Friday, August 20, 2010

Wisdom endorses Billy Long

Former Republican Seventh District Congressional candidate Jeff Wisdom announced his support of the man who beat him, Billy Long, today:

In the two weeks since the primary election, speculation of a divide in the Republican Party has emerged in Southwest Missouri. While this perception seems pervasive in media circles, local Republicans are united and resolute in opposing the liberal agenda in Washington. The Seventh District is one of the most heavily Republican strongholds in the country. Our party must work diligently to ensure that we remain a district defined by our traditional conservative values.

My name was used without my permission in a press conference and press release from Democrat Scott Eckersley’s campaign on Tuesday, August 17. No one from the Eckersley camp contacted me or requested consent to include me prior to crafting the press release. I was not at the aforementioned press conference and was never scheduled to attend. I was disappointed that the Eckersley campaign opted to employ this tactic.

Scott Eckersley and Billy Long have already participated in several debate forums. It is up to the discernment of Mr. Long and his campaign to schedule additional debates with Mr. Eckersley within parameters agreed upon by both. While I have indicated my support of debates between candidates seeking office at all levels, including this congressional race, it is in the interest of public discourse on issues facing our local communities, our district, and our country. Republicans have real ideas and practical solutions that promote economic growth, uphold constitutional principles, and ensure limited government. Democrats have controlled Congress since 2007. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have concurrently presided over massive expansion of the national debt, financial devastation, and encroachments on individual liberties.

As a lifelong Republican, I support the party and our slate of candidates in the November general election. Despite minor differences of opinion or ideas, a united Republican party is the greatest unwavering line of defense against the socialization of America. Following the recent primary, I, along with members of my campaign staff, have decisively moved to help local Republican candidates win in the upcoming general election. I plan to be actively involved in electing conservative Republicans this fall because we need our party’s common sense approaches to the vast array of problems we face.

Throughout this election cycle, I have gotten to know Billy Long. He garnered a significant plurality of votes in the Republican primary, easily distancing himself from the field. As a Republican candidate for Congress, my goal was winning the party’s nomination. However, voters in the Seventh District chose Billy as the Republican nominee and I respect their will. That is democracy in action.

It is time for us to come together as Republicans to support all our candidates. This week, I had the opportunity to meet with Billy and his staff. We discussed the congressional race and our shared goals for the future of the district and the nation. I trust he will represent us fairly and effectively in Washington. I hereby pledge my full support for Billy Long and his campaign in their quest to win the Seventh District congressional seat in November.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    "Republicans have real ideas and practical solutions." Where are they? All I keep hearing is let us return to what got us into this mess. Being conservative in one thing, being stupid is another. And the biggest part of stupid is the greed factor.

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Jeff, Thanks for joining Gary Nodler in support of Republican principles.

    Billy's work ethic will serve us well as he faces the challenges before Congress. He will work hard, learn how to get things done and work within the system established by our Coustitution to get things done.

  3. Somebody seems to be channeling Faust. Or in terms simpler for 7th district Republicans to comprehend, Joe Hardy.

  4. Anonymous10:22 AM


    You and the rest of your buddies watch way too much reality TV.

    It gets down to core values, not selling your soul to the devil to beat the Damn Yankees.

    When we elect someone, it is up to us to keep and eye on them and give them holy hell when they go astray and then dump them in the next election like Busch did Keselowski at Bristol.

  5. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Forums? Are those the things that you can use an i-phone to have someone else give you answers? The Press release clearly says that Wisdom endorsed the debates. Not a candidate. If Billy and the people that answer his questions for him can't read, how can we expect him represent us in Washington?

  6. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Who is Jeff Wisdom, lol?
