Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pete Newman transferred to maximum security prison

After spending three months at the Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, former Kanakuk Kamp director Pete Newman is now spending his days and nights at a maximum security prison.

Missouri Department of Corrections records indicate Newman, who was sentenced to life in prison for numerous sex crimes involving underage boys, has been transferred to the Southeast Correctional Center in Charleston, Missouri.

Newman's crimes were described in a Taney County Sheriff's Department affidavit:

"Between 2005 and 2008, Pete Newman became a close friend of his by attending family dinners, sleepovers, bible studies, taking vacations together and writing letters. Pete would hold one-on-one sessions with (the boy) in Pete's hot tub (at Pete's residence) and would request they be naked. Pete would discuss life's struggles with (him) and talk about masturbation. Pete would explain that if (the boy) would masturbate with him in his hot tub then there would be no lust and therefore (the boy) would not be sinning."

The boy told Roberts he and Newman masturbated together 10 times over a four-year period.

The sex went further than masturbation with another teenager, according to the report. After beginning with the masturbation sessions with the 13-year-old, the report said, "Pete started masturbating (the boy) and (the boy) would then masturbate Pete." That led to oral sex when the boy turned 15.

Newman allegedly used the hot tub trick on a 14-year-old, again resulting in mutual masturbation sessions.

When the Sheriff's Department began contacting former campers from other states, they heard more disturbing stories. Parents from Tennessee told the deputy their son, who was 14 at the time, reported engaging in the same type of activity with Newman.

Roberts described Newman's tactics, saying Newman became close to boys aged 11 to 15, hung out with them, gained their parents' trust, then beginning slowly with the hot tub and leading to sexual experiences. Roberts referred to it as "the grooming process" used by sexual offenders.

Charges have also been filed against Newman in Durango, Colo. From the Durango Herald:

He is suspected of sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust in La Plata County. He faces numerous charges in Missouri for allegedly sexually assaulting boys, and other states are considering similar charges.

Newman was employed as a director with Kanakuk Kamps for about 10 years. The incident in La Plata County occurred in September 2008 at Kanakuk's K-Colorado campus near Vallecito. The local children's camp is now under new name and ownership.


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    he shoulda stuck to adultery.

  2. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Like Roy Blunt?

  3. Anonymous8:27 AM


    I hope you are enjoying the hot tub at the Southeast Correctional Center in Charleston, Missouri.

  4. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Let him rot! I hope he's getting a good dose of his own medicine!

  5. Anonymous6:52 PM

    No amount of misery he ever suffers will PALE in comparison to the misery he caused in SO MANY LIVES! It's impossible to calculate the far-reaching effects and numbers of people. The public only knows of but a fraction of his evil....Throw away the key!

  6. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Yeah, and the Kanakup Kristian Kamp is still holding their head high and charging kids for a nice religious experience.

    It should be closed down, no questions asked, just close it.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      They have not have another event like this ever, and they are taking so many precautions and setting up so many rules so that it will never happen again. They also have helped so many of my friends come to Jesus. I know what he did was terrible but it is not the kamps fault.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      They have put so many rules and regulations in place that this will never happen again. Also the kamp has brought so many of my friends to Jesus

  7. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Onward Christian warriors. You give good cover to these types and you're too stupid to keep them out.

    You'll buy anything or you wouldn't be writing checks to some church camp or anything religious. You bring this on yourselves by trusting every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes along talkin' the talk.

    Churches are con jobs. They are a haven for the evil ones. I won't let my kids near these places.

  8. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Have to laugh at how a Jew homosexual taught all these Christian Zionist families how to channel their gaywad sons' inner homosexual.

    Yes, onward 'Christian' Zionists. It wasn't Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghanis, or Iranians who taught your idiot sons to become as confused in their sexual orientation as you are in your religious orientation.

  9. Anonymous2:39 PM

    WRONG.....He is in Jefferson City. Look it up you crazies.

  10. Pete i used to know you so close. You did the same with my family i guess i was lucky i lived so far away. I thought you were a good guy but i guess i have poor judgment. Im glad you confesed but im also unhappy that you had anything to confess. As for Kanakuk ill see you next year. I just hope i have a better since on judgment.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Ure still going back?? It’s not just this guy. It’s built into the camp. Google the petition…

  11. Pete i used to know you so well. Every year i looked foward to going to camp and seeing you. You entrusted my family just like the others. I guess i am just lucky i live so far away. You were my friend and im glad you confessed i just wish that you had nothing to confess. As for Kanakuk ill see you next year. Mabie this time i will have a better since of judgment. Im sorry to say you got what you diserved but it is true and now i hope you are happy with all you have done. Have a good life in prison and mabie ill see you in heaven if god will forgive you for what you have done.

  12. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Pete changed my life when I was a Kanakuk counselor and I will always remember what he taught me. Remember, Christians are imperfect people serving a perfect God. We all have sin, and all sin has consequences. Pete was a hero for thousands of adults and children, including me. My heart breaks for Pete and his family. Pray.
