Thursday, August 05, 2010

Sowers challenges Emerson to more debates

Incumbent Eighth District Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson has agreed to debate Democratic challenger Tommy Sowers three times, but Sowers is wanting more, according to a news release issued today:

“We are pleased that Jo Ann Emerson has finally accepted the invitation – an invitation we extended 50 days ago – to do a series of debates, and we look forward to the discussion.

Yesterday the Emerson campaign suggested a total of three debates, one in Cape Girardeau, one in Poplar Bluff and one in Rolla. We believe that as many voters as possible throughout the 8th District should have the opportunity to hear from the candidates and have their questions answered on the issues they care about. Therefore, we are proposing an additional three debates: one in Kennett, one in St. Francois County and one in West Plains.

We are grateful to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) in Kennett and Mineral Area College in St. Francois County for offering to host debates. The Missouri State University campus in West Plains is also considering hosting a debate.

This brings the total number of debates to six and would ensure that a greater number of Missourians have the opportunity to engage in the discussion about the future of our community.“

Independent candidate Larry Bill and Libertarian candidate Rick Vandeven have agreed to three more debates in the locations proposed by the Sowers campaign.

All candidates have agreed to a debate on October 11 at Southeast Missouri State University.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Don't do it Emerson.

    Let Tommy walk the district from business to business and town to town to meet the people like you have done for years.

    If he is such a young hot-shot, he can lower himself to grass roots campaigning to learn what is on people's minds by asking them directly.

    Otherwise, he is just another media-based wanna be like his family in Rolla who have slanted newspaper reporting for years to serve their own purposes.
