Monday, October 25, 2010

Kinder: Vote yes on Amendment 3

In a news release issued today, Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder encourages Missourians to vote for Amendment 3:

“As the economy continues to take a toll on families across Missouri, our state, county and city governments must live within their means,” Lt. Governor Kinder said. Balancing a budget by placing unfair taxes on Missourians is NOT how government should be doing business. That is why I am urging all Missourians to vote YES on Constitutional Amendment 3.”

Passage of Amendment 3 on the November ballot will prevent the state, counties and cities from imposing any new tax on the sale or transfer of homes or real estate.

“In January, I promised in my party’s response to the State of the State address that we would hold the line on taxes. However, talk is not enough,” Lt. Governor Kinder said. “That is why I am taking an active role in encouraging Missourians to vote YES on Amendment 3 to prevent tax increases in many areas of our state.”
In Missouri, families and businesses already pay property taxes on all real estate. Amendment 3 will prevent any further double taxation in our hometowns.

Lt. Governor Kinder, the state’s Official Senior Advocate also urged seniors to vote YES on Amendment 3.

“Often, wording on election ballots can be trcky or confusing. It’s important to remember that a YES vote will ensure that you won’t have to pay additional taxes on any of your property, no matter where you live in Missouri,” Lt. Governor Kinder said.

In 2008, Lt. Governor Kinder led the fight to pass legislation protecting Missouri’s senior and disabled citizens from the threat of rising property taxes. Mandatory rollbacks have helped ensure Missouri seniors can stay in their homes without greater financial burdens.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    The more I hear from Peter Kinder, the better I like Jay Nixon.
