Saturday, October 30, 2010

Housewives give $5,000 to BIlly Long

The money keeps pouring in for Republican Seventh District Congressional candidate Billy Long.

A 48-hour report filed today with the FEC, shows Long received another $15,200 today, including $5,000 from two women whose occupation was reported as "housewife."

Long's contributors are listed below:

Genen PAC, $1,500
Edward Jones PAC $1,000
Camilla Brauer, Bridgeton, housewife, $1,200
Stephen Brauer, Bridgeton, $1,200
Mark Haseltine, Springfield, attorney, $1,000
ARDA ROC PAC, $2,500
Amerian Medical Association PAC, $2,000
David Barklage, Cape Girardeau, political consultant $1,000
Shelley Riddle, Lee's Summit, housewife, $3,800


  1. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Is there something we're supposed to conclude by housewives contributing to political campaigns? My wife is one who contributes to them. She does so out of concern for our family, our children's future, and politicians effect on our way of life at all levels. I'm not sure why else they would be singled out....

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Usually when a 'housewife' contributes it is at the direction of her husband.

    go though Long's FEC contribution list and see how many "housewife" names you recognize.

    I'm too tired to show you the way.

  3. Anonymous8:20 PM

    You're telling me Mr. Turner had to mention this specific group of people because it's some sort of class of people who don't think for themselves, and only do things at the direction of their husbands? Really? I think that's a sexist way of thinking.

  4. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Something else that just came to mind, if we're going to assume that housewives give at the command of their husband, why do we not assume married, working women do so too? Are they somehow different than housewives and therefore do not, as you assert, give politically at the command of their spouse?

  5. Anonymous7:53 AM

    After 8 years of Bush/Cheney/Rove, most married couples need a two income just to keep even.

    Mrs. wife of rich Republican may very identify herself as a 'housewife' on the FEC form, it would look too tacky to put down society matron, junior leaguer, or rich bitch.

  6. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Strippers for Long?

  7. Anonymous9:14 AM

    So despite us living in a 980 sq. foot, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage home with only 1 TV that was manufactured in 1987 and doing with no home phone and one cell phone to share between my wife and I, because we think there's more important things to give our children than material possessions and have both parents away from home working, and just because she chooses to contribute to Republicans, she's either not able to think for herself like working women do, she only contributes because I command it, or she's a "society matron", "junior leaguer", or a "rich bitch"? I sure hope Mr. Turner didn't single out housewives for the reasons his commenters do. How about it Mr. Turner?

  8. Anonymous2:46 PM

    did you people not just watch jon stuart's rally??!!
    we need to quit being so mean! nothing happens good if we keep butting heads.
