be grateful for the many wonderful friendships we gained through this campaign. America is still worth fighting for! Please stay engaged. May God Bless you as he has blessed us.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Goodman would have represented well I think, much better than Long. I would like to see him forget party lines and reach out and endorse Eckersley.

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I believe Jack is a good Republican who will recognize his political future depends on how he handles this stunning defeat.

    If he 'mans up' and works to help elect Billy Long, he will be remembered as a person who led the party to unity.

    If he does not, well, it would be best if he 'mans up.'
