Monday, November 01, 2010

Richard tops area legislators in lobbyists' gifts for September

Only two of the six Joplin-area representatives accepted gifts from lobbyists in September, according to documents posted this morning on the Missouri Ethics Commission website.

The four term-limited representatives, Ed Emery, R-Lamar, Marilyn Ruestman, R-Joplin, Bryan Stevenson, R-Webb City; and Kevin Wilson, R-Neosho, did not accept any gifts.

Speaker of the House and soon to be senator Ron Richard, R-Joplin, accepted $184.71 in gifts, with most of that amount coming from a familiar area, insurance companies. Former Rep. Shannon Cooper, lobbying for the Missouri Insurance Coalition, treated Richard to a $134.29 dinner, while another former Rep. Gary Burton, R-Joplin, representing the Missouri Association of Insurance Agents, bought a $20.59 meal for Richard.

The only other Joplin-area representative to accept any gifts was Tom Flanigan, R-Carthage, who received a $26.14 meal.

For the year, Richard leads the legislators with $2,569.88 in gifts, followed by Mrs. Ruestman $1,505.19, Flanigan $1,020.77, Stevenson $760.06, Wilson $426.11; and Emery $402.14.


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Get ready for 8 more years of this. Old Ronnie is gonna ride them lobbyists like they are rented mules.

  2. Anonymous4:24 PM

    $2569.88 divided by 10 months equals $256.98 per month.

    Looks like Ronnie has found a way to increase his net income by another $250.00+ per month.

    I guess that is not net because he has got to pay state and federal income tax on it. Just how do you report hthat on a 1040?

    What do you wanna bet he increases the monthly average beginning in January, 2011.

    Flanigan, you need to pick up the pace.

    Marilyn, who you gonna get to replace your little take?

  3. Anonymous5:10 PM

    And you thought his motivation was just getting out of the Bowling Alley? This is a money deal, but more importantly a Power deal. Why don't we wake up and quit supporting incumbants who build these war chests spending our tax dollars. Can't we find another Bowling Alley Manager to run for government. Maybe for a couple of years, they'll remember what it is like to clean the restrooms.
