Sunday, September 19, 2010

Barbara McNeely killer: I'm so very, very sorry for what I did

If you have watched television legal shows, you will hear the constant refrain that the insanity defense almost never works.

.While it's comforting to know that killers are rarely able to abuse the system, the fact remains that there are some instances in which that much-maligned defense works.

One of those, to the regret of those of us who knew and loved Barbara McNeely, occurred in the trial of the man who brutally murdered her in September 1977. Barbara, a good friend of mine through my days at East Newton High School and Missouri Southern State College, was one of the first people to encourage my writing and, for a time, did my typing for me, as I made early efforts to sell my work.

She was only 20 when William McMurray stabbed her to death in the Northpark Mall parking lot. A jury found McMurray not guilty, he was sent to a mental institution, and seven years later, without any notice to the McNeely family, the Missouri Department of Mental Health saw fit to release him.

A few weeks ago, I heard from a reporter in McMurray's hometown of Crawfordsville, Ind., who told me McMurray had contacted him about a book he had written. The reporter wrote me to ask for some background on the murder. After I supplied the information, I wrote about the impending publication of the McMurray book in a post entitled, "Desecrating the Memory of Barbara McNeely."

The post included this passage:

Apparently, 33 years after the murder, William McMurray is ready to cash in on his notoriety, offering another of the endless stream of books authored by those who have done terrible things, gone through a redemption process, and have emerged to lead successful lives.

In this book, the reporter told me, McMurray plans to write about the horrible abuse he suffered as a child, what it led him to do, and how he “turned his life around.”

For this man, who deprived the world forever of the sunshine that was Barbara McNeely, to make money off the tragedy, is a desecration to her memory.

So many times I have been amazed at those who manage to gloss over the most horrific acts with homilies about the healing power of forgiveness.Well forgive me, but I am not buying it. Don’t tell me about the redemptive powers and inspiration that McMurray’s books may offer to those who have been abused as children.

Word of this post reached William McMurray, and Monday, September 13, a few days after the anniversary of his act that deprived this community of one of its shining lights, McMurray sent the following message:

There is no amount of abuse, nor insanity, that could ever justify the taking of an innocent life. I have struggled for years with the knowledge of my actions and know there is nothing I could ever say or do to turn back the clocks. Over the years I have reached out to others seeking to in someway express just how very sorry I am to the McNealy (sic) family and the Joplin Community, only to be strongly discouraged. So, I could only hope, by giving to others I may in a small way find some level of atonement for all I took. I know there will be those who, despite what I've done since, will forever define my life because of their loss. I know there will always be those who do not care to know of the childhood issues that brought a break with reality, nor choose to know the person I was privileged to become. Who I am today came only because others counseled and aided me in overcoming those past issues. I can only hope some of you may one day be able to forgive me.

Yes, I was released from the hospital in 1985. But few of you know very little of what I've done since. As an EMT and founder of an emergency medical program that grew to fifty-five medically trained and equipped members in one year, my program helped decrease automobile accident deaths by more than 50% in one Missouri county. Something recognized by the MO Hwy. Patrol in 1987. Despite the recognitions and awards received that year, including a Presidential Commendation from Ronald Reagan, a short two years later I finally realized that no matter how many lives were saved, it would never bring back the one that was taken. So I resigned and continued writing my books that taught projects and programs in need how to organize successful fund-raising events. Books that also raised funds for others with the profits made.

As a fundraiser, the fifty-seven I've assisted and organized have raised nearly a million dollars for children's causes, animal shelters, as well as school and community projects, including the MO Chapter, National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse. In all but two of these 57 separate events I've donated my time. I went back to school to become a better provider for the family I feel blessed to have and eventually took over a business until I became severely ill in August 2005.

Now retired, I know there are still more things I can do for others. Even as my physical abilities are quickly diminishing.

As I read these words, this self-serving recitation of good deeds and atonement that McMurray says has marked the last quarter of a century, as well as his efforts to make us feel bad for the hard times he has had, I was filled with a quiet fury. I debated the wisdom of sharing McMurray's words, but in the end there was no question, people need to know that the death of Barbara McNeely is being used, whether coldly and cynically for cold cash, or through some effort to assuage his own conscience for an unforgivable act.

I will not mention where McMurray is living now, not out of any consideration for his well-being, but his family deserves consideration, and this is far more consideration than those who backed McMurray at his trial and in the years following have ever shown to Barbara's family.

My thoughts always drift to Barbara at this time of the year. I wonder what she would be doing today if she had not been in that parking lot more than three decades ago. I imagine the pride she would have felt at seeing her brother Brad enlisting and serving his country with honor, the joy of watching her baby sister Becky, who was born just a short time before Barbara's death, growing into womanhood.

I think of all the things that Barbara could have accomplished and the family that could have been hers. 

All of that, wiped out in the span of a few horrifying seconds by a senseless, violent act committed by William McMurray. So spare me your listing of good deeds and the praise you have received from President Reagan and others.

I will leave it to others, others who are far more charitable than I, to extend words of forgiveness.

Time does not heal all wounds, and it will be a cold day in hell before those words ever escape my lips.



  2. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Justice and Mercy are a strange couple and are difficult to understand and accept at times.

    I really appreciate the article.

    Diamond Gem

  3. Anonymous2:26 PM


    Two things are obvious from reading your posts about Barbara and the man who killed her.

    1. You deeply cared for her. That's a truly awesome thing, and I'm sure your loss was extreme (not to mention that of her family).

    2. You are still filled with bitterness and hate over an incident over 30 years ago. I totally get that you believe justice was not served - and I tend to agree. However, YOUR bitterness now hurts no one but you. It doesn't bring your friend back; it doesn't even hurt her just poisons you.

    Not intended as criticism; just thoughts that you might consider.

    1. Who wouldn't be bitter and angry by this?

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      I wonder how a lawyer who works hard for the release of a person like this could ever live with himself. He would have a totally different view if his daughter would have been the victim.

  4. Some powerful thoughts here, Randy.
    I was on the local Probation and Parole Citizen's Advisory Board for several years, where we talked regularly about crimes and our attempt to achieve appropriate justice following sentencing...but the issue of what comes next is perhaps a harder thing to reconcile. Have these people "paid their debt" and earned the right to get on with their lives however they see fit, or is there a lasting obligation that attaches strings, and makes some activities inappropriate and off limits? From a criminal justice perspective, we are satisfied that this criminal has not re-offended and is a success story. What could he do with his life that would satisfy the friends and family of his victim? For the past six months I've stared, unresponding, at an online "friend request" from a high school associate who burned down my church one night 25 years ago, so I certainly don't know the answer. "Forgive and forget" is easier said than done.

  5. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Thank you for submitting at least a portion of my response to your earlier memorial piece. However, you are still misleading your readers with the purpose of any possible book on child abuse I may write. As you have already been advised, I will not profit from this book. All proceeds will benefit a program that deals specifically with this topic. Should my story be included, it will be written in the same format as that currently appearing on, "Sexual Child Abuse: A Male Victims Story". You also fail to advise your readers that I have turned down three previous offers for a book specifically on my life. In each case, I would have given permission if 100% of the profits would have been used to create a memorial scholarship fund in Ms. McNealy's name.

  6. I printed everything that I received in your message. Not one word was left out.

  7. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Wow Ron, holding a grudge over a crummy church burning? As long as nobody was injured I'd just have to laugh at that.

  8. Anonymous9:49 PM

    It makes for strangeness that McMurray has evolved so much in all these years, but you remain stuck. I read what he wrote in reaching out to you and was moved. People make mistakes-- most of us make small one, some make huge ones. The change in McMurray is a great example of the ability of humans to redeem themselves. It is apparent that there is nothing that could change your feelings about McMurray. That is fine. That is your right. But let's be honest about who has not made himself a better person during the intervening years.

  9. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Con job totally.

    He's probably got bodies in his basement. "Paid his debt" my ass. He pays his debt with his life just as the young woman did. Is he still breathing? Then his debt is unpaid.

    Not buying it for one second folks. Sign me:


    PS You parole board people make the rest of us sick.

  10. Andrea8:25 AM

    It's unfortunate that our criminal justice system isn't really about justice--it's about due process. And due process is important, but it's not the same thing. Too often, true justice is just not possible: There's no way to undo what has been done. I'm sorry for your loss, Randy, and I'm sorry for us all, because we never knew this woman.

    It is also unfortunate that the killer apparently doesn't even care enough to spell his victim's last name correctly. And I noticed that in his bio (at the link from the first comment), he doesn't mention that he is a murderer.

  11. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Your original August 19th blog shows you cared deeply for Barbara McNeely and my heart goes out to you and the McNeely family. I question why you allowed a second version of this same August
    19th blog to be published though.

    On August 22nd your story ran on a site known as "Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations". Is this some sort of alter ego piece you do under the name of Randy Randy? If someone elses, why would you allow your words to be manipulated for something so disgraceful and demeaning for the McNeely family to see? The title alone, "I'm Desecrating The Memory of Barbara McNeely For My Own Perverted Purposes", is so very sad.

    It's easy to rationalize hate when we can rally others to feel the same as we do. It is especially disappointing when someone in your position and education uses misinformation and tabloid poison pen tactics to instill even further hate. You have portrayed William McMurray, a person you have never even met, as an opportunist looking to cash in and line his pockets with his story. I have known William McMurray for most of my life. I've never known him to be the sociopathic opportunist you seem to suggest he is. His contribution to society speaks volumes of the person he has become. Your need to carry so much hate inside also speaks volumes on the person you have become.

  12. I have nothing whatsoever to do with the other website you mention. It is run by a white supremacist named Martin Lindstedt, and the First Amendment allows him to publish the filth he puts on his site.

  13. Dr. Chas Brothers9:47 AM

    Enough is enough. Until you've been raped, sodomized, abused emotionally or physically by a complete stranger or someone who you thought you could trust, you have no business weighing in on this issue. Like many young boys in the seventies, I was one of those victims. Oh society knew about it but it was a tabboo subject to talk about. To this day, my perpetrator collects a government pension and lives a very well adjusted ordered life while I had to scrape and claw for everything I had yet, because I know Jesus, I know forgiveness. The Apostle Paul was a murderer yet he was saved by grace and became the most prolific writer of the new testament. Now I'm not comparing Mr. McMurray to the Apostle Paul but like Paul, he had to go down his Damascus road before he could be used of God. Don't like the laws, change them. If you don't like the system fix it. If you don't have time to write your congressmen or call your representative, you have no one to blame but yourselves. Still don't like the ways things are done? Run for office and make a difference if you can. As far as spelling his victims name incorrectly, you're just knit picking this beyond reason. I for one was beat so severely I have a cognitive disorder which makes it hard to read, understand and spell things correctly and have them be grammatically correct yet like Mr. McMurray, I overcame my disabilities and lot in life to become a Psychologist and a Pastor. The bible tells us that if you forgive man not his sins then the Father will not forgive yours. If you have any hopes of wanting to see Barabara in heaven, you may want to keep that in mind.

    Dr. Chas Brothers

  14. Anonymous11:18 AM

    n 1979 our family had the opportunity to see the actual police report which lead to William McMurray being accused of murder. I was deeply concerned with what we found, or should I say, did not find. No physical evidence tied William McMurray to the crime. Not in the car, not on his clothes, no fingerprints were found, no hair. He had no cuts on his hands or any markings that would indicate he had been in a struggle of any kind the night before. He had no prior history of violence and has lead a productive life since his release. As a medic, fellow workers selected him "Medic of the Year" in 87' for his eight clinical saves. His community work with charities puts most of us to shame. As a writer McMurray donated profits from his first four books to charities. His first book was used by students at North Callaway High School in Kingdom City, MO to organize a celebrity auction that raised over $27,000 for a fellow classmate stricken with Leukemia. I see where you've written a couple of books yourself. Where did your profits go?

    I read the comments others wrote in response to your two stories. One person describes McMurray by saying, "it's a con job". Another person claims McMurray use to play at their house when they were kids and has always hated him. I doubt if that person even knew McMurray. McMurray never attended Crawfordsville High School as the writer stated. Funny how people are so quick to jump on the band wagon. Even when they do not know all the facts.

    McMurray has dealt with people like you for years. When his last book came out in 1995, the TV show "Hard Copy" tried to portray his book as a resource manual for stalkers. The Hard Copy story included comments from a Joplin detective and former prosecuting attorney. Not the first time people have been willing to slam McMurray so they can get their face on TV. The real truth about McMurray's books is that charities throughout Illinois, Indiana and Missouri have used his material to raise thousands of dollars for a wide variety of special causes. Following the airing of Hard Copy's piece, a story ran in "Autograph Times" (January 1995) titled, "'Hard Copy' slams collector. Celebrities race to his defense after tabloid report". In that three page feature, a number of television personalities, who have assisted McMurray in raising funds, publicly stated they were aware of his past. Jon Provost, (Timmy from Lassie), was quoted saying, "Bill's past is well known to me. He shared this with me because he felt I should know, and that took guts to put it mildly."

    It would have been far easier if McMurray had quietly disappeared, kept his past a secret and moved on with his life. To do what he has, since leaving the hospital, has taken a great deal of courage. What happen to Barbara McNeely was indeed a horrible tragedy and my heart sincerely goes out to the McNeely family. Is William McMurray responsible for their loss? I don't know. I do know, he's convinced he is. Quietly slipping away to never be heard from again would be the selfish thing to do. Instead, he's done something productive with his life. Now he's considering a book on child abuse. I've seen his outline and know this book could be extremely beneficial to others. Statistics show that one in every six boys are sexually abused. The book will include resources for those needing help, symtoms for teachers to look for, and a series of personal stories from people who have been abused, how it affected them and how they overcame their trauma. Stories to let the abused know they're not alone and that hope is within their reach. It's very disappointing to know an educator and award winning journalist as yourself would be so quick to dismiss such a book. A true journalist would have researched the facts before assuming the worst. It's been over thirty years. Maybe it's time to focus on healing rather than harboring all that bitterness.

  15. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Could someone please tell McMurray its MCNEELY, not McNealy???

    I don't think Randy is filled with bitterness and hate. Randy, like the rest of us, if filled with LOSS! Isn't McMurray lucky to have had the chance to do all of the 'wonderful' things he had done?
    Too bad he chose to take that opportunity from Barbara. She was so full of life and promise.

    So, all you Pollyannas continue to sing the praises of McMurray. I believe he claimed insanity at the trial. Hope I'm not around when he SNAPS again.

  16. Anonymous3:45 AM

    This is 1 of 2:
    Just call me, Sissy~
    I saw a young girl sitting at a table, her face and golden hair faced down and on top her crossed arms. Her hands were ivory white; small fragile hands with petite fingers folded over a small white golden trim bible. She was sobbing a prayer, thinking she was the only person in the room, so it was just between her and God. She remembered her brother, thinking back to when she was so much younger. There was only one loaf of bread in the whole house. Her brother said in a calm voice, you and “Sissy,” can eat what is left of this bread, because there’s not enough to go around for the 3 of us. I didn’t know how long it had been since we had eaten. All of us were starving!!! It’s not true that there are no American children that don’t go hungry! The hunger while growing up was one of the worse pains of all; of all the abuses we endured! Night after night, unless my mother was off work to cook, did we eat a complete meal. No one trully cared for us, then.
    Thinking back from that day, this young girl knew that the jurors couldn’t possibly think that ‘my brother’ could ever do such a thing, could ever hurt anyone. No this wasn’t true, I knew it in my heart! “Dear Lord, I’ll believe in you forever, if you only let my brother live.” While the jurors were away…no one knew ‘his sister’ was praying in another room, praying that whatever, or whoever said anything about her brother, this was not true. Worse of all, is the struggle of other people around her! All the crying... from both sides of the court room made this little girl cry harder. I prayed for this woman, though I didn’t know her name at the time, who everyone said was dead. I prayed that ‘she’ rested in peace and love in God’s hands…so why can’t you?!

  17. Anonymous3:48 AM

    2 of 2:
    Just call me, Sissy:
    My brother is someone I have trusted in all my life. No, he did not do this crime. No, no one ever found any shread of evidence to say that my brother did this at all! I had wondered what became of this girl’s former boyfriend, why wasn’t he questioned. What would my brother have to do with this, it made no sense at all!
    You do not have the right to print that he did this crime! I am the young girl above, his sister, and you are an angry soul~ it must be a heavy burden for you. I can imagine it's more than you can bare! But, you should be fully aware of accusing the wrong person for the death of your friend. Nothing good will come from you printing falsehoods. I would suggest a psych evaluation, to make sure that the anxiety that you’re feeling is healthy, or getting to the point that you’re suffering from depression. That's my 'professional' opinion, now that I'm grown up, and no longer the young girl who remembers the trial. If you are suffering from depression, you should seek a mental health specialist. Just as I prayed for your friend, Randy, to rest in peace and love in God’s hands as a young girl, you should also pray. You should pray that ‘Barbara’ rest in peace and not anguish, because you accuse someone who isn’t the person who committed a crime against her.
    I’m sure since you are a ‘professional,’ you do know when you’re printing lies. So you are aware that you are enabling yourself, and this paper, to come under the term’s of ‘slander,’ which is a crime. Ask yourself, do YOU want to commit a crime? If so, keep having your paper print lies, and that’s exactly what may happen in due course.
    If you really do believe in justice, you are marring the memory of this Miss McNeely, you say was a friend. You’re trying to pin my brother, wrongfully! Whoever killed her, will come to terms in judgement, but not by you, or by anyone here. I feel sorry for you, and will pray for you, to stop this senseless rage~
    By the way, just in case you don’t want to realize, in this country all people are innocent unless proven guilty. My brother was found, “not guilty,” in a court of law! He spent his time trying to get rid of all our childhood abuses, NOT to get rid of guilt! He has nothing to feel guilty for.
    I do wonder how your newspaper would feel, if they lost millions of dollars for allowing you to print lies. Oh, and by the way, the Journal Review in Crawfordsville was amiss on ‘false’ information that apparently was sent to you, too. This ‘person’ was in ‘error.’ I would suggest that your boss only allow you to print the truth from now on. Let There Be Peace ~

  18. Anonymous3:51 AM

    2 of 3; instead:
    Just call me, Sissy:
    My brother is someone I have trusted in all my life. No, he did not do this crime. No, no one ever found any shread of evidence to say that my brother did this at all! I had wondered what became of this girl’s former boyfriend, why wasn’t he questioned. What would my brother have to do with this, it made no sense at all!
    You do not have the right to print that he did this crime! I am the young girl above, his sister, and you are an angry soul~ it must be a heavy burden for you. I can imagine it's more than you can bare! But, you should be fully aware of accusing the wrong person for the death of your friend. Nothing good will come from you printing falsehoods. I would suggest a psych evaluation, to make sure that the anxiety that you’re feeling is healthy, or getting to the point that you’re suffering from depression. That's my 'professional' opinion, now that I'm grown up, and no longer the young girl who remembers the trial. If you are suffering from depression, you should seek a mental health specialist. Just as I prayed for your friend, Randy, to rest in peace and love in God’s hands as a young girl, you should also pray. You should pray that ‘Barbara’ rest in peace and not anguish, because you accuse someone who isn’t the person who committed a crime against her. con't

  19. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Last of 3:
    Just call me, Sissy:
    I’m sure since you are a ‘professional,’ you do know when you’re printing lies. So you are aware that you are enabling yourself, and this paper, to come under the term’s of ‘slander,’ which is a crime. Ask yourself, do YOU want to commit a crime? If so, keep having your paper print lies, and that’s exactly what may happen in due course.
    If you really do believe in justice, you are marring the memory of this Miss McNeely, you say was a friend. You’re trying to pin my brother, wrongfully! Whoever killed her, will come to terms in judgement, but not by you, or by anyone here. I feel sorry for you, and will pray for you, to stop this senseless rage~
    By the way, just in case you don’t want to realize, in this country all people are innocent unless proven guilty. My brother was found, “not guilty,” in a court of law! He spent his time trying to get rid of all our childhood abuses, NOT to get rid of guilt! He has nothing to feel guilty for.
    I do wonder how your newspaper would feel, if they lost millions of dollars for allowing you to print lies. Oh, and by the way, the Journal Review in Crawfordsville was amiss on ‘false’ information that apparently was sent to you, too. This ‘person’ was in ‘error.’ I would suggest that your boss only allow you to print the truth from now on. Let There Be Peace ~

  20. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I am a little confused here. The article written by McMurray indicates that he has taken responsibility for murdering Barbary McNeely, admits his guilt and would like to put it all behind him and wants others to do the same: “I have struggled for years with the knowledge of my actions and know there is nothing I could ever say or do to turn back the clocks… I am so very, very sorry for what I did.”
    If he’s admitting guilt, why are his sister and/or friend trying to convince the public that he had nothing to do with the crime? Or is this another one of his ploys to make his family and friends think he’s innocent when he knows he’s not. I didn’t want to get into the facts as I know them, but here they are.
    Perhaps the reason McMurray had no blood on him when questioned by the police (the next day after he reported that he had “witnessed” the murder) is because he went into a woods outside of Joplin and washed the blood off himself in a stream. During his confession, he led the police to his blood-stained clothes that were found in his dorm at Ozark Bible College. He also had traces of Barbara’s blood on his watch. Those are the facts! The officials would not have arrested him without ANY concrete evidence. “Why would they think that my brother had anything to do with this crime” you ask? Exactly! Why would they-- It’s because he tried to play the innocent witness and he got busted! That’s where they got their evidence...from his own admission after he led them to his bloody clothes and the murder weapon! Don’t let the love you have for your brother/ friend distort the facts.

    And Dr. Brothers. Sounds like you had a terrible childhood, perhaps even worse than McMurray. So… who did you murder? My point exactly.

  21. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Your facts are quite wrong. Yes, one single drop of blood was found on McMurray's watch. None found on his clothing. NONE!! No blood found in his car. Hair found caught in Ms. McNeely's neglace was blonde. Neither McMurray nor Ms. McNeely had blonde hair. These are the facts. His statement was the only thing that convicted him. Despite requesting a lawyer, with the Dean & Assist. Dean of Men present, none was given. Why would the recorder have been turned off more than a dozen times?

  22. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Only three items were submitted into evidence in court. A knife that did not have McMurray's fingerprints, his watch which had a small trace of blood and his confession. No clothing was ever submitted in court.

  23. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Regarding statements made by one of your "Anonymous" writers, one which he or she says, "I didn't want to get into the facts as I know them, but here they are."

    I'm not for sure where your getting your facts. Obviously, you were not at the trial, nor have you read the court transcripts or police report. Your statements on "facts" have either been made up or your being told what to write.

    I WAS in the court room during McMurray's trial and am not aware of any clothing ever presented into
    evidence. If indeed McMurray's clothing, taken from his dorm room, was "blood stained", why wasn't that presented in court. No clothing evidence and no shoes were presented. A watch was entered into evidence with a single smear of blood. A knife with dried blood was entered into evidence. McMurray's fingerprints were NOT found on the knife, nor in Ms. McNeely's car. A video from the State Hospital was also entered. Under Sodium Amytol, (a powerful hypnotic drug also known as truth serum), McMurray supposedly discribed trying to defend himself from his mother. However, the prosecutor did not allow the court room to watch the video.

    Yes, McMurray seems to be convinced he is responsible for taking another persons life. It appears he has tried to atone for his actions and move on with his life. As someone else has already stated and I agree with, his community work definitely puts most of us to shame. It's been over thirty-three years and understandbly many still harbor a great deal of ill will towards McMurray. For those of us who were present at the trial and know McMurray personally, it is hard for us to admit he could have ever committed such a horrorible act. Especially when there are still questions surrounding evidence or the lack of. Concerns that were kept to ourselves until you chose to use your blog to re-open old wounds. Your effort to remember your friend was indeed very noble and I'm sure greatly appreciated. I commend you for that. But lets be honest here. You wrote the piece out of anger and a need to throw verbal punches at someone you've never met,but have come to hate. You took second hand information about McMurray's idea
    and intentionally misrepresented the facts to provoke people into feeling the same anger you continue to harbor. I am also aware of the person you've been speaking with,not connected to the Journal Review,in McMurray's hometown who was encouraged by you to paint McMurray in a negative light on this page. She apparently felt the need to share some of your conversations with her to her
    fellow workers. It just so happen to have been overheard by a family member who also works at the same business. Of course, I don't expect you'll publish this. It's simply a very sad situation that your true colors are not as bright as other might think they are.

  24. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Wow. From working in the mental health system, and knowing McMurray like I do, Im pleased to say that he is a great man. If you have never been abused, then you wouldnt understand the traumatic effects that it has on someone. People have not only murdered others, but people they know and love. And those same people, can be rehabilitated through the mental health system and go on to lead productive lives. Some will never recover, and will never get out.
    One person said that he spent a "few short years" in a mental health facility. Trust me, there is nothing "short" about a year spent in that building. But I can guarantee, they would not have sent him there if they felt he didnt need to be there. And I can also tell you that he would not have been released unless the State of Missouri felt it was necessary. There is no "out date" in the mental health system like there is in the prisons. You could be there a few years or the rest of your life, depending on how you respond to treatment and/or medications.
    Bill is a respectable person, who has done a lot for others in his life. And yes, he may have been lucky to be given the opportunity to continue living his life, but what better way to live it then to spend that time helping others.

  25. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I too suffered abuse as a child.Never once have I killed anyone or even thought of harming anyone.I believe Mr.McMurry is a master manipulator.My abuser also appeared outwardly good and compassionate.I don't believe he has had a miraculous recovery.I worry what unspeakable evils may be brewing within his psyche.These people are very very good at hideingtheir true self!Beware my friends.

  26. Remembering Barbara today. Again, I can't believe 36 years have passed. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I remember wanting to go to the mall that night because I was bored, finished my homework, but didn't feel like driving the 20 miles up there and back. I, too, had long, dark hair, and I think that it could of been me that got murdered, because I always parked in the back of the mall where Barbara parked that night. One of my friends was working at the mall that night and Barbara fell into the store she worked at, and whenever we went to the mall, there was the blood stains still on the carpeting. Strange to think that nowadays, it carpeting would of been removed, but we had to see the sad reminders of Barbara's blood all over the carpeting. I didn't know her, but I remember here death had a profound effect on me, as did the verdict of the murderer. I remember her today, like I do every September 7 and will continue until the day I die.

  27. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I don't know if you'll ever see this, but I was there at Northpark Mall, working at Lion's Share, when Barbara walked into the mall bleeding profusely from the horrible wounds, including having her throat slit from ear-to-ear. I knew her, she was a frequent customer, and she was a very nice young woman and was one of the few people who actually tipped me, a lowly bus boy, and always smiled and said hello. We made eye contact as she stood there 20 feet or so away, and at first I thought she was wearing a Halloween costume. But no. She didn't have any clothing on from the waist up. I dropped my tub full of dishes and ran towards her as she fell against a display of shoes at Kinney's Shoe store. That's when other people saw what was going on and ran over also. I watched her take her last breath, as she looked about in panic, and I'll never forget it. Her car, in the parking lot, was parked next to my car unbeknowst to me at the time. There was blood all over her car and my car. The police talked to me a bit that night, but that's neither here nor there.

    I heard about this murderer getting released sometime not long after I started dating the woman I'd eventually marry. There was an article in the Joplin Globe, and I was beyond pissed to learn that not only was he out of prison, he never even was in prison! And he was free and had a family! Holy crap! I was at my girlfriend's house ranting about this later that evening, and my girlfriend told me to cool it, shut up. I was too pissed to shut up! She literally drug me outside and told me this "Mom is in the kitchen crying her eyes out. She was Barbara's boss at J.C. Penney that night. She sent her to Pittsburg to pick up some supplies, and she feels like it's her fault she died."

    There's more to this story from my standpoint, if you want to hear any more I've enabled my email in my identity, to this day I am astonished that this ****** guy got away with this and to hear that he might have written a book about it, oh man...

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Thanks for your story.

  28. McMurray has never tried to contact my family.
    Call me "brother's son".
    For a man who claims he has repented, how come he has never humbly asked for forgiveness.
    My dad was 12 at the time McMurray murdered my dad's sister.
    Can you imagine all the lives that William McMurray great sin impacted?
    I have a daughter of my own now. I see my dad with her and know how much he loves her.
    I know he thinks about Barbara all the time.
